"Please tell me I'm not the only one who just saw Changbin flirt." Jisung quietly muttered to Hyunjin and Chan, who watched in bewilderment as their friend stared at the blushing barista.
Hyunjin cleared his throat, "maybe I'm dreaming. That didn't just actually happen." He whispered, making Chan snort.
"You guys are so dramatic. Plus the guy is cute, y'all just mad because your single." He replied in a teasing voice, making both Hyunjin and Jisung groan.
"Don't remind me," Hyunjin sighed, leaning into Jisung for support. "My heart aches for some love and cuddles, is that too much to ask for?"
"Excuse me." A quite voice said behind them.
Both Chan and Jisung turned around to find the owner of the voice, while Hyunjin continued to whine on Jisungs shoulder, not wanting to turn around or move out the way.
"Oh," started Jisung, remembering this certain barista from a few days before,"Hello Seungmin."
A boy around their height stood behind them, a Adidas bag on their shoulder, seeming to want to get past with a annoyed look on their face. A glare clearly aimed at Hyunjin who was blocking the path to get to the counter.
Chan smiled apologetically, "Hyunjin man move, someone's trying to get past your fat ass."
Hyunjin let out a loud and dramatic gasp, "how dare you?! I'll have you know I have the fittest ass ever."
Seungmin snorted rudely, "It's really not that great, now piss off so I can get to work." He finished off with a frown.
The tall model stilled, taken a back by that comment directed at him. A scowl took over his face and he took on a deep breath, ready to confront the rude stranger behind them.
Chan simply rolled his eyes and stepped forward to Minho, who was patiently waiting to collect his order with amused eyes. Jisung wasn't going to lie, Minho with a soft smile on his face was a blessing to witness.
"Well excuse you," Hyunjin said loudly, turning around to face the mean commenter, "Your opinion was not needed nor correct because I have the best arse and- holy fuck you're cute." He suddenly finished, finally processing the boy infront of him.
Seungmins eyes widened at the sudden change in the boys mood, and heavily denied the blush on his face as he heard someone laugh loudly.
Chan shook his head in disappointment for what felt like the hundredth time that morning and turned to Minho, "I'm really sorry about them, they're like a bunch of kids."
But, Minho wasn't paying attention to Chan, instead he was looking at Jisung- who was laughing with his chest. It was a warm laugh, one of those contagious ones. "They're okay." He whispered to himself, unaware that Chan had heard him.
When the rapper followed the blissful baristas gaze, he smirked.
Looks like Jisung wasn't the only one crushing.
2019 21 JAN'
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