Stormy Weather
Leo's POV
Marinette and I are baby sitting Manon while her was at work. Manon is running around with one of Marinette's prototype hats. While I try to watch KIDZ+ on TV. "Come on, Manon, give that back!" Marinette shouts.
"But I wanna be a fashion designer too!" Manon shouts as Marinette falls over the cat.
"Manon, please, it's not finished! You're gonna ruin it!" Marinette yells.
"Need help?" I ask her amused.
"That would be nice" she tells me as Manon giggles. I chuckle and get up to help Marinette. As she crawls under the table to catch Manon. Who escapes her as Marinette hit her head. I try to catch Manon, but she slips past me and grabs Marinette's phone.
"I'm gonna vote for Mireille, she's the best!" Manon states. Marinette grabs her phone and I continue to chase Manon. I catch her as there is a knock at the door. She squeals as I tickle her.
"Alya?" Marinette says surprised when she answers the door.
"Hey, I got a huge scoop for you both. Guess who's on a photo shoot in the park?" she asks us. She shows us a picture of Adrien and Roslie.
"Now? Adrien is in the park right now?" Marinette asks her.
"As we speak" Alya states.
"Oh, gosh! What...what am I gonna say to him?" Marinette asks.
"The same thing as usual" I say teasingly as I put Manon down. "I... uhhh... dahee... wha... ahh..." I say imitating her. Alya laughs.
"Stop it" Marinette whines.
"Uh, who's she?" Manon asks as she peaks out from between Marinette's legs.
"Whoops! I forgot about this little detail" Marinette mutters.
"How could you forget her?" I ask her.
"Who's she?" Alya asks Marinette.
"This is Manon, one of our mom's friends' daughters. We're watching her all afternoon" Marinette tells her. She then gasps in horror. "Oh no! I can't go out" she states.
"Let me guess. Another "you couldn't say no" favor?" Alya asks.
"No, I just couldn't... say... no..." Marinette says lamely.
"Look, no problem! I'll look after your little detail for you" Alya tells her. As Manon runs back to the living room.
"Thanks, but we're responsible for her" I tell her.
"Besides, we couldn't do that to you. She's... an absolute angel" Marinette adds. We hear a crash. Marinette screams and runs after Manon, who is carrying a pot and a spatula. "Manon! Put that down! Ugh! Come back!" she shouts.
"Been like this since Manon's mum left" I tell Alya amused. As Marinette continues to chase after Manon until Marinette and walks back to us and Manon continues to pull on her arm.
"You're just a pushover, Marinette. And Leo just enjoys seeing you make a fool of yourself" Alya states.
"Well I have to watch something, can't watch TV with the racket they make" I tell her.
"Luckily I have to babysit my sisters all the time, which makes me an expert in dealing with angels" Alya says ignoring me.
"Who are you, anyway?" Manon demands looking up at Alya.
"I'm a mythical unicorn from the world of Reespa, disguised as a totally fabulous human girl! I grant magical wishes, but only to little monkeys who behave" Alya says tapping her nose. Making Manon laugh.
"No, you're not" Manon says. "Are you?" she asks confused. Alya picks her up spinning her around and places her on my shoulders.
"When did I become her transportation?" I whine.
"Okay, let's all go to the park!" Aly declares.
"Yeah!" Manon shouts.
"Okay" Marinette says. I groan and follow them, carrying Manon. We arrived at the park and I put Manon down.
"I'm gonna get a water, you guys coming?" I ask. They shake their heads. As they watch Adrien from behind a tree. I roll my eyes at them, girls. I head over to the drinking fountain. I grab a drink.
"Hi Leo" Roslie says startling me and I choke on my drink. "Oh sorry" she says patting me on the back. "I didn't mean to scare you" she tells me.
"It's fine" I assure her. "Why aren't you getting fountains by the fountain with Adrien?" I ask her.
"They're doing single shoots write now" she states. "Want to come watch?" she asks.
"I should get back to my sister, we're baby sitting. But she does have Alya and they're watching Adrien. So I guess it'll be ok if I watch with you" I state. She smiles and we go sit on the bench.
"Okay! And now, Oh no! Mama dropped the spaghetti! And now, you have to eat the spaghetti off the floor! Oh yes, you're angry! Show me angry, yes, yes, yes!" Vincent the photographer says. I chuckle.
"Marinette, I want a balloon with Mireille on it!" I hear Manon shout. I look over to see Marinette not even listening to her. "Can I? Can I!? ...Marinette? MARINETTE!!!" Manon shouts.
"Ngh! Silenzio!" Vincent says annoyed.
"I'll be right back" I tell Roslie and head over to the others. "Come on squirt, I'll get you the ballon" I tell her.
"No! I wanna go with Marinette!" she whines hugging Marinette's leg.
"I'll deal with it" Marinette tells me.
"But what about Adrien?" Alya asks her. Marinette doesn't answer and walks away with Manon clinging to her leg.
"Man, why couldn't she be a boy?" I grumble. I head back over to Roslie and sit down beside her. Slinging my arm around her.
"Trouble?" she asks me.
"Manon, drives Marinette a little crazy and every time I try to help. Manon just whines saying she wants Marinette. Why don't kids like me?" I ask her. She laughs and I smile at her. Vincent takes our photo.
