Chapter 3
Cat noir laughed as he tried getting marshmallows out his hair. He was outside on Marinette's balcony with her, joking around making puns, she'd had enough and threw marshmallows at him to get him to stop. Cat noir had been visiting Marinette lately so they become close friends.
"Ok ok I'll stop." The boy laughed holding his hands up in defeat.
"Good. Oh you missed one." Marinette giggled as she reached for the lonely soft sweet nestled in his hair.
"Oh thanks." He replied before chucking one from behind hand at the poor girl.
"Hey!" She squealed.
"Payback." He responded.
"So what happened after you and Adrien walked into the room." He asked. Marinette had been filling him in on her day.
"Well we found out they were making bets on you and ladybug and if you were dating or not." Marinette says.
"And me and Adrien seemed to be the only ones defending you guys. Nino questioned if you were secretly dating and then I turned round and said that I got inside info from you," she paused to breathe.
"Their reaction?" Cat noir asks. (Even though we know he knows already.)
"Shocked mostly. Chloé came out with a stupid comment we all ignored. And then later Alya send me a note saying I'll be telling her details later. Same old Alya." Marinette laughed lightly.
A light breeze passes the duo and cat noir sees Marinette shiver slightly.
"I think you better go inside before you catch a cold marinette."
"What? No. I'm fine. It's not even -yawn- late yet."
"Come on. Don't be silly. Your tired and it's getting cold." Cat noir reasoned.
"Fine." Marinette caved in.
"Goodnight Marinette." Cat noir said perched on the rails.
"Night cat." She replied walking through her door. After making sure she was inside cat noir left, jumping from roof to roof to get to his home.
Little did they know Nino happened to be walking by. On the phone to Ayla.
"Hey Alya?" He asked through his phone.
"What's up Nino?" He heard his girlfriend reply.
"How much do you think our friend hangs out with Cat noir?" With emphasis on 'much'.
"Is she with him again?!" Alya questioned.
"Well, we'll just have to find out won't we?"
"What are you planning Alya?"
He heard her laugh evilly through the phone.
"Don't worry my dear Nino. Nothing too..extra. Just a simple question or two."
"Ok?" He was suspicious but decided he'll just wait till tomorrow.
"Oh I got to go by Nino!" Alya chirped.
"Ok. See you l-" he was cut off as she ended the call so he continued on route home.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Hey Marinette how much does cat noir actually hang out with you?" Alya asked raising her voice to cause a scene.
"Alya really?" Marinette asked annoyed knowing what she was doing.
Just to the girl's plan, people from her class- even people she didn't know shows up and surrounded marinette.
This made the poor girl very uncomfortable.
"You hang out with cat noir?" Some one from a different class asked first.
"Your lucky!" Another told her.
"How often does he visit you?" One of her class mates piped up.
"I wish I hung out with a superhero." A fourth person commented.
"Do you know him under the mask marinette?" Rose asked.
"Are you two dating?" This caused silence to surface.
'I hate you Alya.' Marinette thought.
"Well you heard them girl. Give the people an answer."
"What is going on here?" Chloé came forward with Sabrina following behind.
"Marinette dating a superhero? Ha! Yea right. Like anyone in their right mind would date her." Chloé sneered.
Marinette stood up.
"Cat noir sometimes comes over to talk and we hang out sometimes. That's it. We're not dating." She tells everyone her voice laced with coldness. With that she walked away.
"Morning Mari." Nino said.
"Morning Marinette!" Adrien greeted as she walked past. She looked at them with a small smile before turning her head to the ground again. This made them pause in their tracks before running toward the huge group still surrounding alya.
"Ok everyone back to normal routine! Go on get lost!" Nino shouts and watched the crowd disperse.
"Marinette!" Alya called.
"What happened?" Nino asked.
"I went too far. I purposely got her surrounded! Then Chloé came over with some snarky comment and she seemed annoyed by it. Nino what if she gets akumatized!?" Alya wailed.
"I'll go see where she is." Adrien offered and ran off.
Just his luck he didn't have to look far as he found Marinette sat on the stairs to the left at the bottom. She had her head down as she hugged her knees.
He walked down slowly and sat by her. He was about to say something but she beat him to it.
"Go away Alya." She said on instinct.
"I'm not Alya. She's worried though."
This caused Marinette to look up.
'She hadn't been crying that's good.' He though relieved.
"O-oh h-h-ey Adrien. What are you doing here?"
"Checking up on you. We were filled in on what happened. Are you mad at Alya she's really worried, and sorry." He told her. He had offered to check on her because he was worried about her as well. More than he thought.
Marinette didn't reply at first. She just stared at the cars passing by.
"Yes and no. I know what she was doing when she did it. And it made me feel awkward but they were just curious is all. I don't blame them. But she shouldn't have done it in the first place."
"Is that it?" He pushed.
"It's Chloé. I know she loves to try get me down. And I always think it won't bother me. But she loves to make my life hell. I don't even know what I did to her. She just...argh!" She let out.
Adrien noticed a black butterfly flying their direction.
"Ok. I need you to calm down. Deep breaths. What? Come on." Adrien nudged her gently. This caused her to smile.
"That's it. In...and out. Deep breaths. Feeling better?" He asked.
"Yea. Thanks Adrien." She replied with a smile. He looked behind her to see the little black butterfly slowly disappearing. He smiled to himself.
"How'd you know that would help?" The girl asked making him avert his gaze toward her.
"My father. He seems to rile me up. Always about work this, work that. So I just sometimes I just sit in my room and take deep breaths. Anyway come on." He started as he stood up holding his hand out.
"We better go back in before the bell-" he was cut off by the bell ringing loudly for last period. Adrien sighed at his bad luck and mentally cursed plagg for it.
He heard a giggle from Marinette as she took his hand.
"You were saying?" She teased as he pulled her up.
"Oh be quiet. Come on let's go." They walked up the stairs before marinette began to run.
"Race you there!" She shouted behind her.
"What? Hey! No fair!" He said as he too began to sprint up the stairs.
Marinette would have won. But she tripped up the stairs giving Adrien the lead. He laughed as he waited for her. She decided to just walk after that. The poor girl caught up to him with pink tinted lightly across her face.
When they walked in their teacher just smiled at them.
"Alya told me what happened. Just sit down you two and your partners will fill you in on what we're learning."
"Yes miss." The duo replied.
Marinette sat next to Alya and smiled.
"Sorry Alya. I didn't mean to worry you."
"No. I'm sorry Marinette, I shouldn't have gone that far. Forgive me?"
Marinette hugged her.
"Of course."
"Alya, Marinette I hope your talking about today's work?"
"Ah yes miss!" The two girls laughed quietly.
Adrien smiled to himself knowing Marinette was happy again. Unfortunately Nino noticed said smile and thought of a plan of his own.
'Well, well, well.' He thought.
'This ought to be interesting.'
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