Back over in , the heiress was trying to untie herself, when her cell phone suddenly rang. Chloé quickly got back to her feet, and hopped over to her bag.
Once she reached it, she took her phone out, and answered it.
"Hello?" Chloé greeted, only to be met with silence. Just as she looked at the screen to see who the caller id was, the phone started to emit a bright pink glow, surprising her. Chloé threw her phone to the floor, allowing Lady Wifi to appear in the girls room, and landed on the ground a few feet away from Chloé.
"Well, hello there, Ladybug!" Lady Wifi exclaimed as she pulled out her phone, as Chloé tried to run away.
But unfortunately for her, Lady Wifi swiped up on her phone and sent a pink pause icon to Chloé, stopping her in her tracks.
Outside the hotel, night had arrived, and the heroes had watched the whole interaction from their perch.
"We got Wifi!" Ladybug proclaimed right before she and Chat Noir jumped off the roof and headed to the hotel to save the day.
In Chloé's room, Lady Wifi smirked to herself in accomplishment as she sent a camera icon right above Chloé. After doing so, she walked over to the frozen girl and casually leaned on the girl's shoulder.
"Well, well... So my hunch was correcto-mundo," Lady Wifi remarked to herself before she started up her broadcast.
To make sure everyone could see her broadcast, she had the message play on every screen in the city, and projected into the sky for all to see.
"Everyone thinks the girl beneath the Ladybug costume is a little angel. Think again, people! The real Ladybug is... Chloé Bourgeois, everyone!" The internet themed villain proclaimed, right before peeling off Chloé's mask, feeling proud of herself. But a second later, the real Ladybug and Chat Noir kicked open the balcony door and entered the hotel, much to Lady Wifi's confusion.
"Who are you?" Lady Wifi questioned, not understanding who was in front of her at the moment, much to the two heroes' confusion as they relaxed a bit. Thankfully, Lady Wifi caught up to what was happening, but she was not pleased.
"But I thought you were Ladybug!" Lady Wifi griped as she turned to face the frozen Chloé, feeling like she had been taken for a ride.
'Of course she wasn't Ladybug, why would she be? Besides, Ladybug saved Chloé when Stone Heart captured and almost killed her. How could I be so blind!! And all because I saw Chloé with a Ladybug yo-yo toy.'
"Sorry to bust your news story. Next time, double-check your facts," Chat Noir remarked, bringing up a good tip that all reporters should know. But that only enraged Lady Wifi even more.
"You'll be sorry," Lady Wifi growled out before she used her cellphone to delete the pink icons, taking down the camera and releasing Chloé. Once she was free and the camera feed was down, Chloé resumed her running, but ended up tripping and falling in a tumble.
Chloé could only watch upside down as the heroes stood in front of the latest akuma.
"Alya?" Ladybug questioned, hoping that her best friend was still somewhere in there.
"Alya's been disconnected. I'm Lady Wifi. News flash! Ladybug, let's find out who you really are!" Lady Wifi proclaimed, right before she sent pause buttons at Ladybug. The spotted heroine jumped and dodged them, making them end up on the floor and walls, before she landed on the ground when in the clear.
"Follow me!" Ladybug exclaimed to Chat Noir before running towards the room door with the feline hero following behind. Since the door was guarded by Lady Wifi, they jumped up to get past the akuma as she sent pause signs at them, only to miss once more as they landed behind her and escaped the room.
The two started running down the hallway with Lady Wifi following after while sending another pause sign at them. Ladybug and Chat Noir then turned left at the end of the hall, making the pause sign land on the elevator as they made it to the stairwell and started going down.
"So what's the plan?" Chat Noir asked as they ran down the stairs, wanting to know what kind of plan Ladybug had cooking up in her thoughts.
"She gets her powers from her phone, so let's lead her to the basement, where there is no service!" Ladybug exclaimed as they continued down the stairs, only to stop to see if they were low enough while Chat Noir continued going down.
