erm when I wrote this I didn't realize Felix and Jeongin and Minho literally all slept in the same room. So it's not accurate in that way. But like ,, seriously can JYP not afford separate rooms for their best selling artists???? I'm mad but whatever. Enjoy
Jisung wakes up with a start, and a sick, uneasy feeling lands in the pit of his stomach.
For a moment, all Jisung can hear is his own unsteady breathing. He mulls over the dream — it was more like a nightmare, but he doesn't want to be dramatic — he was awoken by, staring at the ceiling.
When he wakes up in the night like this, it's hard for him to get back to sleep. Most times he will stay in bed and try not to think until the darkness lulls him unconscious.
But some nights — like this one — it's very hard not to think.
He glances at the alarm clock on his bedside table. One-thirty am.
Jisung makes an executive decision, sitting up, sliding on his slippers, and stomping bitterly — yet sleepily — out of his room.
He doesn't bother turning on any of the lights as he makes his way through through the dorm — he knows it well enough to not bump into anything. (Except of course Hyunjin leaves his shoes in the middle of the hallway. Jisung trips over them, catches himself, and keeps going — muttering the whole time.)
Jisung doesn't know the halls as well, so he runs his fingertips along the wall to find his destination. He yawns, wondering to himself if this is a bad idea... He doesn't stop walking.
Jisung opens the door to Minho's dorm with little to no sound, pushing on it to keep the hinges from creaking. It's harder not to collide with anything here, as he doesn't know the ins and outs nearly as well — as well as he should, by this point.
Minho's door is even trickier to open. Jisung doesn't want him to think he's a cat burglar — "Squirrel burglar," Minho would correct him, and Jisung would purposely step on his foot — so he opens it in slow motion, the whole time praying to God for just one thing to go right.
Jisung closes the door again, no noise made, and he smiles triumphantly, looking blindly into the dark room.
Jisung can see Minho's silhouette vaguely in the blackness; just an oval of rumpled-up blankets and a blue teddy bear that Jisung won for him at an amusement park. (Minho named her Lee-Han Chunae and introduced her to all the members — even though he swore stuffed animals meant nothing to him.)
Jisung sits crosslegged on the floor, so he's eye-level with sleeping Minho's face, and stops to admire him for a brief moment. Jisung still doesn't know how things ever worked out between them. He doesn't know how they haven't been found out either. (Just a week or so ago, Jisung couldn't help it and he patted Minho on the butt while they were on stage. To make up for it, Jisung has tries to act coldly toward Minho whenever they're on camera. Minho says Jisung is a terrible actor.)
While Jisung stares at the comatose boy in front of him, heartache washes over him. Maybe not enough time has gone by for him to really know if things worked out.
"Hyung," Jisung says softly. "Minho."
Minho's eyes open, and slowly uncross.
"Jisung," Minho grumbles. His hair is a tangled tuft on the top of his head, and he's wearing his soft grey pyjamas. Jisung's favourite. "What... I mean, hello."
Jisung forgets his worries for a moment. "Hey."
"Are you okay?" Minho asks, rubbing his eyes.
"I'm fine. Are you decent?"
Minho rolls his eyes. Changbin really can't keep his big mouth shut.
"Yes, I'm decent." Minho and Jisung stare at each other for an hour-long second. "So. Are you getting in?"
Jisung hops up, kicking off his slippers, and cuddles close to Minho, covering himself with Minho's heavy comforter. He tries to not let his delight show, even though he's thrilled. (Jisung likes being the little spoon, but he doesn't often get to be, because Minho loves being the little spoon.)
Minho wraps his arms around Jisung, tilts his head down so he's close enough to kiss the nape of his neck. He does.
"Thanks," Jisung sighs, holding Minho's hand gingerly. "And sorry, for waking you up."
"That's fine," Minho says genuinely. Minho loves it when Jisung comes over. As long as he's careful. (Chan would have an aneurysm if he found out, Seungmin would never stop teasing them, Hyunjin might try to recommend some insane dating advice columnist — in the end, Minho would like to press the 'skip' button on all that.)
"I'll get out of here in a few minutes," Jisung promises.
"Stay," Minho says, and constricts his embrace around Jisung. Jisung coughs, then laughs.
"Okay," Jisung says. His foot finds Minho's, and they play footsie under the blanket.
"Why are you awake?" Minho asks eventually, pulling Jisung out of his thoughts. "Were you dreaming?"
"No, I wasn't," Jisung lies, and guilt washes over him immediately. He's lucky he's facing away from Minho, or he would guess there's something bothering Jisung with one glance. "Were you?"
"Yes," Minho says. "I thought maybe you felt it."
"Not since that one night."
Neither of them can explain how sharing a nightmare is possible, even now, weeks later. When Minho said it on Vlive, Jisung was sure he was going to expose their relationship. Because yes, Jisung did feel Minho's horrid nightmare, but he also felt Minho kick him in the shin when he was awoken by it.
