[2] 2: Threats abound
Atop Beacon academy, stood the central tower, the great tower that dwarfed the rest of the school's other buildings. Within said tower Ozpin was catching up with an old compatriot, comrade and loyal friend, General Ironwood.
"I can certainly appreciate the quality time between friends, however, a small fleet outside my window has me concerned." said Ozpin, as he gestured to the small army that Ironwood had brought to his school's hangar area before filling himself a mug of coffee, although small would be quite the understatement here.
"Well, concerned is what brought them here." Ironwood replied.
Ozpin then said "I understand that travel between kingdoms has become increasingly difficult-" only to be cut off by Ironwood, saying "Oz, you and I both know why I brought my men here.".
Oz then downed his mug of coffee before saying "We are in a time of peace. Shows of power like this... Are only going to give off the wrong impression.".
Ironwood then tried to explain, saying "If what Qrow said was true then-" only to be cut off by Ozpin who then said "If what Qrow said was true then we will handle it tactfully.".
He then placed both hands together below his chin as he said "It is the Vytal Festival, a time to celebrate unity and peace. So I suggest you not scare people by transporting hundreds of soldiers halfway across the continent.".
Ironwood frowned as he defended his action by saying "I'm just being cautious.".
Ozpin then said "As am I, which is why we will continue to train the best huntresses and huntsmen that we can.".
Ironwood then said "Believe me... I am...". He then turned his back to briefly think before saying "However, ask yourself this.". He then turned around and asked "Do you honestly believe that your children can win a war?".
Ozpin frowned into his coffee mug before saying "I hope they never have to-" only to hear muffled screaming from the window.
They then looked in surprise as Mal was currently hugging the window panel as if his life depended on it, which it does.
Ironwood then hurriedly opened the window and hoisted the child in. He then looked at Ozpin saying "Is he...".
"One of mine? Yes. Quite an interesting student actually. Michael Dantes Espina, adopted brother of Yang Xiao Long and Ruby Rose.".
Ironwood then raised an eyebrow saying "Another one of Summer's? Or..." making Mal glare at him before panting out "No... found me... forest... amnesia..." before catching his breath, making Ironwood nod before saying "Forgive me, it's just that... you bear a close resemblance to Ruby is all.".
Ozpin then nodded before gesturing to Mal to speak while saying "Now, Mal, what is it that brought you here? I'm sure you know that is part of the school is strictly off limits to students.".
Mal nodded before finishing his panting before saying "This person... don't let a person like this enter the school." as he went and grabbed his scroll from his pocket and gave it to Ozpin. As Ozpin examined it, Ironwood walked behind the man and also observed the photo. The photo was a detailed, digital drawing of a woman with black, wavy hair going down one side of her face. She had fair skin, amber eyes and a red dress.
Ozpin then raised an eyebrow and said "And who might this be pray tell?"
Mal then said "She is the person me, Ruby and Ms. Goodwitch fought before I was able to get in the school. The one in cahoots with Roman Torchwick. The mystery woman with the fire powers. The maide-I mean... the maiden in red.". Ironwood's eyes then became more cautious as he thought "Does the boy know?".
"Is this some sort of elaborate prank mr. Espina, because I do not find it funny. I'm starting to doubt your little sleep walk five days ago." said Ozpin making Mal indignantly say "What?! No! I'm serious!".
Ozpin then crossed his legs as he said "Then pray tell, how do you know this then?".
Mal then gulped before meeting Ozpin's gaze, doing his absolute best not to falter before quickly brainstorming an excuse. A light bulb lit up behind his head as he said "Th-the arrow.".
Both men then eyed Mal in curiousity as he held out his hand and muttered out "Switch... on!".
As he did, circuits began forming all around his skin as white energy sparked out of it before said light coalesced within his palm and recreated a specific arrow, one whose tip was shaped like a deformed, twisted dagger rather than a normal arrow, its fletching, made of steel sails. As Ironwood focused on the arrow, Ozpin focused on the lines of energy crawling around Mal's arm like live wire. Something felt... familiar with it.
Mal then said "As you know, my semblance is based off of the concept of scanning and recreating of items. One of the things I've found out about it is that by pushing its scanning ability, I can scan for tiny fragments of the weapon's history.". He then stood in silence to allow the two to arrive at a conclusion. Ironwood then said "And one of those is about this supposed "Maiden of Red" of yours?".
Mal then nodded to which Ozpin then said "If you have learned of this ability before... then how come you have only told us of this now? Surely you must understand that we cannot simply trust you by your statement alone?".
