School day with Chat Noir?
1 hour until school. Marinette sighed as she grabbed her shampoo and conditioner, she turned on the shower, got undressed and stepped in. As she rubbed in the sweet smelling substances to her hair thoughts crossed her mind, what if Chat does show up today? What if he embarrasses me and i will never be able to see anyone ever again!?
Marinette slid into her seat and greeted her best friend with a fist bump, Alya pulled out her phone and started going on about the pictures she took of Ladybug and Chat Noir over a week ago. She then complained how she hadn't seen them since, "Maybe they change their meet up spots?" Marinette suggested. Of course she knew this was true but she couldn't tell her that she was Ladybug, its been 2 years and no one knows my identity yet...
8:30AM Marinette's pov
Maybe Chat was joking when he said he was coming to school?! Augh, who knows! He could-
Knock, knock, knock...
And I jinxed it.
"Hello everyone! Im just here to carry out a promise I made to someone... That someone is very special to me" Alya had now pulled out her phone.
"Im now going to walk over to that person and do what I usually do with her when I first walk in, I place her on m lap and play with her hair. You guys can continue the lesson!" I watched Chat smirk and walk around the left side of the room. He stopped right beside me, "Oh hello Chat Noir... What are you doing here?" I say through gritted teeth, "Ah, don't be shy purrrincess. We do this every night so why are you acting like we don't?"
I sigh as he picks me up and places me in his lap, he starts rubbing his head into the side of my neck, "minou... can you please stop... Im ugh.. trying... to..." He stops and acts mock hurt, "But purrrincess!" I sigh as I throw him over my shoulders, "What do I do when you annoy me?" I ask a grin makes it way on my face, "You throw me out of the... oh...." I giggle as I sit him on the window seal, "Are you sure- " "Im going to be fine.. now mph!" everyone gasps as Chat kisses me deeply. Slowly.. but ever so slowly i give him little pushes.
"HEY I WASN'T Ready!" His voice slowly trailed off and I walked to the door, "I gotta go save a certain kitty cat!" I say before running out of the room.
Lol this is how this would go!
Mari: Hey Chat im just walking to school today!
Chat: Lemme escort you there
Mari: What?? No.
Chat: (throws her over his shoulder) There we go purrrincess!
Mari: Chat put me down! (Hits his back) Please....
Chat: Nope! Oh and by the way we've been standing in your class for 5 minutes (Puts her down)
Mari: (sheepishly smiles) Oh look at the time, i need to kill at cat (glares at Chat)
Chat: Well! That's my cue to leave! See 'ya tonight purrrincess! (runs off)
Mari: GET BACK HERE YOU STUPID CAT!! (chases after him)
Alya: They would make a pretty cute couple...
Nino: What about Adrienette?
Alay: Forget that, MARICHAT FOR LIFE!!!
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