chapter 1
Standing outside the slightly cracked door seven years old Elisio watched his mother sing a lullaby to his three year old brother. He often stood there going unnoticed by his mother and would sleep outside the door.
"Why doesn't mummy love me daddy?" Asked little Elisio.
"Ofcourse she loves you. Who wouldn't love a handsome boy like you? She is just busy with your little brother. He is small and need her right now. " Said Zeke, Elisio's father.
"But she never sings for me. And when I go to her she just walks away." Said Elisio.
How was Zeke to explain to his son why his own mother doesn't love him but despises him. How was he to tell him he was born out of rape. And the person who raped his mother was non other than Zeke himself and then forced her to marry him. Every time she looked at Elisio, he reminded her of that horrid day. Thought she was married to Zeke now and was trying to fulfill a good wife's duty. Zeke always found a disconnection. Zeke thought a new baby would change that but now she has completely distanced herself from Elisio.
"Huh?" Looking back at his son Zeke knew he had to make another excuse.
"Look Elisio once Isaiah is a little older and would not require too much of mummy's time she will come back to you. Okay?" Said Zeke .
"I guess." Little Elisio said with a sad face looking down.
To Elisio's horror Sarah (Elisio's mother) was pregnant for the third time. This infuriated Elisio. There would be an other child who would take away even more time of her mother. She will never have time for him. He hated his brother and now there will be more. But again he though it will be fun to watch Isaiah being ignored by his mother. That made him less angry and was waiting to see the pain in his brother's eyes that he had been experiencing.
A new baby was born. A boy again. And a small fragile heart was shattered into pieces when Elisio watched his mother loving both his brothers.
"You lied to me. You said mummy was busy with Isaiah and so she was not near me. Now that Nevio is here she is loving both of them. Why doesn't she love me? WHY?" Elisio was screaming at his father and throwing anything and everything his little hands could reach.
"Elisio she loves you" Zeke tried to sound convincing.
"No she does not. If she did I would be in there with her. "
Zeke didn't know what to say. He picked up the exhausted child and took him to his room and put him to bed.
"I love you Elisio. I will always love you. I really hope that will be enough for you." Zeke kissed his son's forehead and left the room.
Elisio opend his eyes and said "I love you to daddy but I want mummy to. I want it all and I know how to have it all for myself. I will kill those two pests who are keeping mummy so busy . Once she is free from them she will be all MINE"
Elisio was standing at the doorframe watching his almost 4 years old brother play with his toys on the floor and his infant brother in his crib. Their mother left to the kitchen to get Isaiah some juice.
"Silio" shouted his brother excited to see his big brother.
"My name is Elisio. What are you regarded are something. No wonder mummy needs to give you special attention." Elisio said looking at his brother with all the hate in the world.
"Silio come plaww." Said Isaiah.
"What are you playing? " Asked Elisio.
"Cars. Do u wan to plaww?"asked Isaiah.
With a sinister smile Elisio looked at Isaiah and said "oh I want to play. But I brought my own toy. "
That's when Isaiah saw a knife in Elisio's hand.
"Mummy doesn't let me touch that. She said it may hurt me." Said Isaiah.
"Aww aren't we precious to Mummy. But I want to play only with these. It's fun. Do u want to play or not?" Asked Elisio.
Isaiah was really happy that his big brother wanted to play with him. But he was afraid to." But if I hurt."
Asked Isaiah.
"How about we include Nevio too. He is still a baby it's easy to play with him." Said Elisio.
"How can he plaw? What is the game?" Asked Isaiah.
"It's a very simple game its 'who has more blood in their body' . Let's start with Nevio. I bet he will lose as he is small and will have less blood." Said Elisio with happy smile.
"But he will die" said Isaiah with tears in his eyes.
"So? Are you not angry he is taking mummy's time. She loves him. How can you be okay with it?" Asked Elisio.
"But she loves me too." Said Isaiah.
That angered Elisio more. " NO. She is my mummy. She should only love me. Not you, not him. You both are taking her time away. You both are taking her away from me. I will not let that happen. She is MINE." With that he charged towards Isaiah and lifted the knife to stab him.
"ELISIO" shouted his mother.
