Here it is.....the moment we've all been waiting for....the final chapter to Miraculous Mermaid
Moment of silence pls.....
Future Self: B**** get on with it already!!
No respect at all 😑
Nino was deep in thought as he strolled along watching everyone of the town folk that came passing by.
He couldn't stop thinking about his best friend and how bad he felt for him that he and Marinette could never be together.
Nino felt a similar sadness when he thought of Alya who was also a mermaid. He wasn't in love with her, but he did feel like he was heading in that direction more and more each time she saw him even if she did seem weary of him for the fact that he was human.
The fact that Alya was a mermaid didn't prevent Nino from being able to see her, since he worked at the docks he spent most of his days by the ocean no matter what and that made him happy
If only there was a way for his friends to be happy too.
Nino wasn't looking where he was going accidentally bumping into someone in the street.
He looked down at who he thought to be a small child, but inste ad was an elderly man.
"Oh I'm so sorry Du- I mean sir! I wasn't looking where I was going." Nino reached a hand out to the man who took it as he got off the ground with a smile.
The elderly man looked up at the brunette. "A lot on your mind dear boy?"
"Heh...I guess you could say that..."
"Would you like to tell?"
"Honestly you wouldn't believe me if I did tell you." Nino said with a chuckle.
The man shrugged. "Oh well, I guess mermaids are on the side of fiction in most people's eyes. I can understand why you think that way."
"Yeah I...." Nino's eyes widen at the old man's words. "Wait...h..how did you-?"
The man's smile widen. "Hello Nino my name is Fu." The old man answered. "Why don't we go for a little walk. I feel that we have much to discuss."
Marinette sat in a coral bed starring at the ring on her finger that she had received from Adrien. She blushed as her heart began to race remembering his words from before.
I love you Marinette and I'll never stop loving you. No matter how far apart we are you'll always be my princess.
The blunette covered her face with her hands as it was beginning to turn as red as her fins.
She knew that he was being sincere and that he meant every word, but she couldn't help but wonder if Adrien said what he said cause he felt that he needed to say it. To try to assure her that he would always be hers even when they were apart.
The ring now being a symbol of their love reminding Marinette that she would always have a place in his heart and will forever stay there.
Together, but apart. So close, yet so far. Were they to continue like this forever?
Was it really enough?
"Hey Mar you alright?"
Marinette looked over at her best friend Alya and sighed. "To be honest...I'm not sure."
The dark skinned mermaid sat next to her friend "Well at least you're being honest." She said bumping Marinette's shoulder in a friendly way.
Marinette smiled and looked back at the ring on her hand. "It's just.... I'm happy that Adrien loves me and I truly believe that he does given everything that's happened, but I can't help, but feel that he and I will never truly be together given the circumstances...."
Alya thought for a second. "Have you talked to Adrien about this?"
"No I don't want him to feel bad about this whole thing or anything. I just wish this all wasn't so complicated."
"Do you regret meeting Adrien?"
"No of course not."
"Then just enjoy the time you have with him and stop worrying about the complications. I may not be an expert on relationships or anything, but I do know that you'll regret it if you spend most of your time with him worrying about the future instead of enjoying the present."
Marinette blinked as she took in everything Alya was saying. "I guess you're right."
"Girl I AM right." Alya said bluntly. "Besides with all the crazy things I've seen lately we never know what could happen, the future just might end up surprising us."
Alya and Marinette swam towards the surface for they're frequent meet ups with Adrien and Nino. They had arrived a little earlier than usual so they relaxed on the shore still close enough to the water to allow the waves to tumble over their fins.
It wasn't long before they heard footsteps and turned to see Nino coming from around the corner.
"Hey ladies." He greeted.
Alya gave a nod towards the boy and Marinette smiled.
"Hi Nino." Marinette's smile began to disappear when she realized the Prince was not with him. "Adrien's not coming today?"
"Oh he is he just got held up with something at the castle, but there's someone else who needed to see you."
Marinette raised an eyebrow slightly confused. "Who?"
Around the corner a small elderly man holding a cane appeared and Marinette almost gasped realizing who it was.
"You're the man that I met in town that day."
"Hello again dear. I see you've gotten your voice back." He said with a smile. "You're tail as well."
"Wait...who is this guy?" Alya asked.
"My name is Fu. It's very nice to meet you."
"Not that it isn't good to see you, but why did you come here?" Marinette asked curiously.
"I've come to grant you a wish, something that you truly desire." Fu spoke.
"I'm afraid there isn't much you could do....." Marinette said sadly.
"On the contrary, you just might be surprised. You see dear Hawkmoth's magic wasn't the only magic that exist in these worlds, but just like his all magic comes with a price so you have to choose wisely."
"Wait are you saying....that you can make me human so I could be with Adrien?" Marinette asked with hope etched in her voice.
