*listening to I'm Gonna Love You by Sofia Carson*
*Looks at audience* oh hello there.
Did you enjoy that cliffhanger?
I know I did.
*Sips on more eggnog* Man I've missed this.
Nino carried a sack filled with his belongings as he made his way to the docks to leave on the next ship heading out of the Kingdom.
He had already given his farewells to Kim, Mylene, and the others at the castle. He was ready to leave this place and start a new life for himself.
The brunette decided he had put up with his suffering for too long. This place held to many memories of his deceased mother and his no good father and he didn't want to be reminded of them any longer.
The only reason he hadn't left already was because of Adrien, but now all the blonde cares about is making his newly engaged fiancee happy and it's changed him entirely.
Maybe the Prince will come to his senses, maybe Nino will return for old time sakes, but for now, he needed a way out.
Nino walked on to the ship and sat his bag down next to a barrel that he took a seat on.
"Do you really need to go?" He looked over at Max who gave him a serious look. "I understand that you want to start over, but there's ways to do that here you know?"
Nino chuckled. "Yeah, but I'll never be able to do that here with all of these bad reminders. The only reason I even stayed in this stupid Kingdom was for a friend, but he doesn't need me anymore." The brunette sighed. "There's nothing holding me back now."
"Where are you heading?"
"Anywhere. Just as long as it's not here. Who knows...I may come back, but for now, I need to get away."
Alya swam under water heading in the direction of the docks near the rocky beach where she remembers seeing the boy when he found her.
She was still a little distance from it, but close enough to see the humans, just far enough for them not to notice her.
She looked around observing each human as she tried to trigger some spark of familiarity with one of them, desperately trying to search for the boy who could help them.
Alya finally saw him on one of the boats that were slowly making it's way away from the port.
With a determined glint in her eyes she followed the ship.
Nino cringed as he was suddenly smacked on the back and he heard the unbearable sound of Clyde's voice.
"Hey loser, where you heading off too?" The blonde snickered.
"None of your business Clyde..." Nino groaned.
"Aww really? I'm just curious."
"What do you want?"
"Well as soon as I heard that you were leaving your crew this morning. I decided to go ahead and take your place."
Nino raised an eyebrow at him. "Why?"
"You guys get the bigger catches each day. Bigger catch means bigger payday." The blonde snickered. "Enjoy you're last ride on this boat cause you'll be spending it with me until you leave."
"Well isn't this just my lucky day..." Nino said sarcastically.
Alya swam after the ship as fast as her fins could take her. Unbeknownst, she had caught the attention of another sea life along the way that began to follow her.
She went back up to the surface to try to get a better look at the ship and where Nino was, he was still on the side of the ship talking to another human.
"Hey!" Alya shouted cupping her hands around her mouth. "Hello!"
Nino hearing the faint sound of a woman's voice turned around. His eyes widen when he had indeed spotted a woman swimming out in the ocean. Before he could recognize her his heart jumped in fear at the sight of a shark fin slowly making it's way towards her.
"Behind you! Watch out!"
Alya blinked confused, but turned around and gasped at the sight of a shark fin heading her way. Before the creature could take a bite she dived back into the water dodging the attack and swam away.
Nino couldn't help but feel excitement along with his fear as he spotted the bright orange tail on the woman as she dived back down into the water.
It must be her!
Clyde who was watching the display as well asked in utter confusion. "What the heck is that?!"
Ignoring the boy Nino began to take action. "Pedestrian overboard and a shark sighting." He shouted to the crew. "Bring a net and prepare the harpoons!"
His crew took action at the urgent request as they realized someone's life was at stake.
Nino and Theo dragged a net over to the side of the ship as a few other sailors prepared to throw their harpoon at the approaching shark.
Alya swam in a circle, she swam up, down and diagonally trying to lose the shark. She headed towards the ship and looked behind her to see that the great white was gaining on her.
She wasn't going to make it.
She saw her life flash before her eyes as the vicious shark gained speed and was about to take a bite out of her. Before it could something shot into the water from above the surface impaling the creature.
The blood of the beast began to paint the water red and another shot was fired which finally killed the monster.
Alya was directly beside the ship frozen in shock at the brutal display. She snapped out of it when something fell on top of her trapping her fin and she struggled to escape.
The Auburn haired mermaid was being pulled out of the water by Nino and Theo who had caught in their net and proceeded to bring her on to the ship.
Nino reached out and held the mermaid in his arms gently bringing her over the edge and setting her on the floor of the boat.
