PinkRoom: Waiting
PinkRoom is another set of stories, though it was originally meant to be only one short story, "Waiting", I've found myself writing another PinkRoom story just recently. Similar to the RedRoom Entries, "Waiting" was written with no planned storyline in mind, although I'd say this turned out much better than RedRoom. For PinkRoom, I listened to "how to disappear completely: Oressa".
I waited for you.
For so long, I've waited.
Here, alone.
I stayed exactly where you told me to.
I never moved.
I sat, and I waited.
It took me a while to realize,
that you were never coming back.
So I left.
I grabbed my favorite things.
The candy you gave me, I never opened.
I hoped we could share it together.
The doll you gave me, I hugged every night.
It was my only friend.
The lantern you gave me, Its candle always lit.
You told me the light would keep me safe at night.
I always heeded your words.
I opened the door,
and I walked out into the unknown world.
It was bright. The warm light that came from the blue sky was bright. Green leaves swayed lazily in the cool breeze. The clank of chains could be heard from the swingset that swung lightly. I remember when we used to play on the swings, we'd have a contest to see who could swing higher. [xxx] always won, but she'd get very sick afterward.
As I continued down the stone brick path, more memories came flooding into my head. I remember the picnics we used to have at that wooden picnic table. You always made the best lemonade, but once a bee flew onto [xxx] 's glass of lemonade. We all screamed and ran away. The glass still sat on the table, now filled with little pickings of the forest.
I remember swimming in the lake, the water was always pleasantly cool in the summer. [xxx] didn't know how to swim, and always felt left out, so you taught him how. When he got into the water for the first time, he freaked out. Everyone made fun of him for a while. It was wrong of me, but I felt happy about it. For once, I wasn't the one being picked on.
I found myself in front of the well. There we two large buckets sitting next to it. I remember how you'd choose someone different to help you carry the water from the well back to the orphanage every day. I remember the day you chose me. It was bright and sunny and the breeze was warm, similar to today. You filled the buckets with water, then gave one to me. It was very heavy, but I did my best. By the time we made it back, I was exhausted, but you said I did a good job and even gave me some candy. I felt really proud.
I made my way back to the building. I noticed the shed. It was darker than before. I remember playing hide and seek with the others. [xxx] would always hide in the shed even though we weren't allowed to. You didn't want us to go into the shed because of the dangerous tools inside, but [xxx] never listened. The door could be locked from the inside, so we could never open the door and therefore we could never find him. Quickly, we declared that hiding in the shed was considered cheating.
The orphanage was different than when I left it. It was darkly chard black. Parts of it had fallen in, now coated in vines and branches. As I walked in, I remembered that night. It was really hot that night, I couldn't sleep. I heard lots of screaming so [xxx] and I left our room. It was dark, but I could see light flickering from downstairs. Thick smoke filled the hallway which only made it harder to see. [xxx] ran off to see what the light was. I remember seeing you run across the hall. You stopped at my door, I could see the fear and worry in your eyes. You had a towel over your mouth and nose. Before you could say anything, there was another scream. You glanced in the direction of the flickering lights before looking back at me. You told me to stay in my room and wait for you to return, then you closed my door. I did as you said. I sat on my bed and waited for you. It took so long that I fell asleep.
When I woke up, you still hadn't returned. I didn't want you to be angry with me, so I stayed.
I went back into my room. It was as black as tar, as was the rest of the building. I sat down on what was left of my bed, now broken and burnt, and hugged my doll close.
I waited for you.
For so long, I've waited.
Here, alone.
I stayed exactly where you told me to.
I never moved.
I sat, and I waited.
It took me a while to realize,
that you were never coming back.
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