"No service, no power. Nice one, my lady!" Chat Noir praised, only for Lady Wifi to appear above Ladybug and send another pause sign to her. It nearly hit her, but she thankfully dodged it.
"We've gotta go lower!" Ladybug shouted before continuing to run down the stairs.
"(laughs) I've got you now, Ladybug!" Lady Wifi cackled before sending another pause sign towards the heroes. But when she saw she had no signal, the sight of it angered her.
Ladybug and Chat Noir waited at the bottom of the stairs, weapons out and ready for Lady Wifi to attack.
"Get ready!" Ladybug exclaimed as she spun her yo-yo into a shield.
"So, what do you do when you're not Ladybug?" Chat Noir asked, distracting Ladybug. With a groan and a hand to her forehead to stop an oncoming headache, she quickly recovered and turned to face her partner.
"Can't you see we're a little bit busy right now?" Ladybug asked, as she retracted her yo-yo, annoyed that Chat Noir wasn't paying attention to the task at hand. But when she looked up, she saw that Lady Wifi was no longer above them, right before they heard a door open and close.
"She's gone back into the hotel!" The spotted heroine exclaimed. The two of them raced back up the stairs, only to see that pink lock icons had been put on all the doors.
"She locked all the doors!" Chat Noir remarked as they continued climbing up the stairs.
"Hey, you realize we might actually know each other in normal life," The feline hero brought up as they passed another locked door.
"Doubt it," Ladybug argued as they ran up another flight of stairs, dismissing Chat's remark as quickly as they ran past yet another locked door.
"It's locked!" The spotted heroine griped as they reached the top of the stairs, and to their surprise and suspicion, the door doesn't have a pink lock on it.
"She's left this one open," Chat Noir pointed out as they stopped in front of it, ready to face whatever surprise was waiting for them.
"Get ready for an ambush on 3. 1, 2, 3!" Ladybug counted down before they burst through the door, ending up in the hotel's dining room. With their weapons out and ready to defend themselves, they looked around only to find that Lady Wifi was nowhere to be found, while cellphones suspiciously rested on all the tables.
"Ahhh... So much for the ambush," Chat Noir remarked as he and Ladybug relaxed and put their weapons away.
"Follow me," Ladybug said, with Chat Noir following her immediately as they headed towards the dining tables.
"Where is she hiding? And what's up with all these phones?" Ladybug questioned while looking around, spying the phones on the tables. But when she looked at another table with a phone on it, a pink light came out from it like a spotlight, and Lady Wifi appeared with a cackle, and attacked them with pause buttons.
They dodge the first one and split up while Lady Wifi sends more pause buttons at Chat Noir.
"Hey, I thought it was you she was after!" Chat Noir exclaimed as he ran across some of the dining room tables, and flips over a table to use as a shield, only for it to backfire and push the feline hero into a wall after Lady Wifi shot another pause button at him.
Lady Wifi went to swipe another attack at Chat Noir while he's down, but Ladybug threw her yo-yo and tied it around Lady Wifi's hand, preventing her from attacking. But when Ladybug tried to pull her away from the table, Lady Wifi disappeared, then started re-appearing above the undisturbed tables, one phone after another.
"Ha! You can't get me!" Lady Wifi taunted as she continued to disappear and reappear in showers of pink pixels above the tables.
"Yes I can," Ladybug replied, before she started to break all the phones with her yo-yo, taking away most of Lady Wifi's portals. Seeing that her strategy was failing, Lady Wifi ran towards the kitchen, with Ladybug following behind after destroying another phone.
But when Ladybug followed her in, Lady Wifi swiped an attack at her, and she dodged it. But the attack was a lock icon, so when it landed on the kitchen doors, it locked the door behind Ladybug, and locked Chat Noir out as well.