"I was reading an article about shared dreams," Minho says.
"What did it say?" Jisung asks, closing his eyes. Sometimes he just likes to listen to Minho's voice.
"A lot of twin stuff. Some soulmate stuff. A little bit of scientific blah blah," Minho recalls, and Jisung laughs. "Nothing interesting really."
"Hyunjin came to me after that Vlive," Jisung says. "He told me about a witch he knew, who was also a 'dream expert.' Supposedly she told him that two people having the same dream means there is a deep subconscious connection between them... But she also scammed him out of two hundred bucks, so I don't know if she's trustworthy."
"Probably not," Minho says.
"Probably," Jisung agrees. "I think it was because we were spending so much time together."
"Me, too. But we could have a deep subconscious connection as well." Minho pauses. "Quick, guess what number I'm thinking of."
"Any number?"
"One hundred and two thousand, five hundred and ninety-eight."
"No." Minho sounds disappointed. "I was thinking about zero. Why one hundred and two thousand, five hundred and ninety-eight?"
"Hmm," says Minho. "No, I was thinking about zero because that's how many cookies I've eaten today. I'm hungry. Do you want anything?" Minho sits up.
"No, I'm okay," Jisung says.
Minho just nods, sauntering out of the room.
He's back in a few minutes. Minho brushes his hands off like he was just eating, but Jisung suspects he brushed his teeth, too.
As he lies back down, Minho pats Jisung's shoulder twice. "All right, it's my turn," he announces.
Jisung knows what he means, and rolls his eyes. He turns over, and Jisung settles his arm on Minho's shoulder, curling his hair around his finger. Minho tangles his legs up with Jisung's.
"Ah," Minho sighs, shameless. "Much better."
"You're drunk on power," Jisung claims.
"I'm also the little spoon, so ha."
Jisung flicks him lightly above his ear.
"Ow!" Minho overreacts, trying to pinch Jisung wherever is most convenient.
Jisung laughs his low, breathy laugh, barely able to proclaim his usual "no"s and "stop"s.
Minho grabs Jisung's wrist instead, wrapping his arm around his chest.
Jisung bites his lip. "I had trouble sleeping," he confesses a minute later. "I woke up, and I was too impatient to wait to fall asleep again."
"I thought you just wanted to hang out with me."
"That, too."
"Okay," Minho says, satisfied, though he's trying to hide it. "Maybe you should stop exercising before bed." He reaches back and pokes Jisung's stomach.
"Quiet," Jisung tells him, blushing, and slaps Minho's hand away. "It's not that."
"What is it?" Minho asks.
"Nothing," Jisung answers unconvincingly.
"Is something bothering you?"
Jisung swallows nervously. "No, no."
"Something is bothering you."
Jisung pauses. "Yes, yes."
"Tell me."
Jisung takes a deep breath. "Hyung..." He searches for words.
"You know, you don't have to use honourifics with me now," Minho says.
"Really? You wouldn't mind?"
"You're literally in my bed."
"Okay, Minho," says Jisung, hamming it up just a little. Then his tone is serious again. "I just... It stresses me sometimes that..."
"Spit it out, Jisung."
"You're spending a lot of time with Chan."
Minho doesn't quite understand the statement.
"Am I?" Minho says. "Wait, what do you mean?"
Jisung sighs, wishing he hadn't said anything. "When we were performing My Pace, he back-hugged you. You looked like you loved it. I tried to look like I was fine with it, but..." Jisung hates being jealous, much less admitting it, but hiding these observations wasn't good for anyone. "And when we were shooting N/S you went with Chan immediately." Jisung lies on his back now, too uncomfortable to have contact with Minho. "And I've seen the video — the one where you tried to kiss him."
Minho sighs. A part of him always knew Jisung would see that video, but he had ignored it, not wanting to have this exact conversation. In his head, it's so simple: Jisung is special, the only one he feels... feelings for. But he's never been able to communicate that to Jisung — maybe he's never even tried.
Minho reels over again, to face Jisung.
Jisung continues: "And I lied. I was dreaming. I dreamed that you left me." He clears his throat. "For Chan." Jisung stares at the ceiling even though he can feel Minho's eyes boring into the side of his face.
Minho doesn't know how to respond. "You're saying I like Chan in that way...? Now?"
Jisung closes his eyes. "I had to get this off my chest."
"I went with Chan because I like Chan. Not in that way, but he's my friend. I... try to not be with you on camera too much. When I'm around you, I always have this look on my face. The others bug me about it: They say I look like I'm hypnotized by you. They're not wrong."
Jisung likes it when Minho says things like that, but he still has that sick feeling buzzing sourly in his gut. "It just feels like if we pretend to not be together on camera, we might forget that we are together off camera."
"You think I'd forget something like that?"
"You forgot to put on socks the other day."
