Parking Troubles
••• Tyler's POV •••
'It's just a week, what could go wrong?' Tyler thought as he tried to find his bag in the airport. He was currently in Los Angeles airport, there a big meet-up with his friends and he couldn't miss it even if he wanted too. Finding his bag he grabbed it hastily and walked toward the doors where he would exited and would meet Craig so he could pick him up. Looking around he did see anyone in sight before he heard his name loudly yelled. "Tyler!" The abnormal accent filled his ears making him happy to hear the man's voice in person. Than he saw something wrong, Craig was out of breath and looked like he was about to pass out. Running over to him he grabbed his shoulder, making him stand straight. "Holy shit man, you alright?" He looked down at him laughs escaped his mouth but worry filled his eyes. "Do I look fucking alright to you?" Tyler laughed again. "I guess not, what happened?" Craig pointed his finger as he was to out of breath to say anything else, his finger pointed to the full parking lot. "I had to park like a mile away and ran the whole way here so you wouldn't get butt hurt and think I abandoned you." Tyler looked at where people usually pick people up if they don't park. "You do know there's a drop off and pick up, like right there." Craig lazily looked over at it frustration filling his face. "God damit!" Tyler bursted out laughing. "Let's get to the car, come on, I'll race you." He said letting go of Craig who slightly stumbled and watched as Tyler started to walk. "May I remind you that my daily routine is sitting on my ass all day playing video games than editing?" Tyler looked back at him. "Yeah I do that to man." Craig looked as if he was about to punch Tyler right in the face he walked over to him, look right up at him than pushing him behind him running. "Awe fuck you!" Tyler said running after him, he has an advantage and a disadvantage, his disadvantage being he had a heavy ass bag that he was carrying, his advantage was that Craig was still tired from running all this way. The two laughed as they ran toward the car acting like to little kids, heck, on the inside they were. "Come back here you lil fucker!" Tyler yelled. "I ain't little, your just a beast!" Craig replied. "Says the person who's name is Mini!" He could hear Craig loudly groan in front of him as he sped up almost catching him. He was just about to past him until Craig tripped causing Tyler to trip over his as he fell, the two falling on to the hard sidewalk. "Fuck!" Craig yelled a groan from Tyler coming after. "Tyler get off me!" Tyler looked down to see a crushed Craig beneath him. He blushed slightly as he stood up holding his hand out for his friend. "Thanks." Craig said pulling himself up, for the rest of they they just walked tiredly, Tyler was still beat from all the traveling not to mention Craig legs were sore from all the running. They got to the car putting Tyler's bag in the back seat and the two sitting in front. Tyler looked at the clock and saw it was only 1:23 p.m, he blinked at the sight.
This was going to be a long week.
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