"No, no, no... Hold on in there, Ladybug!" Chat Noir called out when finding he couldn't get in. Worried about his partner, he quickly pulled out his staff and opened up a schematic of the hotel and zoomed in to find a way in.
"Of course! The service elevator!" The feline hero exclaimed, before he ran to the stairs to find the nearest service elevator.
Meanwhile in the kitchen, Ladybug had managed to keep Lady Wifi occupied for a good amount of time. But she was soon cornered in between two storage shelves, where Lady Wifi used the opportunity to trap Ladybug with lock icons on her hands.
With Ladybug now trapped and struggling to get free, Lady Wifi smirked to herself in accomplishment as she swiped to send a camera icon into the air, right above her and Ladybug. The heroine was left in shock as the broadcast began, once again projecting into the sky, and playing on every screen in the city.
"Who is Ladybug? Is she a superhero or a super-weirdo? How can we trust the girl when we have no idea who she really is?" Lady Wifi questioned, her face taking much of the camera's space before she backed up and revealed the captured Ladybug behind her.
"We have the right to know!" The internet themed akuma exclaimed. She then grabbed Ladybug's face and tried to remove Ladybug's mask. But unfortunately for Lady Wifi and fortunately for Ladybug, it wouldn't come off.
"Why doesn't it come off?" Lady Wifi questioned, trying to get answers as to why this wasn't as easy as it looked.
"Uhhh... because it's magic?" Ladybug supplied, stating the obvious.
"But the same can't be said for your earrings!" Lady Wifi exclaimed as she reached for Ladybug's earrings, much to her shock. But like with her mask, no matter how hard Lady Wifi pulled, the earrings wouldn't come off.
"Did you really think my earrings would come off that easily, did you?" Ladybug taunted, right before the service elevator door opened up, and revealed Chat Noir, pulling both girl's attention from what was happening.
"You're out of minutes, Lady Wifi!" Chat Noir teased, right before hopping out of the service elevator and pulled out his staff, resting it cockily on his shoulders.
"Oh, how romantic. Tomcat's come to save his love bug," Lady Wifi teased, as well as stating what everyone already knew as she turned to smirk at Ladybug.
"I am not his love bug!" Ladybug growled in annoyance. Everyone, Chat Noir especially, but mostly Lady Wifi at the moment, was always insinuating something that was absolutely not happening... yet.
"We'll come back to that later," Chat Noir remarked with a wink, implying that they would actually talk about it, despite Ladybug's efforts not to. Lady Wifi used the opportunity to attack him, swiping a lock sign at him, which he dodges.
But before he could do anything more, Lady Wifi sent another lock sign at him and it knocked him into the freezer room making him crash into the wall and his ring fly off, releasing Plagg, and turning him back into Adrien. The both of them land on the cold floor.
"My ring!" Adrien exclaimed as he and Plagg got up from the floor and immediately went to the floor to find his miraculous.
"Ooh... so chilly in here," Plagg complained as he curled up into himself as he floated in the air.
"Where is it? I could use a little help!" Adrien remarked, asking Plagg for some help in getting the ring, and in turn, getting out of the room.
Back in the kitchen, Lady Wifi looked at the situation in accomplishment.
'What a day. Ladybug was trapped and struggling to free herself in front of me, and Chat Noir locked in a freezer. Not a bad day's work.' Lady Wifi thought to herself.
"Well, well... what am I gonna do with both of you?" Lady Wifi asked herself as she continued to watch Ladybug try and free herself, desperate to get out and help her partner.
As Lady Wifi contemplated what to do next Hawkmoth decided to but in at that moment.
"Get her to use her Lucky Charm! It'll force her to switch back, and her identity will be revealed. Then her Miraculous will be mine," Hawkmoth commanded through the link. Not that it mattered to Lady Wifi as the link was severed.
"If you don't get him outta there fast, your crush will soon be slush. Ha ha ha!" Lady Wifi taunted with a cackle before releasing Ladybug.
