Chapter 2
Heyyo! This is just real quick. I should've really mentioned in the first chapter, but, the videos and photos that will be above with not be related to the chapter unless I say so.
"Hey you guys haven't seen Alya have you?" Marinette asked Rose and Juleka to which they shook thier heads causing a small sigh to slip through her lips.
Marinette looked round again. Still no Alya.
"Hey marinette!" A voice called from the side of her.
"Adrien!" She said startled.
"Ha ha sorry didn't mean to scare you."
"N-no I-it's fine. I'm just looking for Alya that's all." The blue haired baker child told the blonde haired model boy.
"Same. Well, no, not really. I'm looking for Nino." Adrien chuckles at his sentence. He was surprised Marinette was talking to him without her clumsiness.
"W-well, I'm g-going to go find her now. Bye." Marinette tried to hurry before she stuttered for made a fool out of herself. Like usual.
"Hey wait. Mind if I tag along?" Adrien asked causing her to pause in her tracks and turn to him.
"I thought you were looking for Nino?" She questioned.
"Well those two spend a lot of time together so I'm thinking.." he trailed off.
"Wherever she is; Nino is."
Marinette finished off.
Mairnette began to walk and Adrien followed.
Adrien and Marinette found their friends in the classroom surrounded by people. They looked at each other confused before deciding to go see what their friends were up to.
"Ok guys so those who think they're already dating, place your bets. Marinette! Hey, girl! Wanna place a bet?" Alya chirped.
"A bet?" Marinette repeated confused.
"On ladybug and cat noir silly." Nino piped up.
"You don't think your going over board?"Adrien questioned.
"Why does it matter anyway?" Marinette backed up her crush's question.
"Cause if they are that means they know each other without the masks. Right?" Alya ponders.
"Not really. They could date without revealing who they are if they didn't want to. Beside from the videos you catch ladybug always pushed cat noir away." Marinette defends.
"What if their secretly dating?" Nino protests.
"Then they don't want you or anyone knowing. Hence the secrecy." Adrien shoots back.
"Why do you defend them?" Alya asks.
"It's as if.." Nino begins.
"Look I know they're not dating. I get inside info." Marinette tells them.
Alya suddenly shoots up.
"Are you...!?"
"What? Pff no. I just talk to cat noir sometimes." Marinette says smoothly as if it's natural.
Everyone around went quiet. Marinette suddenly felt awkward and looked at her class mates.
"What?" She questions.
"YOU HANG OUT WITH CAT NOIR!!?" Her friends- consisting of Alya, Mylene, Alix, rose, Nino- shouted.
"Your lucky Marinette." Juleka states.
"Why would someone like cat noir hang out with a loser like you marinette?" Chloé sneers.
Adrien was about to tell Chloé not to be rude but Alya beat him to it.
"Shut up Chloé. Your just jealous marinette hangs out with someone cool."
"Pff why would I be jealous of Marinette of all people."
"Just be quiet Chloé. No one cares about your opinion." Marinette finally said.
The students, once again, went silent.
"What now?" Marinette asked.
"So Marinette dupain-Cheng thinks she can stand up to me? Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous."
Just then the bell went and everyone sat down in their seats. As their teacher came in Alya slid her bff a note.
Marinette opened it slowly. It read:
'Your not off the hook yet. I want deets later girl.'
Marinette sighed and got on with her work.
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