I'm Still Here...
Child name: Sara Belle FalconClaw
Parents: Aurora and Aaron FalconClaw
Time: 2:30
Place: Baby's Play House
Reason: Birthday Party
Sara Belle
"Daddy... Why won't you let me play with her?" I asked, upset.
"Honey, I just don't want you getting hurt. The other kids are staying away too. You are supposed to." Daddy said gently to me, touching my arm.
"But daddy... She's so shiny and pretty... She looks just like me.." I said as I pointed to the animatronic onstage for Serenity's sixth birthday party.
"Just stay off the stage honey." Momma said. "Listen to your father." She smiled gently at me.
I was quiet as I looked down. "Okay momma and daddy..."
Momma kissed my forehead gently, the comforting gaze and touch made me smile.
"I love you, baby girl." She whispered to me. "We'll see you in a few hours."
"Okay momma." I smiled before going to find my friend. I stopped before turning around and hugging momma again.
Daddy hugged the both of us.
"Love you momma and daddy." I giggled before going to play with the others.
They smiled before leaving.
"Aaron, I don't wanna leave her here..." I softly whispered as we went outside. "Not alone..."
"Why not, hon?" He gently asked, putting his arm gently around my shoulders.
"This place just gives me the creeps." I sighed.
"Well, she technically isn't alone... It is Katelyn and Travis's kid." He said softly.
"It just doesn't feel right..." I softly said as I looked back before back up at Aaron.
He smiled gently at me as he kissed my forehead. "It'll be alright."
"I hope so..." I softly said as I looked up at him.
Aaron smiled before we both went to the store to get things for Sara Belle's birthday next week.
Sara Belle
I giggled as I ran around with the others, going in and out of the room.
When presents time came... No one wanted me around suddenly. They were too busy seeing her new toys.
They aren't that cool. They are too girly...
I sighed as I sat in a corner alone with my small teddy bear.
Suddenly, there was slight whirring.
Curious, I looked up. I never heard anything like it.
It was a new voice. Her soft voice. A voice that made me smile.
"Hello, Sara Belle." The voice gently said, softer than cotton candy.
I slowly stood up. "Hello? Where are you?" I asked softly, looking around.
"I'm over here." She said in a smiling tone. "On the stage."
I looked over. "What do you mean?" I asked again, not moving. I looked around on the stage curiously.
"I'm Baby, silly." She giggled as the animatronic head tilted to the side and her smile glowed.
Her soft violet eyes made me smile again. "You can talk?"
"Yes I can, Sara Belle. And I can do more." She smiled.
"What do you mean?" I asked softly. I wanted to know.
She smiled before looking to her fingers.
Small colorful balloons grew from her fingers and came off, floating around the room.
I giggled as one floated to me, my fingers touching the balloon's elastic surface.
"Whoa..." I smiled as I looked at her.
She twirled around lightly, smiling. "Want to dance?" She asked.
"Yes, please." I smiled. "But..."
"Want a song to dance to?" She asked.
I nodded in agreement.
She smiled before starting to sing the song.
((The Chicken Dance. I know. I know. XD but kids luv it))
A small speaker on her shoulders played a song from earlier.
I giggled as we both danced to it.
Every other moment was amazingly fun. The song ended as I laughed and fell down. "That was amazing."
She giggled. "You are very good at dancing, Sara Belle."
I smiled. "Thank you, Baby."
"Hey. Can I tell you a secret no one else knows?" Baby asked.
I nodded in agreement. "I won't tell. I promise."
She smiled. "Come over here. I'll tell you." She gently waved me to her.
My smiled faded. "But... My parents told me not to come close to the stage..."
"Why not?" She asked, almost downhearted. "Are you scared?"
"No! I'm not scared! You are really nice!" I said.
"Your parents just want you to be safe. They don't know me... But you do..." She smiled. "Do you trust me?"
I looked to her with a gentle smile. "Yes. I do trust you.."
She smiled as she gently twirled around. "Come on over. I won't hurt you."
I smiled before coming over to her slowly. I wanted to be there. She is amazing.
She's so beautiful and shiny.
Just made for me it seemed...
I held the bags carefully as I set them down in the back of the car. Aaron chuckled as he walked over and set the rest down.
"I hope she likes her birthday present... Did you get the others?" I asked.
"Yes. I did." He laughed as he put his hands on my waist.
I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck.
He gently nuzzled his nose with mine as we let go. "Ready to go in and get her?" He asked.
"Yeah. Come on." I smiled as I started to bring him inside. We quietly talked about the plan for Sara Belle's birthday.
My gut ached and I looked towards the party room. "Aaron..." I started before a loud scream rang out.
"Aaron!" I said before running into the party room.
He ran after me.
No child was inside. I was so confused. Why was there a such a scream? It's like someone was being abducted...
Then I saw it...
Sara Belle's violet and blue bracelet lying on the floor near the animatronic.
"What... The..." My eyes widened. "Aaron... Sara Belle was in here. Someone took her!!!" I screamed in panic.
Aaron looked at me. "Aurora. Aurora, calm down."
Sara Belle.
Previous... Five minutes earlier...
I saw the ice cream. It was amazing. It smelled like strawberries. It looked like chocolate. It was everything.
I giggled as I walked up to it. "For me?"
She giggled as her violet eyes suddenly had the black dots her smaller. "Just for you on your happiest day."
I smiled before noticing it.
Suddenly, her stomach opened completely and I shrieked, hugging my bear close.
Suddenly a mechanical arm dragged me quickly into the robot.
Is hit my eyes tightly and quickly, hugging my bear when.
Everything went dark. And my whole body was suddenly covered in a thick wetness.
In the best dark I could see I whispered, "Momma.... Daddy.... I'm scared..." before everything went fully black.
But I am still here......
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