"Good luck with your cat popsicle! I have other news to cover!" the internet themed villain exclaimed, right before she jumped up into the air and disappeared in a shower of pink pixels.
'What does she mean by 'other news'?' Ladybug wondered.
Outside the hotel, the mayor, two police cars and a news cast crew were waiting as Chloé ran to the front door, peeking her head out to see if it was safe.
"Come on..." encouraged Chloé, who immediately exited the hotel and hugged her father in relief. But suddenly, her phone rang, making the heiress stop hugging her father and check her phone, only for Lady Wifi to come out and land on the highest point of the hotel roof, where she began broadcasting herself.
"What's up, peeps! Listen everyone! I present you with the award-winning news story you've all been waiting for!" Lady Wifi proclaimed to the camera icon in front of her, while the broadcast played across the city.
Back in the kitchen, Ladybug was trying to break down the door to the freezer room, punching and/or kicking it. But unfortunately, it wasn't working.
"I'll get you out of there, Cat Noir!" Ladybug shouted through the door, while Adrien continued to search for his miraculous, shivering like crazy in the process.
"Take your time!" Adrien manages to stutter out while he and Plagg are freezing their butts off.
Lady Wifi continued her broadcast, via through the camera icon she left behind in the kitchen.
"Don't blink, 'cause Ladybug's about to drop the bomb on her real identity!" Lady Wifi exclaimed to the camera in front of her, excited for the mask to fall.
Back in the kitchen, a desperate Ladybug had pulled out her yo-yo and called for her...
"!" The spotted heroine shouted out as her superpower gave her...a . Really? Her and Tikki were having a talk after this.
"This better be some lucky box..." Ladybug remarked before she looked around the room, seeing a 'non microwavable' warning on the box in her hands, the lock icon on the freezer door and a microwave on the counter next to her.
"Of course, the microwaves!" Ladybug exclaimed as a plane formed in her head. She then grabbed a cart that just so happened to be parked in the kitchen, ran to the counter where the microwave was, and unplugged it. She put the box in the microwave, took the microwave, placed it on the cart and turned it so the front would face away from her, and pushed the cart to the door.
Once it was right next to it, Ladybug plugged it back into the wall, changed the setting, and turned it on before kicking it to make the lock icon appear inside of the microwave as it heated up.
Inside the freezer, Adrien had finally found his ring underneath one of the numerous shelves in the freezer.
"Gotcha! Gotcha!" Adrien exclaimed in delight while Plagg floated next to him, covered in frost. How that happened so quickly, Adiren had no idea.
The microwave finally melted the lock icon, while Ladybug hid behind the ready-to-go-bomb about to explode.
"Come on, micro-thingies, jam this signal..." Ladybug begged, right before the microwave exploded in a flash of electricity.
That was all Ladybug needed to move the cart away from the door and throw it open, only to see Chat Noir was shivering. She only had two seconds to catch him before he fell to the ground, and held him in her lap to help him warm up.
"You okay, Chat Noir?" Ladybug worriedly asked, just before her Miraculous beeped. Chat Noir turned his attention from warming up, over to the fact that... Ladybug used her lucky charm... to save him.
"You used your Lucky Charm...there's not much time left," Chat Noir pointed out, feeling both worry for his partner, but also surprise that she would do that for him. Risk her identity... for him.
Under normal circumstances, he'd be over the moon, but this time... was not one of those times.
Unbeknownst to them, Lady Wifi was watching the whole interaction from the safety of her perch, smiling like a mad woman at how the plan was coming together.
"Exactly!" Lady Wifi exclaimed, feeling excited for the posible chain of events that was and/or could happen.
Back in the kitchen, Ladybug helped up Chat Noir from the floor, and they were ready to get back into the game.
"Zap open the kitchen door!" Chat Noir exclaimed as they stood in front of the locked door.
"We can't, microwave's busted," Ladybug admitted, gesturing to the broken microwave behind them, and then looked up at the camera in the corner of the kitchen roof above them.