Mal then nodded. He then said "That's because until recently, I thought these were just my brain being scrambled as usual. The very same reason why calling Weiss her real name doesn't quite feel right and how the name Saber feels more... familiar I guess? to me. I'm sure my adopted dad can confirm my panic attacks and such.".
Ozpin then sighed before saying "I... see...". Mal then shot a deadpan look at Oz before saying :If you don't believe me, then hand me your stick. I'll tell you what I can gather from it.".
Ozpin then smiled and said "Sorry, but in the likely chance that your powers DO perform as you say they do, then perhaps a weapon as aged as this may prove to be... dangerous.".
Ironwood then walked up to Mal and then said "Here, try this." before handing him his white revolver, the "Due Process". Mal nodded and then dissolved the daggarrow before holding the revolver up and closing his eyes.
He then flared the circuits up once more, as he said "Switch... on!". He then started seeing fragmented history of said revolver before grunting out "Heh, I was never good with guns but I think... I think I can handle it.".
Mal then opened his eyes and said "Huh, neat it comes in a black and white pair like my Sol and Luna. This white revolver is the main offensive of the two. The black one's ability is similar to Yang's Ember Celica in which it can launch you around of with its high recoil... and... huh, your fighting style is sorta basic from what can see.".
He then began shadow boxing with the pistol in hand and recreated the moves Ironwood used it in.
He then gave the pistol back to Ironwood who then said "I'm impressed. That is quite a useful semblance you have.".
Mal then scratched the back of his head before sheepishly saying "Yeah, if it were in the hands of anyone but me. I'm not too creative on its use and I also can't really use too far or else I kinda just... explode... into blades...".
Ozpin winced after a memory of seeing Mal in the clinic that one time impaled from the inside by blades resurfaced.
Mal then said "If I have proven trustworthy enough, then that picture should be all the warning you shall need. I'll go now before they suspect me. After all, all I did say was that my stomach went bad after eating one of my weaponized fruitcakes.".
Ironwood then raised a brow, saying "Weaponized fruitcake?" while glancing at Oz, before the white haired man said "Another time.".
As Mal got ready to go down the elevator, Ozpin then called out once more, saying "Tell me, Michael, why is it that your risk telling us this without your team's knowledge when this might cause distrust from your team?".
Mal then turned around with a hardened expression. He then said "I want to save as many people as I can. Currently, this is the only way I know how.".
As he closed the elevator door, Ozpin then turned to Ironwood and said "That boy reminds me so much of you, James. You think he might be a relative of yours?".
Ironwood then said "I... I don't know. However, now I have something to research about next time I return to Atlas." as he said that Ozpin then opened his desk and pulled out a familiar school Jersey. He then handed it over to Ironwood, saying "I don't know if this might help but, this was part of the outfit he wore when Tai and his family first saw him bursting through the tree line.".
Ironwood then eyed the tattered vest and looked at the ripped insignia."Interesting.".
Ozpin then said "I believe, the team name I picked for them is becoming more and more fitting with each little revelation from our little rag tag team.".
Ironwood then said "Do you think that boy hides more than he lets on?".
As Mal returned from the "bathroom", he then waltzed up to team RWBY playing the boardgame based on Remnant. Apparently, Alice went off to train, Cenn said he'd go to band practice and Lex was dragged off by Rogue because he apparently was planning something for the upcoming prom. Poor guy, Rogue is not known to exhibit any sort of over the top reaction to anything, but if it has anything related this world's version of Jojo's bizzare adventure, then he's going to have to prepare the painkillers for Lex. The man was intimidating, but he has the ever so quirky weakness of not being able to say no to anyone he considers as a friend, family and especially not Yang for some reason. Mal then concluded that it most likely had something to do with his past as a single child to a rich family, nigh untouchable, and unlike Weiss, had no sibling to interact with.
Mal then froze after seeing Weiss look at Neptune dreamily.
His mouth then curled into a frown as he looked at the scene, hypocritically hiding behind a bookshelf as well. As he saw them talking, he clasped his shirt at where his heart was and then muttered out "Mal, you're just friends... Nothing more than that. Calm yourself down. Saber is just a... Saber is just a...".
As Mal felt a warm liquid drip from his eyes, he then whispered out "Mal, you idiot... She's just a friend... Don't feel like this... This is not right. You're not supposed to feel. You're not... You're not. You don't deserve her... More than that... There's still things needed to be done".
He then shook his head and then walked away. He has only a limited time left in this world. If he wishes to save it, then even his own happiness he'd give away.
