Garroth × Alaina: Saved by the Bell
My locker shut tightly as I finished getting my books. I sighed.
Self Defense class. One of the weirdest classes they could have in a highschool.
I realized I didn't need my books until I closed my locker. I groaned, opening it back up and putting everything in.
"Hey beautiful~" A flirt-filled voice said behind me. I turned around, only to see the person with dark blue hair and dark sapphire eyes watching me from behind.
"What do you want, Dante." I said in a plain tone, not in the mood.
"I wanted to talk to you about the fall festival in a few days." He moved beside me. "Maybe you and I could go." His arm slowly slid around me.
I blushed only because of him being a dork. And for the fact that he's touching me. "Sorry but, I'll pass."
a/n: if u guys haven't noticed by Alaina's annoyance, she... hates Dante in highschool. a lot. xD
Dante chuckled, noticing that the blush on my cheeks grew redder as he pulled me closer to him. "You sure~?"
"I'm sure." I said, ducking down and out of his arm.
He chuckled as he picked me up. I squeaked as my feet left the ground.
I got an idea in my head but it was a stupid idea. The only thing is that I don't want HIM touching ME.
He was still holding onto me when I turned my head at him.
He had a stupid smirk across his face.
Yup. I'm definitely doing it.
"R-A-P-E, get your hands away from me!" I said.
"What?!" He dropped me, putting his hands high in the air.
I stood on my feet for only a second before I ran down the hall.
Ain't no way in Irene I'm staying around him anymore.
The hot-pink haired girl scoffed at me as I started walking down the hall.
"You just rejected one of the boys in the sophomore class?! What is WRONG with you! Alina, get your act together." Ivy's voice sat in her normal tone.
"Just because someone asks you to go somewhere, doesn't mean you have to say yes. Especially when the guy asking you already has a girlfriend." I said back.
She rolled her eyes. "That just means that he thinks you are more special than his actual girlfriend."
I sighed. "Do I want another person that hates me? Nope."
Ivy scoffed. "Whatever you do, you are not allowed to say no to any boy BUT Garath Ro'Mae."
"Who's he?" I asked.
I'm not stupid. I know she means Garroth. But, I want to make sure.
Ivy looked shocked before her judgement face settled in. "Have you been living under a ROCK this whole semester?! Garath Ro'Mae is the hottest guy in the Sophomore class. And he is MY boyfriend."
"Pfft. You have a boyfriend. Either something is wrong with the guy or he has a bad attitude just like you." I retorted back.
Ivy rolled her eyes. "I could have a boyfriend if I want one. And I do have one."
I rolled my eyes before I started heading to class. I don't want her to be on my mind anymore. She's just an annoying person. And I don't need her in my life.
Except, I turned around. Ivy was walking towards someone at their locker. A guy. Maybe that's the Garath guy that she claimed to be her boyfriend.
I didn't go back only because all the guys in school know how to tolerate her. Well, most of them. I just hope he can.
I shut the locker before I looked up.
Ivy stood there.
"Oh. Hey Ivy." I said. "How are you?"
She had a smirk on her face. Which... was not a good sign.
"Hey Garath." She said.
"It's Garroth..." I tried to correct her.
"Garr~rroth." She exaggerated on the r's but it was closer than before.
"You know that girl you talk to a lot? Alina?" She said.
"Alaina? Yeah? Why do you ask?" I said, a little confused.
Why is she talking about her? With me? Ivy hates Alaina's guts so, why is she saying it now?"
"Well, I was talking with her. She told me that you something is wrong with you and you have a bad attitude." Ivy said.
"You sure she said that? Because this is the first time you've said something about her to me... and it's something making you look better than her honestly." I questioned her.
"It is the truth! She also said that if anyone asked her to go to the dance, she'll just say no. No matter who the guy is." Ivy said.
Uh... I can see that. Alaina doesn't like danc- wait. It isn't a dance.
"A dance? What dance? The fall festival is the event coming up." I said.
"I meant the festival. Whatever. Point is, she doesn't want to go with anyone. And doesn't care if it hurts their feelings." Ivy said.
"Alright. Maybe you're right..." I said downhearted.
On purpose. She's lying. I know Alaina's nature. She isn't rude on purpose. Unless she's had a bad day.
"I got to go to class." I walked off before Ivy could say another word to me.
The bell rang a moment later after I got outside to the Self-Defense area. Everyone was in their pairs. Except for one guy. He was talking to a pair of girls. He was my partner.
I walked over.
"Laurance..." One of the girls said, her voice annoyed.
"What?" He asked, genuinely confused.
"Can we stay off of that subject? I don't wanna talk about the festival." The girl continued.
"Oh. Okay. But why not?"
"One person scaring the daylights out of you is enough for one day." The girl said.
"What happened Alaina?" Laurance asked.
Alaina was talking...
"..." She looked down. "I don't want to talk about it."
I think ut was sonething before the Ivy incident. Maybe why she said those things to Ivy.
"Alright. Understandable." Laurance said.
He walked over to me as the teacher began talking.
She kept saying instructions before the last thing she said.
"Remember! We will be having a contest against each other the last twenty minutes of class."
All the groups started to work.