Elisio suddenly had the biggest smile on his face hearing his mother call him. He was only staring at his mother as she approached him and took his hand in her hand. She was touching him. Will she hug him to? She was saying something to him but he could not listen to her as she was so close to him. Inches close. She had taken the knife from him. Was she going to finish his work for him. She is such good mummy.
He felt a sharp pain on his cheek. What happened? It would definitely not be a slap. Was it? Why would she hit him? Now he focused on what she was saying.
"You monster, you little filth. What were you doing? haven't you done enough being born? Every day looking at you is torture enough now you want me suffer more by killing my children. You were born out of sin, you are a devil" screamed his mother.
"SARAH" screamed Zeke at the doorway of the room.
"What are you doing? Why are you saying these things? He is your son."
Said Zeke with sorrow in his voice.
"I want him away from me. Away from my children. He was born with sin he is a devil. He tried to kill Isaiah. What child at this age would want to kill anyone. I will not stay in a house with him" Cried Sarah.
"Sarah please listen to me. He is our child we can not just send him away. You gave birth to him just like the other two. You love them ,how can you hate him?" Zeke said with a soothing voice trying to reason with his wife.
"NO. Either he stays or I" staring at Zeke to make a choice.
"I will not let go of any of my children or you. All of you will stay with me. We are a family and we will stay together" said Zeke with all seriousness and authority.
"I will not stay with you alive" with that Sarah slit her wrist with the knife she had taken from Elisio.
"SARAH... What did you do?" Screamed Zeke and ran to her and lifted her bridal style and ran to his car. He screamed at the indoor help to look after the kids and to call his parents.
"How can you let it come to this? And why was Elisio trying to harm his brothers?" Asked Eduardo Dorante, Zeke's father. He was a very dominant man. Full of authority and he had an aura of an Alpha male. He was feared by all and was ruthless and heartless. He came from long lineage of dominants and never even flinched while killing anyone. Yes he was a baaad guy. Well u really can't be a soft when u have an empire of billions of dollars around the world to run.
"I didn't know it will get this bad. Sarah became completely ignorant toward Elisio once Isaiah was born. I tried my best." Said Zeke with his head down staring at the floor and holding his mother's hand.
"How were you doing your best? By fucking her more and making even more babies. I told you one child is enough, she would have no other choice but to love only Elisio. He is the one who has to carry on our legacy. Why did you need more?" Asked Eduardo.
"I wanted to make her happy and she was when Isaiah was born. I just didn't know she will distant herself from Elisio." Said Zeke. He continued "and now she doesn't even want him in the house. What do I do?" He asked looking at his Mother who had tears in her eyes seeing her only child in so much pain.
"Let us take him. You can come and visit him anytime and he will be taken cared of." Suggested Zeke's mother Ava Dorante.
"I think it's a good idea love." Said Eduardo looking at his beloved wife who was soft spoken and kind hearted a complete opposite of himself.
"You think so?" Asked Zeke with a hopeful voice.
"Yes. You man up and get your priorities straight till then Elisio can stay with us" said Eduardo.
"I want my mummy to love me but she does not love me" said Elisio to his grandfather who was sitting in his chair behind his mohogany desk and drinking scotch. Elisio was sitting on Eduardo's lap and explaining why he tried to kill his brothers.
"So you thought killing your brothers will make her fall in love with you?"asked Eduardo.
"Well..." Elisio trailed off..
"Listen kid we are Alpha males we don't love and fuck we should not care if anyone loves us especially a woman. Women are weak they only make us weak. Women are beautiful creatures who were born to entertain men like us and for us to play with them. They are our toys. Don't hurt your head understanding them. They can be trained to pleasure and fulfill our desires. Grow up. Man up. Be strong and ruthless so that world fears u and men bend their head in fear of you and respect your persona. And for women" Eduardo chucked and continued "you want them on their knees in front of you." He finished his scotch and set the glass down and then glared at his grandson and said "when you grow up play with as many toys as you want but never taste them. Cause you want to taste only one who will be a drug you want for only yourself. I will make you exactly like me. I will bring you up ruthless, heartless and you will be feared by everyone. That's when you can have anything you want or anyone you want."
Elisio listened to his grandfather. He didn't understand many things he said but noted it anyways. He would learn it eventually.
Authors note: hey guys, I am not a writer. But have a great disturbing mind. This story was just a random idea which was encouraged. Hope u like it. Dedicated to HZmahrukh987.
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