Alya was struggling to get the net off of her when she saw Nino's had reach out towards her she flinched.
"I..it's okay." He said calmly. "I just want to help."
Alya relaxed a little and allowed the brunette to remove the net which previously had her trapped.
Alya was able to move more freely, but was still unable to move due to her being out of the water. Her heart stopped when a few of the sailors slowly began to approach her.
"Is she really a...?"
"How can this be?"
"The legends are true?"
"This...this is impossible." Max stated. "This is scientifically IMPOSSIBLE."
Theo grinned. "Didn't I tell you guys?! I was right all along! So HA!!"
Alya felt her anxiety increased at how close the humans were too her she was beginning to feel the stress taking over again.
She'd much rather be with the shark right now.
"Guys give her some room!" Nino shouted gesturing for the crew to step back. He stepped back a few feet himself noticing the uncomfortable look on the orange mermaid's face.
Alya was able to breathe a little better but still had her guard up in case they tried anything funny.
"We're not going to hurt you." Nino tried to say in a soothing tone. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you."
When she didn't speak he continued. "Um...my name's Nino. You kind of...heh..hit me across the nose with a rock yesterday." He chuckled. "So...what's your name? Can you speak?"
Alya blinked, he was being so gentle and calm it almost threw her off her guard. As if he was trying not to scare her away like last time, not that she could go anywhere at the moment.
"My..my name is Alya." She finally said. "I came looking for you, cause I need your help."
Nino was surprised to hear this. "My help?"
"Yes I was told you'd be the only one who could. It's kind of a long story..."
"I'm listening."
"Well to make it as short as possible. Both of our friends are in danger, your friend Adrien and my friend, Marinette. You may know her, blue hair, blue eyes?"
"Yes I know Marinette, how is she and Adrien in danger."
"There's a sea witch known as Hawkmoth. He has the Prince under a spell making him believe that Lila is his true love."
Nino's eyes widen. Now that he thought about it that would explain why Adrien was acting so weird back at the castle. "Why is he doing this?"
"I'm not entirely sure...for some reason he needs her to take over the entire ocean and if Marinette doesn't kiss the Prince before the sun sets today she turns back and she'll become his prisoner forever." Tears started to fall out of Alya's eye's as she pleaded. "Please...you have to help me save her.....save them both!"
Nino clutched his fist, angry at himself for nearly abandoning his best friend not realizing that he had been in danger this whole time.
"Don't worry, we'll save Marinette and Adrien." Nino made his way over to Alya. "Let me help you get back into the water."
"Woah woah woah what do you think you're doing?" Clyde said in a harsh tone. "Who cares about the Prince? Don't you idiots realize we have the opportunity of a lifetime right before our eyes?!"
"What the heck are you talking about Clyde?" Nino groaned.
"A mystical creature that no one has ever seen that was said to not exist just comes out of nowhere and you're just gonna let it get away?" Clyde asked confused. "We could make a fortune off of her! A FORTUNE! Do you have any idea how many people would come from across the globe just to have a glance at this thing?"
"You really are a sick dude." Nino spat in disgust. "People's lives are in danger and all you care about is getting paid? You may not know him, but Adrien is our friend and he's my BEST friend. We're going to save him."
Clyde looked around noticing all the glares that he was receiving, realizing he was on his own he scoffed. "Forget you guys, that just means more cash for me." Clyde reached out and grabbed Alya by her arm.
"Get OFF OF ME!" In a fit of rage Alya bit him on his arm.
"AHHH! WHY YOU LITTLE-" He was about to strike her when he was suddenly knocked on the ground after being punched square in the jaw by Nino.
"I'm not going to let you lay another hand on her." The brunette spat. "If you think about trying that again you're going to have to go through me first!"
Theo and Max grabbed the blonde off the ground and proceeded to take him below deck. He would be dropped off back at the port.
Nino bent down and scooped the girl in his arms sitting her on the edge so she could jump back into the water.
"No problem...oh and one more thing."
"Ow!" Nino had pinched the girl on the arm. "Why in the ocean did you do that?!"
"Payback.....For my broken nose." Nino said gesturing to his face.
Alya rolled her eyes. "Fine whatever just follow me." She jumped back into the water.
"Turn the ship around and bring the sails up Dudes!" Nino shouted. "We got a wedding to crash!"
*Singing Fancy by Iggy Azalea*
I'm so hungryyy
You already knooow
I'm really craviiiing
Some food from Tokyo.
I'm so hungryyy
That's why I'm singing this sooong
I'd really like toooo
Sip on more eggnoooog.
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