RedRoom Entries 1-16
WARNING: Descriptions of Gore, Kidnapping
The RedRoom entries were a series of journal entries I made quite a while ago. It took me around an hour and a half to complete. There was no set storyline, my only plan was to write and not stop writing until I had a proper story with a proper conclusion. This is the main reason why it makes little to no sense in most areas and is overall not the best. It is mainly themed around weirdcore, as I had just gotten into it at the time. I have not changed anything about it besides a few spelling and grammar errors. The music I listen to during my writing has a large impact on the direction it goes, and for RedRoom I listened to "The Binding of Isaac Soundtrack - Serenity".
Entry 1- Friends
I am not alone
They are always watching.
They comfort me.
They say nice things.
They tell me they'll always be here for me, and they say they'll keep me safe.
They are my friends.
I am with my friends.
They become angry when I leave.
I cannot leave them yet.
They are my friends.
I cannot leave my friends.
And they will never leave me.
Entry 2- Visitors
I am with my friends.
A little boy walked into the room today.
They tore his arms from his body.
They bent his knees backward.
They strangled him with his intestines.
They do not like visitors.
They become angry when someone enters the room.
Besides me, of course.
It's very scary.
But I don't mind.
They are my friends.
They're only trying to protect me.
I would be dead without them.
Entry 3- Water
In the red room, sometimes I hear water.
A lot of it.
It's like an ocean.
It's very faint.
It relaxes me.
My friends can't hear it.
They think it must be my imagination.
It makes me wonder.
What's beyond this room?
Where am I?
Who am I?
My friends told me not to worry about that.
I'm glad to have them.
They're all I have.
Entry 4- Freedom
Today, my friends allowed me to leave.
Not very far.
Only where they could still see me.
It was so much fun!
I saw so many different things,
There was a house.
Inside it was a huge train station.
In the corner was a man.
He said he remembered me.
He offered me some tea.
My friends wouldn't let me have any.
They told me not to trust anyone who offers me tea.
Then I had to go back.
It was a nice day.
I'm glad I got to go out today.
My friends are so nice.
I love my friends.
They said they love me too.
Entry 5- Mr.Spines
My friends let me leave again.
I tried to find the water I'd hear.
I couldn't.
So I decided to look for the man I met.
He was in the same corner.
I asked him if he knew where it was.
He said yes.
But I couldn't go see it.
It was too far.
The man's name was Mr.Spines.
He has no head.
But he has a mask.
It's a fox mask.
He's always wearing a suit.
He's very nice.
He offered me some tea again.
I declined.
I do wonder what it tastes like.
Mr.Spines says it's very delicious.
The best I'll ever have.
I wish my friends would let me have some.
Maybe another time?
I wonder who else is out there . . .
Entry 6- Mouths
While I was exploring, I saw a mouth on a wall.
It told me to get away.
That my friends were going to hurt me.
It said I need to run away.
My friends told me to never trust the mouths.
That they only say lies.
It made me confused.
I love my friends.
I trust my friends.
They would never hurt me.
I asked Mr.Spines.
He said to trust my friends.
I trust Mr.Spines.
I trust my friends.
I don't trust mouths.
One said my shoes were ugly.
I hate mouths.
Entry 7- Ms.Daisy
Mr.Spines introduced me to a friend of his.
Her name is Ms. Daisy Bell.
She's a flower.
She has a pretty dress.
She smells pretty.
She asked me what my name is.
It was strange.
Nobody had asked me before.
I didn't know what to say.
I don't think I have a name.
Ms.Daisy Bell said it was okay.
She gave me a name.
My name is Ribbon.
Ms. Daisy Bell is very nice.
And pretty.
I hope I'm pretty like her someday.
My friends said I'm already pretty.
Entry 8- Gift
My friends gave me a gift.
It's a yellow ball with a red star on it.
It's very bouncy.
They said it's because I've been good.
I love my gift.
Mr. Spines said it was cool.
I played with it all day.
Well, It's hard to tell when one day ends and another begins.
But I played with it for a very long time.
So long, I saw Mr.Spines leave.
I've never seen him leave before.
I wonder where he goes.
Maybe he will bring me a gift too?
My friends said gifts are better when you don't expect them.
My friends are very wise.
Entry 9- Ocean
Ms. Daisy Bell got permission to take me to the watery place.
It was very far.
I was very scared.
My friends weren't there to protect me anymore.
I wanted to cry.
Ms. Daisy Bell said everything would be okay.
It was very dark there.
There was a streetlamp and two chairs surrounded by a fence.
Everything else was a deep ocean.
It was very relaxing.
I didn't feel scared anymore.
Ms. Daisy Bell kept an eye on me.
Which helped.
I saw something in the water.
I asked Ms. Daisy Bell about it.
She said to never trust the creatures in the water.
They would hurt me.
I stayed farther away from the water.
I didn't want to get hurt.
I told my friends about it.
They said that I was getting smarter.
But they said that I would never be smart enough to go out on my own.
I guess they're right.
Entry 10- Ms.Daisy's House
Ms. Daisy Bell took me to her house today.
We had to walk through a bright forest.
There were many trees and flowers.
I stayed by Ms. Daisy Bell so I wouldn't become lost.
Ms. Daisy Bell's house was in a clearing.