"Besides, I don't want her to bear the burden of seeing me perish anyways." Mal thought as a bitter smile crept up his face.
He then wiped his eyes and glasses with his cape before jumping back from Rogue suddenly being in front of him with a smile that seemed more like something plastered on Nora's face after drinking coffee.
Rogue then started slowly chanting "Tor-ture dance... tor-ture dance... torture dance, torture dance!" while clamping down on Lex's arm with his left hand.
Mal then shook his head, saying "No, as fun as that is, I just wanna rest right now... I don't feel like it.".
Rogue then chanted faster and faster while following Mal. Currently, Mal was making his way to the team, twitching slowly from his patience being burnt out like a gunpowder trail.
Mal then snapped, saying "COULD YOU ANNOY SOMEONE ELSE?!" before pulling his hair, saying "Rogue, I'm sorry... I...". Rogue, instead of reacting violently, shifted back to his usual passive self and said "Hey man, it's cool. I mean, with game as strong as Neptune, your Saber-poo~ has fallen hook, line and sinker for the guy. Never had a case like that before, but it's cool, I get it.".
Mal then tried to deny only to see Rogue smirking from far away with Lex being dragged, looking at Mal like a pig being dragged to the slaughter.
Mal then amusedly scoffed before unlocking the dorm. He then sat inside and then slapped his face, saying "Get your head in the game Mal! You can't falter. Like Ruby said we're all leaders now. We can't fail, not when there are people I have to lead...".
Speaking of which... He then glanced to the wall next to one of dorms nearby as he heard a certain blonde brawler complain about Jaune's surprising tactical aptitude only for Ruby to tease her.
Seeing as how everyone moved away from the wall, Mal then opted to sneak to the door and peep through there.
He then made out a muffled argument between Weiss and Blake before clearly hearing Ruby say "Okay, all in favor of becoming the youngest Huntresses to single-handedly taking down a corrupt organization conspiring against the Kingdom of Vale... say aye.".
Team RWBY then expressed their acceptance towards the idea but due to Mal's crappy luck, pressing his cheek against the knob was enough to twist enough and open, making Mal topple into the floor, faceplanting into the rug.
Ruby, Yang and Weiss all then exclaimed his name as he propped himself up and dusted himself off.
Mal then said "Say no more, I'm in.".
Ruby then pouted as she started pushing Mal out of the room, saying "Oh no you're not.".
Mal then squawked out "What?! Why not!". She then replied "You heard what the doctor said! You're still recovering from your injuries!".
Mal then clamped both hands on the door saying "No! I... I can't just stay in one spot when-" to which Weiss then interrupted him, saying "When others are in need. We know you dolt! Which is EXACTLY why you're staying at Beacon! You're the type who'd get yourself killed in a situation like that!".
Mal then said "I don't care! I need to... I need to do this! I need to help!" still struggling as Ruby shouted "Yang help!".
Mal then looked at Yang in horror and shock as she hesitantly walked towards Ruby. She then shrugged, saying "Sorry bud, you're just gonna have to sit this one out." as she cracked her fingers before helping Ruby. Mal then reinforced his arms, hands and fingers to the very brink, forcing Ruby and Yang to put even more effort while also trying to be as conscious about their strength as possible so as to not dislocate their adopted siblings arms.
Blake by this point just went to the bed and eyed them concernedly while waving a flag that says "Go team RWBY!!". This doesn't seem to involve her, so she believed it's best she doesn't.
Weiss then decided to try and convince him via the logical route and said "But you've done enough already you dolt. And each and every single time you play hero, you always, ALWAYS get impaled by something. Whether it be that guy in black and red's arrow, a grimm's talons or even you're own body. How are you going to convince us to let you join us when each time a fight breaks out and you're there, you always end up injured?".
Mal then grimaced from the pain of him holding onto the door as he said "I... I'll think of a way!".
Ruby then says a strained "Why... are... you so stubborn!" as she continues to struggle.
Mal then strained out "Because... I want my effort... to matter in the... end!".
Mal then looks at the door in brief terror as his grip splintered the wood. "Crap, I forgot to reinforce the wood" was what he thought before he faceplanted into the rug once more. Luckily for him, his glasses were replaced by Tai Yang early on due to them being totaled when they first met him.
Ruby then stared at Mal and then said "You knew... didn't you?" in a low, disbelieving voice. All Mal could offer was a sad smile as he said "It's surprising how much one can hear in a coma.".