'So that's what Lady Wifi meant earlier. She's broadcasting this,' the spotted heroin realized. But that gave Ladybug an idea, as she gestured for Chat Noir to lean down so she could whisper her plan to him.
"Got it," Chat Noir reassured, right before he grabbed a pan, and hopped onto the counter to put it over the top of the camera icon, blocking Lady Wifi's feed.
Meanwhile on the roof, Lady Wifi was now annoyed to find that her camera went dark.
"What is she up to?" Lady Wifi wondered before Hawkmoth decided to but in again.
"Don't let my Miraculous get away!" Hawkmoth growled, before cutting off the link again.
"Right!" Lady Wifi exclaimed before heading towards the elevator, intent on revealing Ladybug's identity.
Over in the kitchen, Chat Noir and Ladybug walked back over at the service elevator, aka the only way out of the room.
"I'll go and jam the wi-fi antenna," Chat Noir explained as he got into the cramped elevator, while Ladybug stood next to the small door and pressed the close button.
"Good luck!" Ladybug exclaimed as the door closed.
(Time Skip)
A few minutes later, Lady Wifi exited the elevator, just as Chat Noir opened the service elevator door, only to see a pause button fly right past him. He quickly got out of the tiny elevator, and started to make his way to the stairwell as Lady Wifi continued to shoot more pause icon attacks his way. Chat Noir continues to dodge her attacks, and soon makes it to the stairwell door, and runs in.
But before he did, one of Wifi's attacks hit the service elevator, and destroyed it, sending a cloud of debris up to Ladybug in the kitchen.
'So much for that way out,' Ladybug thought to herself. With the door locked and the service elevator destroyed, she had nowhere to go. She was trapped.
Chat Noir finally reached the top floor of the hotel, and spied the wi-fi antenna on top of the stairwell entrance.
'That's convenient,' Chat Noir thought to himself as he leapt onto the top of the stairwell entrance and landed in front of.
"Here you are!" The feline superhero exclaimed before calling on his...
"!" Chat Noir shouted out, summoning his power. But before he could even put his hand on it, the tower glowed with pink lightning until Lady Wifi appeared at the top of the tower, looking down at him.
"Nice idea, kitty cat, but I'm not gonna let you cut me off so easily!" Lady Wifi exclaimed, right before she started firing pause icons at him, defending her source of power.
Back in the kitchen, Ladybug's Miraculous beeped again, counting down from three minutes to two remaining.
"Hurry, Cat Noir," Ladybug worryingly pleaded, hoping that her partner could come through.
But this was Chat Noir she was talking about... he always did in the end.
Lady Wifi kept attacking Chat Noir from her perch, but he continued to dodge her. He then pulled out his staff and threw it at her, but she dodged it. The staff sailed through the air, and then split into two, and since she saw it happen Lady Wifi destroyed them. But she soon realized it was a diversion when she saw Chat Noir about to destroy the antenna.
"Nooooo!" Lady Wifi wailed as Chat Noir placed his hand onto the antenna and destroyed it. The remains and Lady Wifi fell and landed on the ground, the tower turning into rust, and shorting out.
Back in the kitchen, the pink lock and camera icons disappeared, letting Ladybug exit the kitchen, ready to help her partner.
On the roof, the broadcast had stopped playing. Lady Wifi recovered from her fall and looked at her phone, shocked to see her power was now gone.
"Lost the signal!" Lady Wifi exclaimed as Chat Noir jumped from the top of the stairwell and landed in front of her, confident he could take her now that she lost her powers.
"Gimme that phone!" Chat Noir demanded as Lady Wifi got to her feet. He lunged at her, trying to take the phone away from her, but she dodged him. It soon turned into a game of 'Keep Away' between the two of them, until Lady Wifi kicked him away.
