Laurance × Reader: True Colors
Laurance x Reader – True Colors
The reflection showed back the girl I look like.
I sighed quietly, looking down at the sink. The sides coated with make-up powder, the counter cluttered with beauty products. The drawers bare from my old belongings.
"Wow. You're so ugly, no make-up that exists can fix that thing."
"Whoa. Where did you come from? The gutter?"
"Get a life, stiff. Maybe you would be liked by someone if you didn't smell like a hobo."
"You live with rats? Looks like something made a nest up there and crawled into your empty skull!"
Everything ran when my eyes were glossed with tears, tears streaking their way down my face. The eyes that stared back were judgmental.
My fingers softly glided against my red bumped cheeks, pale (e/c) eyes staring back, (h/l) ratty (h/c) hair puffed out around my meatless face.
I sighed quietly as I got dressed and left the bathroom, grabbing my bag.
My dorm was a mess, everything neat in its own way.
I'm too different. Everyone else is normal so, why can't I be normal?
My phone ringed in my backpack before I grabbed it. It was a number that I had hoped I would have been able to block. Laurance.
I sighed before answering, "What?" I asked quietly.
"Hey, (y/n). Are you uh, busy?" Laurance said.
I was quiet. "No... Not really... Why?" I asked, walking out of the dorm building.
"I wanted to see if we could talk? I had a few things I needed to talk to you about," Laurance sounded confident which made me wince.
Laurance chuckled, "See you in a few minutes by the gym?"
"Yup! S-See you," I said softly, faking the excitement at first.
We hung up before thunder cracked a few miles away. I sighed, hating the rain as I walked to the athletic training building. It was spring break but, I just wanted to get outside before I miss some time outside next week.
"(y/n)!" An excited voice said as I was a few meters from the edge of the building.
The brunette Laurance stood there by one of the benches, his bag sitting on the table part.
I grinned, faking more excitement as I walked up to him, my long-sleeved sweater going over my fingers and sagging down my thighs, only a sliver of my shorts was visible.
Laurance smiled, "You look pretty," He complimented softly.
I looked at him softly, the fakeness slightly going away, "Thanks..."
He smiled softly before he chuckled, "I have something I want you to see."
I nodded quietly, watching as he picked up something from behind the bench.
"A guitar?" I asked softly, tilting my head.
He nodded softly, "Yeah. Remember during high school we wanted to be a duet?" He asked, smiling.
I slowly nodded, not actually remembering that.
"Well, I talked with some people, worked extra, and, I got a really good acoustic guitar." He smiled brightly as he talked, excitement clear in his voice.
I looked at him lightly again, "But... Um... You have the guitar but... I don't have an instrument..." I quietly said.
"Of course, you do!" He grinned to me, making me clueless.
"What is it then?"
"Your voice!" He said confidently.
My cheeks suddenly rushed into being a red cherry before I giggled, "Oh yeah! Silly me..." I smiled.
He laughed lightly, "Well, I was going to ask you if you wanted to come to my dorm later or tomorrow and, we can do something together."
I looked at him, the fakeness coming back, "Sure! I would love to."
He smiled softly, "Yes!" He said as if he was a child.
I smiled lightly again, "Well, what song would you like to do?"
He shrugged, "That's what you can decide."
I bit my lip, "I'll... I'll text you a song tonight then... I don't know any right now." I said, looking at him.
He gently nodded. "Alright. Just text me the song and, we'll go from there." He smiled lightly.
I nodded before doing my fake smile once again.
He chuckled before gently stepping toward me, kissing my cheek gently. My jaw gently dropped, I surprised at his action. He smiled softly before he had to go, his phone alerting him of a storm coming in. He ran off across campus as I stood there softly.
I felt a few drops as I began to walk back to my dorm. I started running, able to see the rain wall coming up from the south. Luckily, I got to the door just before it down poured, I able to come in only with water starting to soak me.
A few girls in the dorm front started laughing as they saw me.
"Wow, pig, you actually made it!"
"No, she didn't! She still smells like a wet dog." One girl pinched her nose, sticking her tongue out in disgust.
"She looks like something that just came fresh from the washer. All wrinkly and wet." The girl smirked.
I started to back up, lightly touching the doorknob.
The girls roared with laughter, "Aw... wittle (y/n) scarwed?" She said in a baby voice, the other two making crying noises.
Tears brimmed my eyes before I ran passed them, running up to my dorm. I ran down the halls as some girls talked quietly, whispering to one another. I ran into my room and slammed the door behind, escaping their sounds and horrible remarks.
I looked lightly up, breathing half quickly, half stuttering over the breaths before my back slid down the door, my butt hitting the ground lightly. I pulled my knees to my chest and began crying.
Everything hurt like a punch in the gut. I cried quietly as I continued to cry.
"Ready to start?" Laurance asked me softly, smiling lightly.