"Is that what you desire?"
Marinette looked back at her best friend. "Alya....I.."
"Go for it." The orange mermaid said with a smile. "You deserve to be happy Marinette."
Marinette smiled, but a thought came to her mind as she turned back to the man. "Am I going to have to lose my voice again?"
Fu chuckled. "Not at all, but there is one thing you'll need if you wish to become human."
"What's that?"
"Another human, you must find someone who is willing to trade their legs for your tail in order for you to become human." Fu took out a shell from his pocket. "When you find them the both of you must place your hand on this shell, but it will only work if they truly want to switch places with you."
Marinette took hold of the shell staring at it. "How and where am I going to find someone to switch places with me?"
"And it's not like you can ask around either." Alya spoke.
Nino thought for a moment as if he was contemplating something that was in his head and he looked over at the old man who was looking back at him expectantly waiting for his response.
Nino smiled as he came to a conclusion of what needed to be done.
"I think I know someone who might be willing..." He said.
Adrien finally managed to sneak out of the castle unnoticed and was walking along the beach on the way to see Marinette.
He tried his best not to seem upset, but the further he walked the harder it seemed to do so.
Why didn't I tell her what was going on yesterday, it's not like I can keep this a secret for long, eventually it's going to be harder to leave the castle.
Adrien knew he didn't want Marinette to worry he wanted to make sure she knew that he would always be hers no matter what happens he didn't want her to have the slightest amount of doubt about it.
Adrien looked down at the red carnation in his hand remembering how much the blunette admired the plant when they were in town.
I'll tell her one of these days, but for now I'm just going to enjoy the time I have with Marinette.
The thought of seeing the red mermaid was able to bring a smile on the boy's face as he began to walk a little faster towards his destination.
He was only a few minutes away when he heard the familiar voice that made his heart race.
Hearing Marinette's voice the Prince looked towards the water thinking she was there, but didn't see anything.
"I'm...over here."
Adrien looked over as he saw a figure come from behind one of the large rocks that rested on the beach. His heart stopped at the sight and a million questions began to pop in his head as the carnation dropped from his fingers.
Marinette was standing on the beach. STANDING. As in on two feet with legs.
Adrien was sure that he was dreaming.
"Marinette....is that....really you?"
Marinette smiled and nodded as she gripped the bottom of the knee-length dress that she was wearing. Adrien's heart soared when she began to make her way over to him her steps were wobbled at first, but once she was able to find her balance she ran the rest of the way jumping into the Prince's arms who returned the embrace.
"H..How is this possible?" Adrien asked nearly in tears. "How are you a human again?"
Marinette looked up at the Prince still holding on tight. "I had some help." She said looking towards the water.
Adrien followed her gaze looking into the ocean as his eyes widened to something even more shocking.
Alya's head popped out of the water and she made her way closer to shore, she looked back at the water behind her and another head came up into the surface.
"Heh...Hey Dude." Nino said with a slight chuckle. Nino's legs were no longer present as they were now replaced with a bright blue fish tail.
Nino was now a merman.
"What happened to you?" The blonde asked as he got on the ground to face his friend and Marinette followed suit.
"Long story short I switched places with Marinette."
"Why not? You and Marinette deserve to be happy Adrien and this way I'm able to start my life over like I wanted. Plus I think life under the sea would be pretty sweet considering the possibilities." Nino gestured over to Alya who simply rolled her eyes once she realized what he was talking about.
Adrien smiled at his friend as he laughed. He brought up his fist and the Nino did the same bringing them together "You really are an amazing friend Nino."
The brunette shrugged. "I try my best." His gaze went over to Marinette. "Take care of this guy for me will ya? He's pretty much hopeless without me."
Marinette smiled. "And I'm sure you'll be good to Alya here." She placed a hand on her friend's shoulder. "She means everything to me."
Alya threw her arms around the blunette as a tear fell from her eye. "I'm gonna miss you so much. You better make sure you come back often girl. Tikki and Rose will still want to see you too." She pulled away and faced the Prince giving him somewhat of an intimidating look. "And you...."
Before Adrien could react the orange mermaid grabbed him by the shirt. "If I come back here and find out you did ANYTHING to hurt Marinette? I will END you! Got that?"
Adrien sweat dropped, but nodded and the Auburn haired mermaid released him.
Nino and Alya went back into the water, they looked back at their friends one last time waving goodbye before submerging into the water.
Marinette waved back watching them dived together under the water. Adrien got up off the ground and extended his hand to her. She graciously took it.
"Come on Princess." He said. "Let's go home."
From a distance Fu watched as the couple made their way towards the castle hand in hand.
He smiled. "Those two really are made for each other."
Stay tuned for my final authors notes for this story along with news for new stories in the future.
Merry Christmas and Happy New years everyone!!
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