"Perfect, we need romance!" he cries. "We need a girl for Adrien" he states. "You! I need an extra!" he shouts pointing at Alya. Who ran off, no doubt to get Marinette. "You boy, front and center. You to Roslie" he tells us.
"Sorry" Roslie says sheepishly as we take Adrien's spot in front of the fountain.
"It's fine, really" I assure her. I offer her my hand and she takes it. I spin her into me and dip her. She squeals as I chuckle. She then smiles and laughs as I righted her.
"Bravo! That's it! Give me the smile, show me the love!" Vincent shouts. I spin Roslie and she smiles brightly her eyes shining brightly as I look into them. I smile and start to lean in when we hear a scream. We pull away and look up to see a new akumatized victim. A girl this time. SHe freezes the merry go round.
"Manon! Marinette!" I shout.
"Run!" someone shouts.
"Roslie go with your brother, I have to go help Marinette and Manon" I tell her.
"Be careful" she tells me and runs off. I run over to the frozen merry go round.
"Manon, Marinette!" I shout hitting the ice.
"Leo!" Manon and Alya shouts.
"Where's Marinette?" I ask them.
"I sent her to go join the photo shot just as the akumatized victim appeared" Alya states.
"Don't worry, I'll get you both out of there" I assure them.
"No, find your sister" Alya tells me as she holds Manon.
"I'll get you out of there!" Ladybug shouts at them. "You should find somewhere safe to hide" she tells me. She tries to cut the ice with her yoyo and falls.
"Where is Marinette?" Manon asks.
"She hasn't forgotten about you, Manon" Ladybug tells her.
"How did you know my name?" Manon asks her.
"Ah! Uhh... Marinette told me! She's coming right back, okay?" Ladybug says. Before swinging away to go face the villain. I watch her go, frowning in confusion. Why does she remind me of my sister? The clouds become dark as I notice lighting in the distance.
"You should go find Marinette, we'll be safe here" Alya tells me.
"Leo!" Roslie shouts as she runs over. "I can't find Adrien!" she cries.
"We'll find him and Marinette" I assure her. "Alya take good care of Manon" I tell her. She nods her head. "Manon, be a good girl ok and I'll get you ice-cream when this is over" I state.
"Really?" she asks and I nod my head. I grab Roslie's hand.
"Lets go find our twins" I tell her. She nods her head and we go search for them. We had no luck, but we found a fire truck. We lead them to the merry go round and they use their axes to try free Alya & Manon.
"Do you think Adrien and Marinette are ok?" Roslie asks me concerned.
"I'm sure they're fine" I assure her. Wrapping a comforting arm around her. "Lets check the news for an update on Ladybug and Catnoir's fight with the villain" I suggest. She agrees and I take out my phone. Opening my news app and it shows the villain.
"Hello, viewers! Here's the latest forecast for the first day of summer. Looks like Mother Nature had a change of plans. Summer vacation is officially over!" she declares.
"Wait, is the Aurore?" Roslie asks.
"Looks like it, guess she wasn't happy about losing to Mireille" I state.
"Prepare for the worst weather in history" she tells us. "In Stormy Weather's world, it's Winter Wonderland FOREVER!" she declares.
"At least we know her villain name" Roslie states.
"Yes and no doubt Ladybug is on her way to the studio with Catnoir to end this" I state. Suddenly the broadcast stops. I look at Alya and Manon. I notice an icicle breaks through the top of the merry-go-round. "Hurry up Ladybug" I say as Roslie said hurry up Catnoir.
The sky clears and the ice around the merry go round disappears. The firemen cheer. "They did it!" Roslie cheers.
"Was there ever any doubt?" I ask her and she hugs me.
"Leo!" Manon shouts and I turn around. I pick her up.
"I'm glad you're ok" I tell her. "How about that ice-cream?" I ask.
"Can I have a lollipop instead?" she asks. I nod my head
"See you later Roslie" I say.
"Roslie!" Adrien shouts as he appears. Roslie hugs him tightly. Before they left. I got Manon an ice-cream.
"Marinette!" she shouts and runs over to my sister. Giving her a big hug. "I know what your secret is!" she states.
"W-w-what secret?" Marinette asks with a stutter.
"Ladybug is your best friend! That's how you both always know what the other one's gonna do!" Manon states.
"Huhhh... Phew!" I hear Marinette say as she hugged Manon. She puts her down and we start to head for the fountain. Marinette holding Manon's hand.
"Leo said I could have a lollipop. Can I? Can I? Can I?" Manon asks Marinette.
"No, Manon. I have something important to do" Marinette tells her. "Alya, you'll watch her with Leo, yeah?" she asks. Alya nods her head.
"I'll buy you that lollipop" I tell Manon. As Marinette headed over to Vincent. Shouting that she was ready for the photo shoot.
"Wait. Who is that angel?" Vincent asks looking at Manon.
"Manon" I tell him. He has her take photos with Adrian. While Alya hugged Marinette. "There's always next time" I assure my sister. She smiles. The photo shot soon ends and I take a tired Manon home with Marinette. Not long after Manon's mum arrived to take her home. I then went to my room to do my homework. While thinking about the events of today. Like how Ladybug knew Manon's name and how Marinette acted when Manon said she knew her secret. Then looked relieved when Manon said that she was Ladybug's best friend. What are you hiding from me sister?
Picture above of Aurore and picture on the external link of Stormy Weather.
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