Future Selves
Summery - The Miraculous duo gets a visit from their....future selves?!
Marinette's POV
"Hello M'Lady." I rolled my eyes.
"Hello kitty." Me and Chat were patrolling tonight. The city was peaceful. It's nice that everything can be like this. No akumas, school, Chloe.
I looked over to see a particular hole in the air.
I was shocked. This wasn't normal.
I nudged Chat, "C-chat look."
He had the same reaction as I did. I got up and prepared myself for the fight. I jumped from building to building with Chat behind me.
I saw two familiar people. One was a women and the other was a man. They were wearing the exact same suits as us.
They looked at us with smiles.
"Hello me." Said the women.
"WHO ARE YOU?" Said Chat.
"It's okay. We are not akumatized.
We are you from the future." Said the women.
The women bright face turned into a face with pain. She placed her hand over her stomach. Her stomach had a ...bump?
Is she pregnant?
The man next to her was holding her, "Babe, be careful so the baby would be okay."
Chat's shocked face turned into a smile.
Wait. Didn't they said they were us from the future?
I saw my Chat Noir smirk with the other Chat Noir. I went to talk to me from the future.
"U-uh hi me." She smiled.
"You're probably confuse." I nodded my head.
"Me and Ad---, I mean Chat fell into a portal. Surprisingly it lead us here."
I look at both me and Chat future selves. Chat was well build up, while I had bigger curves. My hair wasn't in my regular pig tails. Instead, it was down.
Chat's hair was still messy, but it looked cuter.
The future Chat spoke up, "Hello me. I want to talk to you alone." He was talking to Chat.
He had a smirk plastered all over him face.
Soon it was only me and well...me.
I soon noticed the bump my future self had, "A-are you pregnant?" Her smile brightens up even more.
I stood their shocked.
"Who's the dad?" I asked. "If I say, it won't be a surprise no more."
Chat's POV
I followed my future self.
He chuckled, "Well...if you count her carrying my child, and this ring on my finger, I guess we are."
My smile becomes bigger, "Her identity...well she's closer than you think without the mask. I was surprised when I found out, but she was still our lady."
My dream is coming true. I was like a kid who is inside a candy shop.
I glance over to see my future M'Lady talking to my M'Lady.
I noticed the future one had a baby bump.
She was still beautiful as ever. It was breath taking.
I saw my future self walk over to future ladybug, giving her a peck on the lips. I saw him whispered into her ear, she nodded.
"I guess our trip is over. We'll see you soon, bon voyage." She waved. I saw Chat rapped his hands around her waist smirking.
He waved back. They soon walked into the portal. The hike was soon gone.
I glanced at my M'Lady with a smirk on my face.
"I'm going to be a father in the future." She rolled her eyes.
"I feel bad for the unlucky girl."
I heard the sound that I hated most in the universe.
"Good night Chat." She turned around to leave, but I hold her into a embrace. Her back was facing my chest. I snuggled my face into her neck. "I want to know. Please. I want what our future selves had just a moment ago. I want you to carry my child like your future self had. I-i l-love you."
"C-chat...." I heard another beep come.
My hands was on her stomach. I wanted to feel that bump that the other ladybug had.
I felt her place her hands on my own hands, "Okay....I trust you."
She turned around. I heard another beep. I stared into her eyes. I was so lost in them, that I didn't hear the last beep.
I wrapped my hands around her waist and pulled her closer to me. I leaned my head. The space between us was closed.
She kissed back. The kiss was slow and passionate. I felt a whoosh of air in front of me.
I FEEL LIKE A LIAR. I rushed this chapter because I didn't post nothing yesterday. I was planning on writing chapters, but my plans were changed. So I rushed this one. And I didn't had time to write the chapter yesterday because I went somewhere and to the gym.
I already started working on another chapter that was requested to me. STAY TUNED.
I apologize for the short chapter
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