I will be rearranging the chapters, so that they are in chronological order of events in the Miraculous Ladybug time line and not in the order of the episodes were aired.
Leo's POV
So we're all in Ms. Mendeleiev class, I am next to Natheniel. Who is doodling in his sketch pad again. I try to get his attention as Ms Mendeleiev heads our way. But he was to focused on his drawing and is caught. "Nathaniel! What are you drawing?" she demands.
"Wha, wha" he says confused. Guess he was day dreaming again.
"And these artistic endeavours are clearly why you are failing science" Ms Mendeleiev states. Nathaniel apologies for not paying attention. " You go march yourself down to the principal's office and show him that checked scratch! Then you'll be really sorry" she snaps. He gets up with his sketch pad and starts to leave. But trips over Mylène's bag, dropping his sketchbook. Chloé grabs it.
"Ooh! Look, Sabrina! It's him as a superhero! And look who he's saving! It's Marinette!" she says loudly. "He's so totally crushing on you, Marinette!" she exclaims.
"Stop it Chloe" Rosalie tells her. As Nathaniel snatches his sketch book back.
"Enough! Nathaniel, go!" Ms Mendeleiev orders. Once Nathaniel leaves, she returns to her desk to continue the lesson. "The next particle physics presentation group is Nino, Adrien and Alya!" she announces.
"Oh, so lucky" I hear Marinette says to Alya.
"Rosalie and Leo, you two will work with Nathaniel. Maybe you two can help improve his grades" she states.
"Don't worry Ms Mendeleiev" Rosalie says.
"We'll make sure he passes and improves in science" I assure her.
"Good" she says. "And then, Sabrina, Chloé and Marinette" she states. I chuckle, sucks to be my sister. Alya teases her.
"Uh, Miss, can't you add her to another group? Sabrina and I work much better on our own" Chloe states.
"This is a group presentation, not pairs! Deal with it" Ms Mendeleiev tells her. The bell rings. I head over to Rosalie.
"Hey, lets go check on Nathaniel. Then we can start on the presentation" I tell her.
"Sounds good" she says with a smile. We leave class together and start to head for the principal's office. "I feel bad for your sister, having to deal with Chloe" she states.
"Marinette can handle anything" I assure her. "You know, we can had Nathaniel draw diagrams for our presentation. He is an amazing artist" I tell her.
"That'll be great and maybe it'll help him learn. You know by doing something he enjoys" she states. I nod my head in agreement. We reached the principal's office, but no sign of Nathaniel. "Could he of gone home?" she asks me.
"I don't know" I tell her. "Lets o drop our bags off at our lockers and head to the library to begin researching" I state. She agrees. I grab my camera from my locker and we head to the library.
"So how is it going? You know the free lance photos?" she asks.
"It's going well, but nothing new since Lady Wifi. If I don't get more soon, I won't have enough for Marinette's present" I state.
"You're an amazing brother, she is lucky to have you" she tells me.
"Adrian is lucky to have you for a sister" I tell her. We get some books and sit at a table. We begin to research and I see Marinette with her group. They seem to be having a disagreement. No surprise there. Suddenly a batch of hats land on her head and a giant hair blow-dryer follows her around the library.
"Another villain!" Rosalie exclaims.
"Go hide, I must take photos" I tell her. She nods her head and runs for the exit with the others. As I take my camera out to take photos.
Rosalie's POV
As I ran for the library exit. I saw something unbelievable. My brother transforming into Catnoir. But that couldn't of be real, right? Guess I'll have to confront him about it later. Leo told me to go hide after all.
Leo's POV
I take photos as Ladybug and Catnoir appear. Saving Chloe from the blow-dryer. While staying hidden behind a book shelf. "I got wind that you were being blown away by a hairy situation" Catnoir states.
"Fewer puns, more action!" Ladybug snaps. Ladybug and Cat Noir stop the hairdryer, and disintegrate it. As I spot the new villain and snap a photo of him.
