The Pharaoh
Leo's POV
I'm with Marinette with her and Tikki watching Ayla's latest Lady-Blog. "Freak out! What you got here is no ordinary book, it's a tenth grade history book. And I should know, 'cause I've got this very same book. Could our very own Ladybug be a high school student, in real life?" Ayla asks it zooms on Marinette's history book.
"Well you're doomed" I tell her.
"Not helping Leo" she tells me. "I told you from day one Tikki, I'm a total klutz" she whines.
"What's done is done; we can't change what happened. We can only move forward. Alya must not find out who you are. You know how persistent she can be with her blog totally dedicated to Ladybug" Tikki states.
"But how? Maybe I'm not cut out for this whole Ladybug thing" Marinette states.
"Honestly Marinette, you were chosen for a reason. We may not know that reason, but the person wasn't wrong choosing you" I tell her.
"Leo's right Marinette, you are the chosen one. It will all work out, trust me. Everyone has a past they can learn from" Tikki assures her. She types something on the computer and brings up a page of Egyptian pharaohs. "This will show you why" she states.
"An exhibition at the Louvre? On the pharaoh Tutankhamun? What does that have to do with my book and Alya?" Marinette asks her confused. I'm just as confused.
"You must persuade Alya to go there with you, and make sure she brings the book. You'll tell her you found out something about Ladybug" Tikki tells Marinette.
"Well I wish you luck with that" I tell Marinette.
"Wait, you aren't coming?" she asks me.
"Going to hang out with Rosalie, promised to help her with a history project. But we'll be at the museum if you need me" I assure her.
"Ok" she says and I left her with Tikki.
(Time skip)
"Thanks so much for helping me with this project Leo" Rosalie says as we as head for the Egyptian exhibit.
"Of course, anything for a friend" I tell her. "Besides it's the least I can do to thank you for the work experience with your photographer" I state.
"Isn't that Ayla and Marinette?" she asks pointing ahead of us. Ayla and Marinette are by an Egyptian papyrus. Ayla looks bored. Just then a guy pushes Marinette and I glare. No one messes with my sister. I start to head over and Rosalie follows me.
"Excuse me. There, as you know, the one with the scepter is Tutankhamun, the first. And there, opposite is Nefertiti, his princess. There are exactly one hundred mummies beside them. She died several years before him, and the sun god Ra took her as his goddess" the guy says. To Mr Kubdel the director of the exhibit.
"Yes, I know all that. I'm the director of this exhibition, remember?" he reminds the man.
"Then you also know that Tutankhamun wanted to bring his princess back to life, by offering the sun god a new wife. This seemed to illustrate the ritual he devised. Nobody has ever fully deciphered the hieroglyphics, but I have! It's a magic chant that needs to be recited in order to complete the ritual! I'm sure of it" the man states.
"Are you ok Marinette?" I ask.
"I'm fine" she assures me.
"Jalil, these types of frescoes are almost always the illustration for a legend. They called it a legend for a reason" Mr Kubdel says.
"That's what everyone thinks. But I know it's real. I can prove it" Jalil states.
"Really? Exactly how are you going to prove it?" Mr Kubdel asks.
"I just need to get my hands on Tutankhamun's scepter and recite the spell" Jalil states.
"Are you serious? Don't even think of touching that scepter. I'd lose my job on the spot. It's a priceless historical object! Not a toy!" Mr Kubdel shouts.
"Come on, dad! We have to try out the spell! What if Tutankhamun had found out how to bring people back to life?" Jalil asks him.
"Listen, Jalil! That's enough! Get your head out of those papyrus scrolls and focus on the real world! This one!" Mr Kubdel told him before leaving.
"You sure Jalil didn't hurt you Marinette?" I ask.
"I'm fine, really Leo" she assures me. "Hi Rosalie" she says with a smile.
"Hi Marinette, what brings you and Ayla here?" Rosalie asks as I look at the papyrus. I notice a figure that looks like an Egyptian version of ladybug. I blink rubbing my eyes. It can't be. "You ok Leo?" she asks startling me.
"Yeah" I say. "Marinette, have you seen this?" I ask her.
"What?" she asks and just then a akumitized villain appears.
"Thoth, give me time!" he says. His face changes. He traps the employee and the civilians in golden bubbles. I push Rosalie out of the way.
"Leo, take Rosalie and hide. I'll find you later" Marinette tells me.
"Be careful" I tell her and take Rosalie's hand. We run.
"What about the other two?" she asks me.
"They'll hide somewhere else while Ladybug and Catnoir handle the new villain" I tell her.
"You do realize we're talking about Ayla right?" she asks me and I curse. "Go, I'll be fine" she assures me.
"Hide and don't come out until I find you" I tell her. She nods her head. We go our separate ways and I go looking for Ayla. I get outside and see the villain grab Ayla. "Let her go!" I shout and run towards him. Suddenly his face morphed into a jackal head and a beam of light shots from his eyes and my world goes black.
(Time skip)
I wake up in front of the lourve and see the miraculous ladybugs. It was over, Paris is safe. I have to find Rosalie. I run back into the museum and shout her name. She soon appears and I hug her tightly. "I'm so glad you're ok" I tell her.
"Are you?" she asks.
"I am now, it's over. Lets get you home" I tell her. She nods her head and I walk her home. Before going home myself and see Marinette got her book back. "See everything went to plan, aside from the new villain" I state as I lounge on her bed.
"Yeah it did, though you were turned into a mummy" she states.
"Never go live that down am I?" I ask her.
"Nope" she says. "Though I don't get it. I know I'm not 5000 years old, so... who exactly was that Ladybug in the papyrus?" she asks Tikki.
"Kwamis like me and superheroes like you have always existed!" Tikki states happily.
"Wait, you're thousands of years old?" I ask her shocked.
"What do you think?" she asks us.
"You don't look 5000 years old" Marinette states and I nod my head in agreement.
"Well, I'm not! I'm older than that! I'm the kwami who's watched over every single Ladybug since the very beginning" Tikki states.
"Wow, would love to pick your brain for history reports" I tell her and she giggles.
"You must have known much less klutzy Ladybugs than me, right?" Marinette asks and I roll my eyes.
"Every Ladybug is different" Tikki tells her.
"Marinette, you are different" I tell her. "Everyone is different" I state.
"But different as in surprising, unpredictable and endearing. And very talented. You learn fast" Tikki assures her.
"Really?" she asks.
"Yes" Tikki says and Marinette smiles. "You both better get to sleep. Remember, you have that history test tomorrow!" she reminds us.
"She's right, good night you two" I say and go to my room. I change into my pjs. And call it a night.
Picture above of Jalil and picture on the external link of him as the Pharaoh.
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