Why are we having a contest? I don't know. Why am I worried? No clue.
Oh yeah. I'm one of the last to go. And I'm going up against the toughest guy in the class.
We both stepped up to each other.
"You two know the rules. This is a situation that the other can fight back. Be the one who can beat the other."
It's O'Khasis for Irene's sake. I forget that they want you ti be able to defend yourself against theives and what-not.
I looked at the guy.
"Oh Alaina. Should I go easy on you so you don't go home crying?" He teased.
That turned on my anger.
"Maybe I should be asking you that." I said.
His face was full of confusion before the clank of wood signaled for us to begin.
I watched his steps. He pulled his fist up and stepped begore he punched. I bent backwards as he punched, dodging his attack. I kicked his chest as I attempted to flip.
He stumbled back as I landed on my feet.
One of the girls gasped at it. I deflected his attack, which was something his partner couldn't do.
He looked at me with shock. I smiled.
He charged at me again, thus time getting ahold of me. He pulled me into a headlock.
You have to be kidding.
I stomped my foot onto his and turned my body. I repeatedly rammed my knee into his stomach until he let go.
I am not letting him do that and get the best of me.
He growled as he went back and picked up a sword. "I will not. Be overpowered by a rookie girl." He growled.
"Aw, too bad. Maybe it'll teach you some manners about your temper."
"Shut up, Alaina. All you know us how to make others angry. And to break other people's hearts for your benefit. You don't care about others more than yourself. I've seen and heard you around Ivy and the other girls around school." He snarled.
I didn't know it hurt so much until he said it.
He saw I was powerless for one moment and he took the chance. He slammed me in the jaw with his fist.
I cried out, snapping back into reality and holding my hand to my jaw.
He held the end of his sword and used the handle to pop me on the head, making me fall down.
Black dots surrounded my vision, but I forced them back.
He chuckled. "Now look here... What do we have? A girl who is as defenseless as her attacks. And someine who justd acts tough when in actuality, cannot even do ANYTHING." He exaggerated on the last word which made me snap.
He was right.
He started kicking my sides, and the protests of the teacher didn't make him stop.
I took the blows. The physical pain was there, but it didn't hurt.
The emotional pain now, was worse than the physical.
He reared his foot up to kick me in the head. I closed my eyes afraid of the impact.
But nothing came.
Other than a grunt and a punch landing on someone's jaw.
My eyes opened.
I saw Garroth standing there, holding the guy by the shirt collar.
"Mess with my girlfriend one more time. And I will hurt you more than one single punch." Garroth's voice said.
The guy's eyes widened. "She's YOUR girlfriend?! I-I am so sorry! I didn't know-"
Garroth growled under his breath. "Don't hurt her. Ever again." ahe let go of the guy's collar. The boy backed up away from Garroth.
I have never seen him angered before. He was able to keep his calamity.
But... he called me his... girlfriend?
I had a mental block. He just means I'm a girl that is his friend. He and I are the only ones who use that in the same context.
I sat up. My head hurt from the punch to the jaw and him knocking me with the sword.
The teacher ran over. She and Garroth helped me stand up. I felt a burning sensation in my chest but it wasn't as bad as my head still.
"Alaina. Look forward. How many fingers am I holding up?" She asked me as she held her hand up.
"Four." I softly said.
"Alright. Garroth, help me bring her over to the bench." She said as they both started walking with me across the field.
I groaned slightly, my stomach hurt from the blows, my head throbbed from the hits, and my chest hurt from my struggled breathing when he was kicking me.
The teacher helped me sit down and Garroth sat beside me.
She had to go back to the rest of the class but she told Garroth to stay with me.
After she left it was dead silent between us.
"Are you okay?" Was the thing Garroth said when he broke the silence.
I looked up at him slightly. My hair was in my face. "Yeah. I'm alright." I softly said.
"You sure? It looked like you took a blow. A lot of blows." Garroth said.
"I'm sure. It stopped hurting after a while..."
He nodded.
The pain hurt now though. It hurt to keep my head up. Or to stay sitting.
He looked at me. "You want to lean on me? You look like you need to."
I softly nodded. My head softly rested on his shoulder. All the pain that I had was still there, but it didn't hurt as much. Not anymore.
Garroth smiled at me. "You did really good deflecting his first attacks. That was amazing." He said.
I softly giggled. "Yeah. That was pretty crazy."
"Yup. It was pretty amazing. Except I knew you could be able to do it."
"Oh yeah? How?" I curiously asked.
"You looked like you were determined to beat him. It was just this gleam in your eyes." Garroth said.
I giggled again. "Yeah. I wanted to beat him so badly. He is just full of himself. Like seriously."
Garroth chuckled. "Yeah. Thomas... he doesn't like being shown up by someone. And apparently he'll do anything to keep it that way."
I softly sighed. "I wish he didn't do that. My mom is going to freak when she sees me later."
"Do you want me to go with you? Maybe it'll lessen the blow this time." Garroth offered.
I slightly shrugged. "I dunno."
"It is up to you." Garroth said.
I paused for a minute. "Mmm.... sure. That would be nice."
He smiled softly.
This is kinda one thing that was inbetween a timeskip...
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