It's best you don't know how I truly know.
Mal then said "Now please, if I have eight years left, that leaves me four years left to ACTUALLY be a huntsman... the least I can do is be helpful until then...".
Ruby then looked at him with a conflicted face before going into deep thought. She then paced around before she groaned and then said "Fine! I... I guess... but promise me... PROMISE ME you'll keep safe this time.".
Mal could only sigh, before saying "Yes... I won't take on a mech or something.".
Ruby then shook her head and then said "Not good enough. Weiss! You keep an eye on him." making Mal and Weiss turn red as they said "WHY?!" in unison. Ruby then giggled before saying "Do you really think anyone else would be more qualified?" as she pointed to the rest of her team with Blake immediately saying "Nope, can't be bothered." as she flipped her book and Yang saying "I'd be too close to the enemy to properly defend him.". Weiss then groaned as Ruby slung her arm around Weiss's shoulder saying "Besides! You can always encase him in a block of ice if he DOES try anything reckless.".
Weiss then crossed her arms as she said "Ugh, fine! But only because you told me to.". Mal was still frozen in shock, still fidgeting.
Ruby then clapped her hands as she said "Well looks like we have a plan!".
Mal then opened his scroll only to see Rogue scontacting him from the other side.
Yang then said "You gonna tell em?". Mal then deadpanned and said "Yang... I know for a fact that they aren't going to be as easy to convince as you two. Not only that but Cenn and Lex are roughly your strength, and while Rogue might be more understanding, Alice is not. That and I do NOT wanna know what those tranq darts inside Alice's desk do.".
Yang then shrugged, saying "You're their leader." before saying "So what are you gonna tell em?".
Mal then said "Don't worry, I got this.".
Mal then answered the call and heard Cenn's voice on the other side, saying "Hey Mal... where are you? It's late already.".
Mal then said "Don't worry about me. I'm just in team RWBY's dorm, just talking to my sisters.".
Cenn then smugly replied "Are you sure you're not talking to Sa-" which Mal interrupted by saying "Say the next syllable and I'm immediately ending the call. What do you want?".
Cenn then sighed before saying "Um... well... y'see... I may have forgotten my scroll at the gym... It's okay you don't need to find it, I was just hoping you were near and-".
"Say no more. I will go to get it.".
"But you don't have to-"
Mal then turned off the scroll before saying "Well, I have to find Cenn's scroll at the gym now. See you guys later.".
Ruby's eyes widen as she said "I forgot the board game at the library" to which Weiss shook her head to. Ruby then ran while Mal ran in the opposite direction. Unluckily, due to having spent more time than needed to convince a team into helping Blake, Ruby didn't bump into anyone... unsavory. However, Mal's bad luck had other ideas.
Mal then fell down after bumping into someone. As he did, he then scurried around to find his glasses only for a gloved hand to hand them over, saying "I'm sorry for bumping into you. It's quite dark. My father told me apologizing in this situation is good manners.".
That voice... father?
After placing his glasses on, he then looked up to see a tall female student wearing Haven academy clothing. Instead of what Mal expected in a black haired woman with amber eyes, he instead saw a porcelain white girl with whose eyes were closed due to her polite smile as she said "Are you okay?" which was eerily familiar but... he couldn't remember why. Something about her smile and voice unnerved him.
Mal decided to not act suspicious and return the politeness as he said "Hello, I apologize as well. I wasn't expecting anyone up so late. I'm assuming you're visiting from Haven with those clothes of yours?".
She then nodded before saying "Of course.". A second later a dark skinned woman with red eyes and green hair, and a grey-haired young man then arrived, The green-haired girl then said "Oh, you made a new friend Luna?" to which Luna as she was then nodded.
Mal then uneasily smiled before saying "So... I'm Mal... hello you three.". The grey-haired boy then said "Sup, I'm Mercury." while the green-haired one said "I'm Emerald. Nice to meet you.".
Mal then nodded as the blue-haired girl then said "I'm Luna. Nice to meet you.".
Mal then said "I... really have to go. I have to get something. See you later.". They then waved as Luna bowed. As they passed each other, Luna then partially opened her eyes as she said "Looking forward to meeting you... Mal.".
As she said so, Mal's heart stopped with fear.
Those eyes... those ominous, glowing, cybernetic, blue eyes... that voice...
They are so... familiar
As Mal turned back, he just saw the trio walk off. He then examined the blue-haired girl, Luna, and then saw the outline of the faceless android he fought at Forever Falls match her.
2J? Can't be... Could it?
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