"I'm sorry how much did you make???" Jin stared I'm awe at Jimin. "Hyung, its only $750" Jimin rolled his eyes. "No Jimin... Jimin, Jimin, Jimin, $750 is A LOT especially for tickets" Jimin shrugged. "I've made $15,000 before"
Jin was about to say something when someone called him. Jimin smirked "It's Namjoon isn't it?" Jin blushed and walked out of his room "OH HYUNGGGG ASK FOR VIP TICKETS.... PLEASE"
Jimin took his headphones and looked at his screen. "Hello? Jungkook you still there?" "Yeah- HYUNG BEHIND YOU!!!" Jungkook shrieked into the microphone and in Overwatch, Jimin turned and shot shooting the person. "I'm so done with this why do I have to play-" "because you love me." Jimin pulled the microphone away from him "Jimin I need your help." Then he put the microphone back "Okay I'm coming"
"What happened?" "Jin hyung needs me ahahaha okay I love you, bye!" Jimin immediately hung up and grabbed his phone.
"I need to update!~" Jimin loved to sing yet he never sang in front of people. But when he sings with headphones.... The neighbors can even hear it.
minsugainventedsweg ThIS is DisReSPeCtfUl How CaN A PerSOn bE sO SMOl buT So dAmN hOY hHhhHhHhHhHhHhhHhH
Yoongi's POV
*bzzzzzz bzzzz*
I grabbed my phone and saw that one of my fansite posted something. I opened up to see four photos of me with a filter. I don't understand how they post these so quickly???? Like you guys are hella fast.
I honestly think this is creepy how I make an account and look at my fan's posts but I don't want people attacking me saying I pick my "favorite" fans. I think I have seen this fansite but I'm not really sure. But I'm really sure that he's going to be there for my next game.
There are a lot of fan accounts for me but this one is so different. He's so determined and he just seems so loyal too.
"Yoongi!!! Where are you? You need to practice for your game-" "Namjoon, let. Me. Sleep. Please." I get so sleepy training I just need to sleep. I don't want to do anything else being very honest.
"Okay fine... But the tickets for your game sold out so that's something-" "Okay bye!" I pushed him out and closed the door. He's my manager and all but he's always bugging me. I honestly don't understand how he has time to have a boyfriend. Like is it long distance or something???
theminsuga Good night~ Sleep well~
I was going to shut off my phone when it rang. I turned it on to see my notification. It was my photo I just posted.... On my fansite's account--- How tf is this boy so fast I don't understand is he a hacker or something???
minsugainventedsweg why DOeS He loOk sO dIsRespeCtFuL i doNt UndeRstAnD Hes FuCKinG hOt UVGjhvyJGVFYGjkkJGKjhgJ
A/N: Lmao please save me its 4:30am and I'm already sleep deprived. Like I only get 2 hours of sleep a day for the past month??? Please. Send. Help.
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