Chat Noir quickly recovered, only for Lady Wifi to grab him and throw him to the ground, the feline hero finding himself defenseless. But before Wifi could do anything, Ladybug appeared and used her yo-yo to take the phone away from Lady Wifi. Once it's in her hands, Ladybug broke the phone, releasing the akuma.
"No more evildoing for you, little akuma!" She exclaimed as she opened her yo-yo to reveal the sparkling pool of cleansing energy inside.
"Time to de-evilize!" Ladybug shouted out before she threw her yo-yo towards the escaping akuma, catching it in her yo-yo. A second later, she released the purified akuma, setting the white butterfly free.
"Bye, bye little butterfly." Ladybug said as the butterfly flew away. She then threw the box lucky charm into the air.
"Miraculous Ladybug!" She cried out. No sooner than she did, the miraculous cure swept through the city, returning things back to normal. Alya's phone was repaired, the cell tower on the roof was restored, the kitchen downstairs was returned to its former glory, and Lady Wifi turned back into Alya.
"What?" Alya wondered, before she looked in front of her to see Ladybug and Chat Noir.
"Pound it!" The two heroes exclaimed as they fist-bumped, feeling proud of themselves as Alya walked towards them in awe.
"Ladybug! Wow! And Cat Noir! Can I get a quick interview? Just let me grab my phone!" Alya gushed, right before going to find her newly repaired phone, while Ladybug's Miraculous beeped, leaving one minute left.
"Uhh... gotta go. You've only got a minute," Chat Noir pointed out right before they left the roof, and Alya all alone.
"So-- oh, no! Where did they go?" Alya questioned when she turned around and saw that they left, feeling disappointed that they didn't stick around.
The two heroes raced to the ground level of the hotel, and looked for a place for Ladybug to transform back. Thankfully, there was a small janitor's closet next to the stairwell, but before Ladybug was about to enter the room, Chat Noir stopped her.
"Stay!" Chat Noir exclaimed, as his own Miraculous counted down to his own transformation.
"I won't tell anyone who you are. Cat's honor," The feline hero promised. For a moment, Ladybug thought... maybe she should. Jim and Toby already knew, why not her partner.
But considering her brothers were on the other side of the world, they were safe from the chaos of Paris... but Chat Noir wasn't.
"Nobody must know who we really are. Not even us," Ladybug responded, before she closed the door, leaving it partly open, deciding to keep her partner safe.
Chat Noir then reaches for the handle, hesitating a little in the proces, and grabs it, opening it slightly wider as Ladybug detransforms. But when he was about to go past the point of no return... he stopped.
He couldn't do this. He couldn't betray her trust like this. So without a second thought, he closed the door all the way and left with a sigh.
Inside the closet, Ladybug transformed back into Marinette, and currently held an exhausted Tikki in her hands.
"Phew, that was too close for comfort!" Tikki remarked, feeling drained from the fight.
"Tell me about it," Marinette agreed before she gently placed Tikki into her purse, opened the door. After she saw nobody outside, she walked out of the closet and out of the hotel with a smile.
Outside of the hotel, Adrien ran out of the hotel, having transformed back a few seconds ago, and looked back at the building fondly.
"That was the chance to find out who the love of your life really is! What were you thinking?" Plagg questioned his holder as he flew out of Adrien's overshirt. He didn't understand why he didn't take the chance. He was so close, so why didn't he take it?
"That's the thing, Plagg. I wasn't thinking. I was following my heart," Adrien replied, knowing that he made the right choice.
He'd find out Ladybug's identity one of these days. But when that happened, it would be when she was ready to tell him herself. And for that... Adrien was willing to wait, no matter how long it took.
Meanwhile in Hawkmoth's lair, the super villain himself was enraged that his latest akuma was defeated... again.
"Your mask will fall one day, Ladybug. You'll have no choice then but to hand over your precious Miraculous!" Hawkmoth proclaimed as the lair window closed up, leaving the man in total darkness.
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