"You're more important to me than socks!"
"That's nice to hear."
"Jisung," Minho says, exasperated. "Do you know how much this... you mean to me?"
Jisung thinks for too long.
"Do you know how much you mean to me?" Minho asks again.
Jisung rolls over to face Minho. "I know it's not as much as you mean to me."
Minho is taken aback. They don't speak this freely often — the maudlin, sappiness of it makes Minho and Jisung's faces turn a bright red colour — so usually they say don't say anything at all.
Instead of saying nothing, Minho closes the space between them, gently pressing his lips to Jisung's.
Jisung inhales through his nose, laying his hand on Minho's neck — enjoying feeling the goosebumps on Minho's skin rise, and then the soft smacking sound their lips make when they part.
"I don't have feelings for Chan," Minho says, ever so quietly. "Or anyone. Except for you. I had a crush on you for... a while. I don't think I stopped having a crush on you, even when we got together." He laughs slightly. "You have no reason to be jealous. I don't say this often enough — I know — but... you mean a lot to me, too."
The knot in Jisung's stomach loosens. Then it's just embarrassment.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't say that." Minho pulls the blanket up past Jisung's shoulder. "And you're absolutely insane if you think I'm into Chan. I should be the one interrogating you about this."
"Why?" Jisung asks.
Minho opens his mouth, closes it, opens it yet again. "You and Jeongin," Minho says finally, blushing.
"You think..." Jisung's eyes are wide. He shakes his head. "No. Just no."
"I know," Minho says, grinning. "Just making sure."
Jisung holds Minho's hand to his lips. His eyes look guilty.
"Don't feel bad, or anything," says Minho, moving his head closer to Jisung's and laying his arm across his waist. Jisung's puppy-dog eyes make his heart pinch with empathy. "It's nice that to know that you care enough to be jealous," Minho admits, and Jisung smiles, abashed. "And we were both being unreasonable."
Jisung's eyebrows travel in opposite directions. "I was being unreasonable. You were being moronic."
Minho scoffs, but he's happy that Jisung is somewhat normal again. "We were both being moronic."
"When have I ever acted moronic?"
"Do I need to remind you of 'Wow'?"
Jisung squeezes his eyes shut and groans a long, drawn out "no." Minho just smiles like a child.
"Never remind me of 'Wow,' ever," Jisung says. "There will be consequences."
"Fine," Minho relents.
"We've been talking at a normal volume for a while now," Jisung notes a moment later. "I think our members might be hard of hearing."
"I think they're just oblivious," Minho replies.
"We might be oblivious, too," Jisung suggests. Minho grows noticeably intrigued. "Changbin and Felix."
"No," Minho exclaims, hitting Jisung on the ribs. Jisung winces, but he's smiling.
"Yes. Well, maybe. That's what Seungmin told me."
"Wow," Minho sighs. Then adds, "The exclamation, I mean — not the ridiculous song."
"Okay, you know what" — Jisung pulls the pillow out from under Minho's head in mock outrage — "I've had just about enough of you!" Jisung whacks Minho in the face. "I said there will be consequences," he threatens.
"Do your worst," Minho prompts.
Jisung drops the pillow and tackles Minho, holding his neck and aggressively kissing his cheeks and jaw.
"Ahh!" Minho cries, but doesn't make any effort to shove Jisung away. He just enjoys Jisung's warmth on his face, his eyes crinkling cutely at the edges. "Ahh. No. Stop. Please," he mumbles, puckering his lips.
Jisung is laughing so hard he can't keep a straight face anymore, so he finally ceases fire, after planting one last kiss on Minho's mouth.
"You win this round," Jisung admits, tucking himself back under the covers, resting his head on his arm and facing Minho. "But you will pay for that."
Minho holds Jisung's elbow, some mixture of contentment and embarrassment on his face. "Is that a threat or a promise?"
Jisung frowns, feigning deep thought. "I don't know, actually."
"I can live with that," says Minho.
Jisung smiles. "So you have a crush on me."
"Maybe," Minho says, flushing with pink. "Explains all the hair pulling, doesn't it?"
"You've never pulled my hair."
Minho pulls his hair.
Jisung punches Minho's shoulder, his jaw falling open in shock. "You're unbelievable, you know that?" He pouts slightly. "But I might have a crush on you, too."
Minho lightly touches Jisung's jaw, like he's about to say something romantic. "Old news, you're a terrible actor."
Jisung kicks Minho under the blanket, and laughs.
Minho takes Jisung's hand, plying his lifeline with his thumb. "So you're staying?"
Jisung pulls the blanket up so just his doe-eyes show. "What do you think?"
"I hope you don't leave, is what I think."
"I won't leave, then," Jisung replies.
Minho nods. "I won't, either." He means more than just the dorm, and Jisung knows it.
Jisung smiles, feeling his eyelids grow heavy. "Prove it."
"I plan to."
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