"You'd think that after I put salt in his espresso he would get a hint."
Woojin felt his blood pressure spike up as the words left his co-workers mouth because what. "Please tell me you didn't actually-"
Minho scoffed, drinking his own latte, "I put 3 scoops of salt on two separate occasions, but everytime he would come back the next day and say the worst pick up lines."
"Jesus- what if he complains about you to our manager?" Woojin asked concerned, mainly in fear that one of these days Minho might result to actually poisoning the poor man. "You can't afford to lose this job!"
"Ya ya I know mother." The other replied tiredly, leaning back in his chair, "but I highly doubt he would, afterall it's been weeks. If he was gonna complain he would have already done it."
Woojin shook his head and tried to stop the laugh that was making it's way up his chest, "you're unbelievable."
Woojin worked the shift after the infamous customer would come in to shamelessly flirt with Minho, so he never had the pleasure to meet the man who annoyed his roommate more than their very sexually active neighbours.
"So I've been told." Minho shot back with a knowing smile.
"What if this is a sign?"
"A sign?"
Woojin cracked an evil smile, "a sign from the universe, it's trying to tell you to stop being a lazy git and go find a date, or even better- a husband."
Minho blinked, "okay, I was kidding when I called you my mother- but you're really starting to sound like her." He took a long sip of his now cold drink, "besides, I have no time for a relationship." He finished off more pointedly, and Woojin decided to try and convince his friend on a later date (no pun intended) might be a better idea.
They sat in a comfortable silence, having only a few more minutes on their lunch break until the afternoon shift started. Not their busiest hour but definitely the most entertaining. The elderly ladies from the apartment complex across the street always found this time to be the best for a quick chat and some tea. Besides- seeing a bunch of 60-something year olds embarrassing Woojin was always a sight to see.
"Maybe you should give him a chance?" His friend suddenly said, and Minho raised his eyebrows in question. "The guy."
"The guy?"
His roomie smiled, "yes the guy. The one who flirts with you even though you could clearly kill a bear with your hands."
Minho rolled his eyes at his friends witty comment, "oh right, that guy. How could I possibly forget about him. And no. I will not give him a chance."
"Why not? He's cute!" Woojin stated.
Minho quite literally choked on his extremely cold latte, "What?! He is not! You haven't even seen him!"
"But Felix has." Woojin said like it was the most obvious thing Minho should be thinking about, "and he's got good taste in men." And after a seconds of a debatable silence he added, "well a lot better taste than you atleast."
The clock barely showed a minute passed 1 but Minho wanted nothing more than to serve a bunch of old ladies, "I do not trust the judgment of a man who got drunk and started flirting with a lamp post because, and I quote, it was cute."
He got up and threw his cup into a nearby bin, grabbing his apron before trying to swiftly walk out the door before Woojin could ask any more questions.
But he wasn't quick enough, "do you think he's attractive then?"
Minho paused, took a step back and stared at the door.
Was the annoying man who came in to flirt with him by using horrible pick up lines with his goofy smile and adorable cheeks and warm laugh attractive?
"No." He lied and walked out the door, tripping on a nearby box of sugar packets before finally making it to the front counter.
And he tired his best to serve the granny waiting in line while ignoring the barking laughter coming from the break room.
2018 29 DEC'
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