Rollercoaster Kissing
The 10 all met up at the Santa Monica pier sign. They all pretended as if they either didn't know each other or they haven't seen each other in years.
After having some laughs they started walking down the walkway to the rides and junk food.
"I'm tired." Lui said in his squeaker voice as he slouched over pretending to be exhausted when only they've been walking for only two minutes.
"Suck it up you lil squeaker." David said horribly regretting it afterwards as he hesitantly peered over at Tyler who was only smirking as him. David's eyes had hope in them, hope that Tyler wouldn't say what he was about to say. Tyler shook his head a let out a slight laugh.
"Like he sucks your dick?" Tyler said raising an eyebrow at David. David and Lui's faces were slightly red at the moment as the looked down. Craig couldn't help notice the twos reactions to the joke and something came to his mind. 'are they together?' Craig thought in his head, he shook it off, Lui had dated Mae a while back he was thought to be a fully straight guy. Maybe he was Bi? But what about David, didn't he have Bernice? The last time he heard they were Skyping a lot only for Lui or Droidd to hide his phone and make him find his girlfriend. Craig laughed at the thought. Maybe something happened in the last couple of months David has been in California, him and Lui were living together after all.
Craig decided to shrug it off for a while.
"FERRIS WHEEL!" Lui screamed in his squeaker voice, very, very loudly. People couldn't help turn their heads to what they thought was an obnoxious child, was actually an obnoxious adult. It looked as if they were trying to get second glances.
"Ow, does this thing have a mute button?" Jonathan said jokingly as he jabbed at Lui's ribs causing him to jump with a laugh. "Oh? The little monkey is ticklish?" Jonathan smirked.
"N-no." Lui said in his squeaker voice quietly,stuttering with his words.
"Let's see about that."
Jonathan pulled out his second hand from his jacket pocket. He slowly went toward Lui's sides before Lui took of running. "Get back here!" Jonathan yelled running after Lui. Everyone laughed until they saw both Evan and David run after the two.
"Hold up! I want to video tape this!" Evan cried out, scrambling to get his phone out of his pocket while running.
"His armpits are his weak spot!" David also cried out.
"Are friends are idiots." Tyler said as he face palmed himself letting out a sigh afterwards.
"But there the best idiots." Craig said cheerfully until grabbing Tyler's hand and yanking him forward and started to run causing Tyler to run as well, Craig swiftly let go of Tyler's arm and headed for the first thing he saw ; the roller coaster. It was a lame roller coaster that they've road in Grand Theft Auto IV, but Craig's always wanted to see if it was actually that lame in really life.
The two bought there tickets and went to the roller coaster, surprisingly not a lot of people were there and they were able to get in the first seats. The roller coaster jerked and started to go up the hill ever so slowly. Until it reached its peak, it dropped slowly as well.
"What the fuck?!" Tyler yelled out loud only for Craig to hear little kids gasping at the 'f word' in the background. Craig embarrassedly looked at Tyler and than forward once again.
"Excuse me, but do you have any shame?! There are little kids back here!" A angered woman asked who sat behind them. Tyler and Craig turned around to be met by angered eyes by the mother and scared and wonder in the eyes of the two little boys who couldn't be any older than 7 years old.
Tyler looked over at her necklace which was a silver cross. He looked back up and looked straight into her eyes as a smirk formed on his face.
"Sorry, my bad." Tyler said with a shrug. "But, no, I don't have much shame. Especially with this." Tyler said and grabbed Craig's head with and passionately kissed him, Craig's eyes widened with the sudden kiss. Very quickly he kissed back only to hear the mother of the children gasp in horror and tried to shield her kids eyes. He could feel Tyler's lip curve into a smirk as they kissed. Soon they heard whistles as the ride was now going in circle, nearly ending.
"Get some Tyler!" Two people said in sync. Wait, who was that?
The two parted from their kiss and looked over toward the back to see both Evan and Jonathan waving their hands rapidly like idiots like they didn't see them. Craig and Tyler awkwardly waved their hands back at the two before turning around, the ride now ended and they were free to get off.
The mother from before instantly unfasten her and her kids seats belts and rushed out of the exit nearly dragging her kids who had the most confused expressions on their faces.
"Nice one Tyler, way to show that lady up." Evan said as he patted Tyler on the back. Jonathan only smirked at Craig only to look slightly up at him, Craig couldn't help but roll his eyes.
The four them exited the place where you get on the ride to try to find more stuff to do.
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