She said it wasn't far from town.
The house was very big.
She said she lives with a friend.
I wonder if her friend is a flower too?
She made me some tea.
She said it was okay to drink because she was my friend.
I decided not to.
I do trust Ms. Daisy Bell.
But I don't want to make my friends angry.
I want to make them proud.
She understood.
She let me kick my ball around in the forest.
It was really fun!
My friends said that they were very proud of me.
They said to be careful not to lose my ball.
They're very caring.
I could never live without them.
Entry 11- Stupid
Today, I didn't feel like doing anything.
I spent time talking to my friends.
I asked them all sorts of questions.
There were some questions they wouldn't answer.
I asked them where I came from.
I asked them what my name used to be.
I asked them why I couldn't be alone.
I didn't want to leave.
I was just curious.
They said I wasn't ready to know.
They said to not think about things like that.
They said to just trust them.
Why couldn't I know?
Why couldn't they tell me?
Am I too stupid?
Entry 12- Sad
Everything was horrible.
I went to the forest again today.
I was kicking my ball around.
It fell into this large hole.
I began freaking out.
My friends would be so upset if I lost my gift.
I tried to reach into the hole to get it out.
Something grabbed my hand.
It tried to pull me into the hole.
I pulled my hand away.
I told Ms. Daisy Bell about it.
She said that it was called a black hole.
She said that what goes in those come out in a random place.
She said that the ball could be anywhere now.
I was very sad the whole way home.
When I told my friends they became very angry.
They said that I should've been more careful.
They yelled at me a lot.
I said I was sorry.
I was.
I am.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Please forgive me.
Entry 13- Legs
My friends are still really upset about the ball.
They said that I was stupid.
They said they shouldn't have given me the ball in the first place.
Legs are strange things.
They're needed for lots of stuff.
Like walking.
And kicking.
My friends said that if I couldn't use them properly.
Then I didn't deserve them.
I've always felt safe with my friends
But now,
I'm scared.
I hope they let me keep them.
Entry 14- Tea
I did something really bad.
I left.
I don't know what came over me.
Maybe it was because I was scared?
Maybe I wanted to prove that I could still use my legs.
I ran away from my friends.
I ran through the forest.
I ran through the town.
I ran to a strange playground.
I didn't know what to do.
I missed Mr. Spines.
I missed Ms. Daisy Bell.
I missed my friends.
I wanted to go home.
I tried to, but I was very lost.
I was too afraid to ask for directions.
I ran into Mr. Spines.
I was really happy to see him.
He seemed shocked to see me.
I told him everything that happened.
He offered me some tea again.
I was going to say no, but I . . .
I don't know.
I thought about everything my friends had told me.
I thought about how mean they were to me over a dumb ball.
I thought about how they wouldn't tell me anything about myself.
I thought about how thirsty I was.
I said yes.
I drank the tea.
It was delicious.
It was sweet.
It was very calming
So calming,
I fell asleep.
Entry 15- Diary Entry "Nightmare"
Dear Diary,
Sorry for the chicken-scratch writing, I'm shaking a lot right now, I can't calm down. I feel like I'm being watched. It feels weird writing in a dream. Well, this is more like a nightmare. I just want to wake up already, it feels like it's been hours. I've never had such a vivid dream, but of all times to have one, why must it be this one?
I woke up in a strange place. It was a playground. At first, I thought I had been kidnapped. I was freaking out, so I tried to look for people. The first person I saw was this creature with no head. Instead, there was just some fox mask. It freaked me out even worse, so I ran away from it. Then I came across this town full of monsters. Some had 8+ eyes, some had only one. Either way, I was completely panicking at this point. I kept running.
Nothing around here made any sense. I ended up at this lookout area surrounded by a lake. There were a couple of chairs by the fencing, so I sat down to try and calm down. Thankfully I'm alone here. The sound of the water and the humid air is extremely relaxing. It reminds me of the lake I went to with Mom and Bree. Maybe once I wake up, we can visit it again? It would be nice. I remember taking off my shoes and dipping my feet in the water. It felt so great . . . I wonder what dream water feels like. It wouldn't hurt to find out, right?
I just hope touching dream water doesn't have the same effect as touching warm water while asleep. . . Will keep you updated.
I hope the dream fish aren't carnivores.
Entry 16- Remember
I remember everything.
I remember going to the lake with my mother and my best friend during the first week of summer break.
I remember going camping with my family on my older brother's 13th birthday.
I remember playing with my friends at the playground in the park across the street from our house.
I remember kicking the ball off into someone's backyard.
I remember my friends becoming mad at me for it.
I remember knocking on the door.
I remember a sweet lady who lived there with her adult son.
I remember her not being home.
I remember her son answering the door.
I remember walking into the house.
But I don't remember leaving.
I remember being locked away.
I remember being watched.
I remember the pain.
I remember hearing my name on television.
I remember the hope it brought me.
I remember him telling me I was going home.
I remember being told lies.
I remember the darkness trusting brought me.
I remember being buried alive.
I remember dying.
I've died.
Twice now.
What comes after this?
I watched Spine's retreating form as he walked away.
I remembered my name.
But It didn't matter anymore.
I'm not alive anymore.
I'm not even human anymore.
I'm not Ollie anymore.
I'm Ribbon.
And this is my new life.
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