"Well, that guy looks pretty sketchy" Catnoir states. Ladybug and Catnoir go after the villain, but he draws a wall and they fall backward. The villain runs off.
"These shots are sweet" I state.
"Where'd he go?" Ladybug asks.
"I don't know, but he sure has a way of illustrating his point" Catnoir states.
"He went that way" I say pointing to the exit. "I think we should call him Evillustrator" I suggest.
"Good one" Catnoir says high fiving me.
"Not the time for this" Ladybug tells us. "He appears to be after Chloe, lets go to her house and find out why. Meanwhile, I think it best you return home" she tells me.
"And miss out on more photos, not a chance" I tell her.
"She's right, it's not safe" Catnoir tells me. "You should go check on your friend, we'll handle this" he states. They left before I could protest. I exit the library and I am greeted by a death hug.
"I'm so glad you're ok" Rosalie states.
"I'm fine" I assure her. "But I don't think Nathaniel is" I tell her. She frowns in confusion. "The new villain, can make what he draws come to life. Who do we know that loves drawing?" I ask her.
"Nathaniel!" she gasps. "No doubt he's after Chloe" she states.
"Ladybug and Catnoir are visiting her now" I tell her. "Anyway, I have to get these shots developed and hand them in. Though I wish I got a better shot of Evillustrator" I state.
"Evillustrator? That's actually not a bad name" she tells me. I smile and we leave the school. We go get my shoots developed and I hand them in.
"Seriously, only $30?" I ask.
"Hi, when you're older and can get better shots. We'll talk about uping the price per photo. Until then only $10 a photo" the editor tells me. "What's the villains name?" he asks.
"Evillustrator" I tell him. He writes it down and I left. His assistant gives me my check. I meet Rosalie outside and see she is watching the news. "Anything about Evillustrator?" I ask her.
"Nothing, do you think it's over already?" she asks me.
"Who knows, come on I'll walk you home" I tell her. She nods and I walk her home. Before going home myself. But when I turn onto my street I see Marinette talking to Catnoir. I smirk and take a photo of him kissing her hand while on one knee. I am so teasing her about this later. But maybe I can get more shots for the paper.
I follow Marinette to the river, where she meets Evillustrator. Wishing him a happy birthday. It's Nathaniel's birthday? We have to throw a party tomorrow. I text Alya and Nino, they said they would handle it. I then focus back on the scene and see Nathaniel making music notes appear as the boat glides down the canal.
I watch Marinette steal Evillustrator's pencil and Catnoir attacks. "Marinette! You're working with him? I'm so stupid... I actually thought you liked me! But you're really just like Chloé. Teasing me, mocking me, leading me on!" he shouts.
"Come on! Seriously? Why is everybody comparing me to Chloé tonight?" She complains. Distracted. The Evillustrator kicks Cat Noir's staff, and it hits the pencil. He grabs it, and draws a transparent cube that falls and traps Cat Noir and Marinette. Oh no, I have to help them.
"And I'm taking back my promise! Chloé's gonna get a little lesson she'll never forget!" Evillustrator states. A hole appears in the boat and left. I run and jump onto the boat.
"Catnoir, Marinette!" I shout.
"Leo!" Marinette shouts. I hit the cube. But it has no affect. "Catnoir, your stick! Like this! And extend it!" she says placing it vertical pointing to the top of the cube.
"Great thinking" Catnoir says. Catnoir extends his stick, lifting himself, Marinette and the cube into the air, and landing safely. I dive into the water and swim to the shore. Catnoir offers me his stick and pulls me to shore. Before leaving.
"I think it's time Ladybug returned to the fight" I tell Marinette.
"Couldn't agree more" she states. "See you at home" she states before leaving. I sigh and walk home. Once there, I change into dry clothes and call it a night. Guess Rosalie, Nathaniel will just have to work on our project tomorrow during lunch. After the surprise birthday party for Nathaniel, of course.
Picture above of Nathaniel and picture on the external link of Evillustrator.
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