"I can't be with you, Miracle."
I stared at him, not able to talk. My lips were stuck together, I couldn't open my mouth. The soft ligh from the lamp illuminated the lighter highlights in his beautiful blonde hair. That was kind of distracting me from that horrible thing he has just let out from his mouth. What did he say again?
"Don't look at me that way. You know I hate it," he said, annoyed a little.
"I-I'm sorry," I stuttered surprisingly, "What did you say?"
"I said I'm done. Like completely done. I'm sorry, Miracle, but I can't handle it anymore. We're not made for each other. The universe doesn't work the way you think it does. Sorry, babe."
"Don't call me babe, when you're breaking up with me," I whispered, trying to hold up tears. My lips were shaking. My hands were shaking. I was shaking.
"Do you want uh... last hug?" he offered with light, little smile forming on his perfect cheeks. He stretched his strong, formed arms and started to get closer to me, but I refused to even touch him.
"I don't want to touch anyone who thinks that universe is responsible for you breaking up with me."
He gave me a regretful sight, but I didn't trust him. I knew he's a liar a long time ago, but I couldn't admit it. But now... Now I realised. The fog that covered my mind disappeared and I could think more clearly.
"It's not the universe, who splits us apart," I said carefully, but I felt that the anger inside is slowly getting out of me. "It's her. Am I right, Daniel? It's Olivia. It's always her. Am I right?!"
I left him a few seconds to respond, anyhow. But silence is a response too, so when he didn't say anything, just stared at the floor next to my feet, my palm hit his cheek immediately.
Or I tried to hit him. He grisp my wrist, precluding my try to hurt him.
"Calm down, Miracle," he muttered, visibly annoyed. My chest went up and down, following my abstracted breathe.
"It's not about Olivia. It's about... It's Spencer."
The air jammed in my throat. I couldn't breathe. I just glared in his perfect sea blue eyes.
"So you're trying to say... That you've cheated on me... with Spencer?!" I finally asked.
"No, basically I'm trying to tell you that I'm gay."
"So you're coming out to me."
"And breaking up with me."
"Uhh... Yes."
"At the same time."
"Miracle..." he sighed. It was obvious that I bored him. Maybe I have been boring him the whole time.
"Shut up. Just turn around, pack your bags and go." I said stoutly and pull out my hand from his clinch.
He sighed again and shook his head. Then he finally turned and grabbed his enormous sports bag.
"Just one question," I stopped him before leaving the bedroom, "have you two ever done it in our bed?"
Have I mentioned yet that the silence is also a response?
"Just go, Daniel. I don't want to see you in my life anymore."
He left without a word. But I was the one who suffered.
Prohrabávala jsem se svými drafty a narazila jsem na tuhle one-shot, kterou jsem napsala kdysi dávno, když jsem ležela v depkách... Je to první věc, kterou jsem se snažila napsat anglicky, takže je dost možný, že je to kostrbatý a asi tam najdete pár chybek... Berte to s rezervou prosím, nesnažím se ukázat, jak umím anglicky, to není účel.
Každopádně, děkuju těm, kteří jste to přečetli až sem, že se mnou držíte i v období mého enormního writer's blocku, moc si toho vážím.
Vaše Icia.
PS: teď jsem zjistila, že jsem napsala i druhou kapitolu. možná to tak brzo neskončí...
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