~~--Chapter One--~~
Chapter One: "Love at First Sight"
"Perfect, Just like that, O-M-G Yass. Now smile, Now drop the smile. etc-" Those are words Minho hears all day, while worldwide famous photographers take his picture for the next issue of there magazine, with different companies they often collab with.
Minho wore a very revealing outfit for todays shoot, and with a certain photographer made Minho uncomfortable, for Minho might be famous, but that doesn't people with close connections to try and take advantage of him.
And today Minho had enough of it.
Today when the photographer walked over to Minho to move his jacket backwards just enough to touch his ass Minho flipped.
"Thats it, enough, I can't work with you people!" Minho's sudden outburst cause all the staff to look at him, shocked and eyes wide, they all watched as Minho stormed out of the building kicking his designer heels off and throwing them at the photographer.
Without another single word he walked home, not giving his driver a chance to pick him up. When we got home his parents rose up from the couch quickly to see there soaking wet due to the unexpected rain fall.
"Darling Minho where on earth of you've been? I was worried sick about you." His mother walked up to him and snapped her fingers calling over a servant. "Grab some towels, my baby's all wet, aww you poor thing..." His mother's spoke in tone as if she were speaking to a baby.
"His, not a baby, he can dry off on his own, and he will be doing everything on his own cause this boy just walked out of billion dollar deal today." His father spoke very angrily.
"I had my reasons father." Minho spoke while sitting down on a couch across from his parents, towel drying his hair, he recent hair-dye slightly staining the white towel a purple color.
"Then tell us, what are these "reasons" you speak of?" He crossed his arms, lending back on the couch awaiting to hear a good enough reason from his son.
"These photographers you hire, these magazine companies, there all horrible, they harass me." Minho spoke, talking with his hands making him seem a bit more dramatic then he had wished.
"Fine, if you dislike those photographers so bad, then fine a new one yourself!" His father yelled standing up, his wife holding his arm to keep him from making any rash decisions.
"Fine then, I will!" Minho stormed off to his room and stripped out of the uncomfortable clothing and into something suitable for bed. He flopped on his bed grabbing his computer and opening Instagram, he simple scrolled for a bit soon coming across some pretty pictures of Seoul, some parks and statues pretty close by where he lives.
Minho clicked on the account, no pictures of the actually person, but they are a photographer, just his luck, he was now in need of a photographer.
Tho Minho didn't want to just dm the person, he was going to try and find them.
The next day Minho dressed casually, not even stopping by his parents, his mother tried asking where he was going yet he didn't say a single word, causing his father to say the word "Disrespectful" to his mother.
Minho didn't care what his parents thought of him, he brought in enough money for the family he'd always have a place to say. Sure the relationship between the family was rough, but making money and a lot of it was enough to keep Minho's parents from letting him move out.
Minho stopped at a cafe near the park that is in so many of those pictures he looked at, he wore his disguise so that fans wouldn't be able to notice him out in public without a bodyguard.
He kept looking around to make sure no one noticed him, he walked up to the counter and and took a moment to think of what he wanted to order, he couldn't think straight being paranoid, scared someone would recognize from some of the magazine some people are holding.
He suddenly heard an annoyed grunt from behind him, a woman who really wanted this line to move so she, herself could order her own drink.
The sound caught his attention allowing his to make his decision quickly.
After receiving his drink he had ordered, he turned around to leave the cafe, and head for the park to go look for a nice bench to sit on to maybe relax a bit, but right as he turned around instead of walking towards the door, he turned around running straight into someone, spilling both there drinks to the floor, knocking both of them back a little with a small thud sound.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!!" A boy mumbled frantically. "No it was my fault, I'm sorry."
They both grabbed some napkins and started cleaning up the mess. "Shit shit shit! My camera!!" Minho saw the camera the boy was referring to soak in one of there spilt drinks. "I'm so sorry I'll get you a new one, or just pay to have it fixed!" Minho replied quickly, feeling bad for maybe ruining someones camera.
Wait, a camera, someone with a camera, someone with a camera is a photographer! Minho thought to him.
He looked to up excited to see who this photographer may be, as the other boy looked up shocked someone just offered to pay for something so expensive.
They both lifted there heads at the same time to meet eyes, for sure it was hard to believe, but this look, this was a look when they both saw a shine in each of there eyes, a look of love at first sight.
(A/N: I'm going to try and update this every to everyother Friday, hopefully. Making a schedule for updating is hard, since I have so many stories to write, but I'll try.)
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