Guys!! Have you heard this cover to Poor Unfortunate Soul??
IT'S THE S***!
Alya swam around the coast as fast as she could away from the human. Her heart was racing a mile a minute at how close he had gotten to her and it scared her to pieces. She knew she couldn't go to far from the beach in case Tikki came back waiting for her, but she was scared that the human would go get one of his ships and possibly try to hunt her down, she had to stay hidden.
"Hi Alya." The Auburn haired mermaid screamed, it was so loud she could've sworn the entire ocean shook from it. "Alya it's me!" Tikki shouted confused by the mermaid's sudden freak out. "Just calm down....breathe..."
Alya let out the breath she was holding before putting her face in her hands. "I don't know if I can do this Tikki....I have never been this stressed out in my life and have you EVER known ME of all mermaids for getting STRESSED??!"
"What happened?" The fish asked.
"A human saw me Tikki, a HUMAN! He actually GRABBED me! I barely got away I was TERRIFIED!"
"Oh no! Did he hurt you?!" Tikki asked worriedly.
"N..No.....actually...I'm not sure if he had even planned to to be honest, I was just so freaked out I ended up hitting him in the face with a rock just to get away."
"Yeah...I'm just glad it's over." Alya sighed and decide to ask the question that was on her mind. "So where did you head off too anyway?"
"The Prince is taking Marinette out around the Kingdom today. I found a river that leads into town, that way we can be close by in case she needs us." Tikki spotted a round object in Alya's hand. "What's that?"
"I don't know." Alya said bringing it into view. "I....found it in Marinette's cavern."
Tikki's eyes widen when she realized that it was Marinette's Wo-yo. Didn't Plagg say that it could cast love spells? "We need to get this to Plagg so he can take it to Marinette." Tikki started to swim back to the beach, stopping when she noticed that Alya wasn't following her. "What's wrong Alya?"
"I...I can't go back up there. W..What if that human is still there?" Alya having been so close to a human for the first time was starting to fully understand the danger of their situation. She was willing to go with this whole thing at first, but now.....
"It's okay Alya, you stay down here. I'll give the Wo-Yo to Plagg. For now, I think it's best if you stay here anyway. The river isn't shallow enough for you and it might be bad if that human you saw recognizes you." The orange mermaid nodded handing the round object to Tikki who carried it in her fins.
As Tikki swam away Alya couldn't help but wonder what her main fear was....being captured by humans or losing her best friend...
While Plagg was heading down to the beach, he passed Nino who had his head up while holding the bridge of his nose. By the looks of it he seemed to be in a lot of pain. The brunette put his head back down and spotted the black feline. "Oh...hey Plagg.." he greeted before continuing his way over to the docks. Plagg raised an eyebrow wondering what happened to the brunette, but shook the thought away once he realized he didn't care....Nino didn't share his cheese bread with him.
The black cat went over to the rocky part of the shores where he was oh so familiar with and sat on his usual rock as he waited for Tikki. As he licked his paw he couldn't help but wonder how life would be like on land if Marinette were to become human. He'd most likely be able to get her to get him more cheese. While the black feline was swimming in his thoughts a tiny red fish came swimming in his direction.
"Well good morning angel fish, took you awhile." He greeted, his brow raised slightly when Tikki swam below the water, a second later she brought back up the Wo-yo with her. "Ah you found it. Fish legs is going to need this on her outing today." Plagg took the Wo-yo in his teeth and set it aside.
"Alya brought it here." Tikki responded.
"She did huh? Where is she by the way?"
"She doesn't want to come back up. A human spotted her while she was up on the surface, she hit him in the face with a rock before swimming back down below."
Plagg blinked as he suddenly remembered Nino walking by holding his nose in pain and the cat laughed at the situation. "Hahahaha!! Serves him right! Maybe he should think before denying me cheese again."
Tikki blinked. "What?"
"Nevermind. I'll get this to Marinette before they ride off."
"Okay, I spotted a river that goes into town, I'll be in the water." Tikki swam below as Plagg picked up the Wo-yo in his mouth and pounced over towards the castle.
Nino headed back to the docks gripping his nose as he groaned in pain. He passed by Plagg once again wandering on the beach and made his way further down to reach the docks. When he finally made it, the crew was still working on unloading and reloading ships. Max who was counting crates saw him approach their boat.
"Hey Max." Nino called. "Where Kim go?"
"He went to go start his royal guard duties at the castle. Are you feeling any bet-?" He stopped noticing the brunette's bleeding nose. "What happened to your-"
"Long story. You won't believe me if I told you. TRUST ME." Nino looked around as if he was searching for someone. "Where's Theo?"
Max made a face before pointing over to the ship. "He's up there sewing one of the nets back together. Be careful what you say to him though, one wrong word will ignite him to go on his false belief about mermaids again..."
"Not as false as you might think Max..." Nino thought before walking on to the ship grabbing a nearby rag to try to stop the bleeding from his nose, he would most likely have to get a bandage for it. The boy spotted Theo sitting on a barrel tying a net back together.
Nino approached him. "Hey Theo."
Theo was about to return the greeting until he caught sight of the boy's nose. "Uhhh...."
"I know my nose is broken, long story I rather not talk about it yadda yadda." Nino sighed. "I wanted to ask you something."
"Um...sure...what is it?"
"It's about........mermaids." Theo brighten at his answer and Nino continued. "I wanted to know how much you knew about them, because I'm starting to believe that you might've been right."
"Of course I'm right! Only non-believers can't see the truth." Theo glared in Max's direction. "So what did you want to know?"
"I want to know everything you know." Nino grabbed a barrel sliding it next to the man before taking a seat. "Let's start with this: You wouldn't happen to know if a mermaid can become you?"
Sorry for the late update
You got to admit I've been doing pretty good so far though.
I have Friday Saturday and Sunday's updates published on time.
Even if i did miss the update for a miraculous world 😔
Anyways I think things are getting pretty exciting don't you?
Next chapter we'll finally have Marinette and Adrien go on their outing together!
Oh who am I kidding IT'S A FREAKING DATE!!
Don't look at me like that....YOU WERE ALL THINKING IT!!!
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