I softly nodded, holding my hands together in my lap as he had a microphone hanging from his ceiling, in front of the two of us. He chuckled lightly, gently starting.
He was looking at the music stand with the song notes.
"You with the sad eyes... Don't be discouraged, oh I realize..." He looked lightly away from it, able to continue now, "It's hard to take courage."
"In a world, full of people... you can lose sight of it all... the darkness inside you... can make you feel so, small..."
I was quiet as I watched him softly, feeling like a cold rush went through me.
"Show me a smile, then, don't be unhappy... can't remember when..." He looked softly at me.
"I last saw you laughing..." We both sang together.
"This world makes you crazy," He smiled lightly at me, "And you've taken all you can bear... just..."
"Call me up, because I will always be there..." We once again sang together, a small smile growing onto my face.
"And I see your true colors shining through... I see your true colors... and that's why I love you." The three words at the end of that line he sang, he sang it with such a tone that... it seemed like he meant it more than just the song. I just... didn't understand it.
His voice trailed off for a moment before I closed my eyes, "So don't be afraid... to let them show..." he started singing with me on the second part.
"Your true colors... true... colors... are beautiful..." We sang together, looking at one another.
"I see your true colors shining through, I see your true colors..." I joined him on the second part.
"And that's why I love you..." We looked at one another, "So don't be afraid, to let them show..."
"Your true colors..." he sang
"True colors..." I followed gently, "Are beautiful..." We both sang softly together.
"Like a rainbow..." He gently sang as he continued playing his guitar.
I softly vocalized in the background after that phrase before saying, "Like a rainbow."
"Ohh, can't remember when..." He looked at me, "I last saw you laughing."
We both vocalized together, our voices starting to become stronger, and louder, "This world, makes you crazy, and you've taken all you can bear, just, call me up, 'cause I will always be there~"
"And I see your true colors shining through. I see your true colors. That's why I love you..."
"So... be afraid... to let them show..." He stopped playing his guitar, going just vocals.
"Your true colors..." We sang together, "True... colors..." I sang softly before he joined me again, "... are beautiful..."
"Like a rainbow..." He sang
I vocalized before we both sang, "Like a rainbow..."
For the end, it was the two of us softly ending on an ooo...
When I never noticed until this moment was how we had slowly gotten closer. Both of our heads were leaned on one another's, our noses softly crossed, us so close that I could feel the warmth of his breath.
I felt his hand gently on mine before he moved, his cheeks, for the first time in my life, the glow a soft pink.
I giggled softly, nervous. "U-Uhm..." I smiled.
He chuckled shakily, slightly pulling my hand closer to him, my body following as we just sat there, in total silence, both of our eyes closed, frozen in time.
I smiled lightly before gently moving my head, nuzzling my nose by his. He chuckled quietly before we pulled our heads away from each other.
"I like this you: the 'you' that you were in high school... not what those bratty girls in the dorm have told you who you are..." Laurance gently said, I opened my eyes to see his baby blue eyes.
"So... you like how I was?" I felt hurt, sad he said that as if he liked me how I used to be...
"No. I don't." He said softly, "I love who you really are... the one you've hidden for weeks... ever since we came here for college..."
I looked down before biting my lip, "I... Um..."
"(y/n) (l/n) ..." He gently held both my hands, "Remember when you would tell me all those girls I would date or want to date were horrible people?"
I looked at him softly before gently nodding.
"Well, they were. But... you know the one girl I wanted to date that... I knew would never be that...?" He asked.
"Aphmau..." I softly said, looking at him.
He gently shook his head, "Aphmau was a brat around me, trying to show off all the time..." He looked at me before smiling, "I mean you... I was afraid of asking you out..."
I looked at him, "Laurance... I..."
He gently got up, "Remember that song from that young girl you would sing to every day on our way to school?"
"Love Story...? Yeah? Why wouldn't I forget that...?"
"Well... This is our love story..." He gently knelt on one knee in front of me, "So baby just say 'yes'?"
I bit my lip, "Laurance... I don't know if..." I whispered.
"If what?" He gently asked.
"If I'm the one you should be with..." Tears brimmed my eyes. I wanted to be with him... I was too scared to be though...
"We have been friends ever since I started high school and you came after school because your dad was the football coach... If you could have survived practice watching weird guys run around and survive my dumb attempts to be flirty..."
I giggled softly, "Those were horrible... I thought I would die laughing."
He smiled, "Exactly... So... what do you say?"
I bit my lip to try to hold in my smile.
"Will you, (y/n) (m/n) (l/n), be my girlfriend?" Laurance asked.
I couldn't hold in the smile before I started nodding, repeating 'Yes' two or three times.
He laughed happily before standing back up. I stood up as well, him picking me up by my waist, gently lifting me just off the floor, enough that my three inches shorter than him turned into three inches above his head.
My head leaned lightly on his, my eyes lightly closed, my arms against his softly. I smiled gently, one of the first genuine feelings I have felt... for forever...
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