(Hero form in media but light gray outfit not brown I messed up)
We cooked and cooked
Until finnaly it was done
We made rice balls
Three different types
"So that's it I guesss well I need to go bye"adrien said leaving
"Bye"I said
I heard a knock at the window upstairs so I went
I went and it was my friend Madison using her miraculous of the rabbit to fly up(you know how dogs normally chase rabbits welp not anymore logic doesn't exist in miraculous ladybug! Like how apparently marinete can live right next to the school and be late)
I opened the window and she backflipped in
Her miraculous was a hair clip with a bunny on it
A kawaii bunny
"Brooklyn sama I missed you"she said hugging me
"Yeah I missed you to I can't breath!"I said
"Oh yeah sorry"she said
"Wanna go run around"she said
"Yeah inna Mimi o ageru"I said transforming and jumping of my balcony with Madison
Something weird about her
She is normally really tired all the time since she stays up late weighting scripts and sometimes sings and helps me with songs
But when she is like this she is so energetic
We jumped and jumped until we saw a akuma
I ran and dodged its attacks from the front then jumped up and Madison destroyed the front of her its with her scythe
Then I jumped on its head and broke the armour in the back
I grabbed the akumatized item and broke it
Then I purified it
"That was easy"I said
"Yeah"she said jumpingbup and down with her giant scythe
We heard foot steps
Giant foot steps
(You know what's coming don't you)
Then the attack on titan theme started playing
(I do not own attack on titan or any of the references in this book)
We saw a akumatized victim with manga and a cosplay outfit
I smiled widely at Madison
"I'm the otaku and I want your miraculouses all of them for my collection!"she said
I ran jumped up and cut the nap of a titan
I started humming the attack on Titan theme song
They started throwning all types of manga things at us
We went and broke there book
"Yay!"I said purifying it
Ladyf*ck I mean bug and chat noir jumped down
Then I realized
How many cat and rabbit puns are going to be made
"Ladybug take these quick" I said handing her ear plugs
"Why"she said
"Your about to hear so many puns that your brain will rot out"I said
"What who is ladybug I never heard of herbivore hi I'm banī"Madison said
Then they had a pun fight
"Is it over"I asked taking of my ear buds
"Yeah finnaly"ladybug said
"Wait so there are two of them now"doku kiba said
"Yup and I swear to god if you start making snake pun"I said
He made one
"Are we the only sane ones"ladybug said
"Yup oh shoot I need to go uhh walk my dog I mean turn off the oven in my house I mean do something"I said looking at the watch and Mary to running away
I detransformed near school and walked in and I walked into class
No one was there
"Brooklyn everyone is in the library practicing for a video game torament only three people get in"she said
"Oh well I better go bye ma'am"I said
I put in my headphones and listened to rolling girl(I do not own any songs referenced in this book)
I ran
"Can I try"I asked
"Uh yeah sure"max said
I love video games so much
Before in my free time I would game
We played and played
I won
"Yay"I said
"LET ME GO"my friend Madison said
"Not again"I said walking back
She lost
"So the three winners are Brooklyn adrien and marinete "the teacher said
Time skip
Marinete went home
I saw about to go to home when the agresst child walked behind me
"What is it agrest child?"I asked
"Wait were supposed to go to marinete house"he said
"So dupain cheng's home okay "I said
I walked without him
I got to the door
"Hello?"I said shyly
"Oh you must be Brooklyn welcome marinete' upstairs"her mom I'm guessing said
"Thank you ma'am"I said bowing then I went upstairs
"Hello?"I said knocking on the door
"Oh hi Brooklyn"she said
"May I come in"I asked trying not to be rude
"Oh yeah sure"she said as I came in
We sat down and waited for adrien
"Wait marinete you know about hawk moth correct?"I asked
"Yes"she said
"Do you think it could be Gabriel agrest?"I asked
"No why"she said
"Just think about it he is a quiet man he doesn't say anything to anyone he even keeps a quiet relationship with his own son also if you look close enough his logo is a bu-"but I was punched in the face
By adrien
It started to bleed
"I'm so sorry"he said
"Wow are you okay should I call a doctor!"marinete said
"No I'm fine I think it's time for me to go"I said smiling as blood covered half of my face
I walked away trying my best not to punch him back
Because unlike him I didn't need my face for singing
I walked they the bakery no one was there
"Oh dear are you okay"her mom said shocked
"Yeah I'm fine thank you for letting me come"I said
I walked out until I got to my house
I went to that bathroom as a single tear went down my face
I cleaned the blood and put a bandage over my wound
I looked at the clock and panicked
"Oh god I'm going to be late!"I said running
Madison had two bags
One was mine
"Let's go Brooklyn we will be late"she said tiredly
"Wait your going to my school?"I asked
"Yes wait what happened to your face"she said looking at the bandage
"Oh nothing let's go"I said as I ran and she walked onto a bus
I ran and ran until I got to class
"Hello Brooklyn your thirty minutes early you can sit and work a little or talk to your friend Madison I thing she has been here for the past 30 minutes"the teacher said
"How did she get here before me we came at the same time"I questioned
I went and sat next to her near the back
The teacher left
"So are you going to tell me what happened or not"she said with her tired voice
"Your not going to leave me alone till I tell you aren't you"I said
"Yeah"she said
"Some guy punched me"I said
"Who I'll kill them"she said
"It's no big deal I'm fine"I said
"Brooklyn I'm your bestie there is no way I would let you go thru this"she said
A blonde walked by
"Well well well if it isn't the cluts and she has a little friend
"F*ck off b*tch were trying to have a conversation"Madison yelled
"Do you not know who my father is"she said
"Do you not know who my mom is"she said
Yup Madison's mom was part of a royal family in the area we lived witch made her quite the big shot
The only reason we got to play as kids is since we both had miraculouses and my grandfather was a guardian and I was training to be one
So we got close
"You little"the girl said about to stab her hand with a nail file when I put mine in the way so she didn't get hurt
My hand bleed
I gave her a death glare
"Leave now before I charge you with physical abuse"I said holding a camera that recorded her when she did that
She backed up and ran to her seat
"You didn't have o do that"Madison said
"I did your my fiend"I said wrapping up my hand with bandage 🤕
The other students came in
"Okay kids today is parent day your parents have been informed and will come you may talk to one and another
until they come"the teacher said
"Hey were are your parents"rose asked me
"There dead"I said
"Oh I'm so sorry for asking"she said
"It's okay I hope my grandfather comes though"I said smiling
"Are you okay you have a lot of bandages"she said
"I'm cool"I lied with a sweet smile
My grandfather didn't come in I was fine with it
He doesn't use social media much
I'm sure if he saw it he would end up thinking something was wrong with it
"Okay kids go down stairs there are a lot of booths with parents talking about what they do and giving samples"she said
Everyone talked
"Free food I'm in"Madison said
Some people left
Madison ran down and got a bunch f food
I laughed a little
At the end it was me blonde girl red head and a big guy
"Kim that girl was mean to me beat her up"Chloe said
"But why"he said
"I'll tell everyone your afraid of spiders if you don't
I was punched into a wall and kicked at by Chloe and Sabrina
God I was pitiful
I lost so much blood earlier I was weaker
I ran and got up as they threw stuff at me
I took a deep breath in and dodged all there attacks
I ran on the wall and kicked Kim then ran out
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