*Listening to Sorry by Justin Bieber*
Congratulations to b00k_nerd01 for spotting the reference first
It was from Finding Nemo
The song with Dory singing "just keep swimming"
You get a pat on the back *pats you*
And congrats to anyone else who got the reference *shakes your hand*
And congrats to those who didn't get it *hands you movie* go watch it
Nathaniel blinked up at the princess who sent him a caring smile. He got up from off the sea floor before turning away signifying that he didn't have any intentions of discussing his issue with the blonde. "It's nothing you have to worry about Princess Chloe..."
"Oh poor poor Nathaniel..."Chloe placed a hand on his shoulder. "As princess of the sea and heir to the thrown, I have to look out for all of my subjects." The blonde put a hand under his chin and turned his head to face her. "That means you too."
Nathaniel cringed slightly at how close she was, but found her touch to be a bit comforting, given his current situation.
"That also means Marinette." She continued and released him from her hold. "I've been meaning to apologize to her for my little scene at my party awhile ago. You wouldn't happen to know where she is would you?"
Nathaniel's eyes widen and another flash of pain crossed his face as he looked down. "Sh..she's doing f..fine. You don't have to worry about her..." The red headed male replied sadly.
"Oh? Why's that?" When Nathaniel stayed silent Chloe continued. "Well a little fishy did tell me that our sweet Marinette has fallen in love with someone and judging by that sad look on your wasn't you...was it?"
Nathaniel's head shot up and he stared at the princess wide eyed with a shocked look. " did you know?"
"Like I said Nathaniel.....I look out for ALL my subjects." The princess said with a smile. "I want Marinette to be happy, so I thought about helping her win the heart of whoever the lucky merman is." Nathaniel's eyes shifted at the word 'merman.' "Is something wrong?" Chloe asked when she noticed his eyes shifting.
"I...well..." Nathaniel couldn't get the words he wanted out. Marinette has already gotten into trouble once for doing something related to humans. What would happen if Chloe found out that she fell for one? Then again, he couldn't let Marinette be with a human either. They were dangerous creatures and he loved her too much to have her fall into the hands of one of those land dwellers.
"I know it's upsetting." Chloe pressed on. "Knowing that the girl you've been chasing is in love with another, but in the end you have to think about her happiness and let her g--"
"I CAN'T!" Nathaniel shouted in frustration. "I CAN'T LET HER BE WITH A HUMAN!"
Chloe's eyes widen and Sabrina gasped. Nathaniel realizing his mistake covered his mouth.
Oh no!
"Marinette is in love with a human?" Sabrina asked in shock.
"Interesting...." Chloe thought. "This is gonna be better than i thought!
"Nathaniel..." She spoke in her sickeningly sweet voice. "You're going to have to tell me more about this."
"But...But I"
"'s okay." The blonde said trying to get the merman to relax. "I won't tell my father."
" won't?" The green merman was clearly surprised.
"Of course not." The princess said in a cheerful voice to convince him further. "I'm just as concern as you are. You're right, she can't fall for a human, it's much too dangerous." She put both hands on his shoulders. "I will do everything in my power to make sure Marinette is safe, but you have to tell me everything."
Nathaniel sighed, his concern for the blunette over weighed his reasoning of whether or not the Princess' sincerity was true. "Okay...I'll tell you..."
Dammit Nathaniel...
Ik I'm late but I wanted to ask. How was everyone's Halloween.
Mines sucked.
At least I got to spend time with my Puddin 😍😘😙😚😗💓💞💟💗💖💕💝
Lol see y'all soon
Blurose is out ✌
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