Patton was acting off. Even John and Hosuh noticed from their every week get together. At first they didn't bother asking. Patton could maybe have just been tired or something. WaterGem did have a lot of jobs lately so he wasn't getting much sleep then he would normally do. But That wasn't it. The next week Patton was a bit worse. That week, WaterGem hadn’t had any jobs to do. So he should have gotten the sleep he needed. The third week they told the girls after joining Patton with his stress baking.
“Ya- Logan said that he wasn't really acting like himself lately and its been stressing them out especially since janus-.” Elisabeth said. She and Nightlara went to do private tutor sessions with logan. Not because he wasn't getting any of the unittien classes he was taking. Not at all. It was because he wanted to learn more. He still didn't know Patton was a unittien but he did know they were close friends with Patton.
“Is there something up-? Also was janus the one he kinda caught feelings for?” John asked.
“Ya-” Gaurdia said.
“Janus is also the one we didnt plan on to literally get himself killed for pat-” Nightlara said. They sat there and talked. Patton had already left so they werent worried that Pat would over hear and start to try and act normal. He thought that he needed to be happy for everyone. Be kind to everyone as well. So if he finds out he was worrying someone he would do his best to change his behavior to not worry them. So they didnt talk about big things that worry them about patton that would be bad to cover up. Little things like a strained wrist or a bruise or two from a job was stuff they talked about infront of him but never anything about how he was acting or that He was really pale and cold if he got touch starved really bad. So they talked and decided on the best course of action.
Pat’s p.o.v:
It felt off. I also felt alone a bit. Janus had became sick, Mostly because of some shadow stuff that I did manage to take care of without anyone knowing about it. By that- I basically took away most of the poison and gave it to myself. It hurts and Janus was still under, but we wouldn't die from it. It had been 3 weeks now and I had went back home and went back to stress baking. Logan had apparently made note of what I do when something was wrong and he had been trying for 2 weeks now to get me to talk. I started to stay away from them now. Slowly distancing myself. I knew what will happen eventually. HE will come and do something and I would either have to leave them or i'll end up dead or even worse. HE would have me and do whatever he wanted. I want to protect them so I stay hidden. Away from them. It hurt more then I would say but I have to deal with it. My skin was cold now but I didn't bother asking. Asking for the simplest thing. To just be held by them. Especially Janus.
“Hey padre-? Can you- Help me with something?” I hear roman ask.
“Of course kiddo! What do you need help with?” I asked as roman leads me to his room. We get in and he closes the door behind us.
“Patton- We need to talk-” Roman said seriously. Oh no- He aint talking about my recent baking lately, Is he-? I would hate to give that up to keep the others from worrying. Logan never showed signs of knowing that I do it when stressed. So I haven't stopped.
“Pat, Youve been acting really off lately-” Virgil said. Wait- VIRGIL?! I then noticed Him, Remus, Emile, Logan and Remy in the room. Thomas had went on a few month trip so he wasnt with us.
“Patton, Please. You need to talk to tell at least one person here what is going on- Why your acting… off." Emile asks. I could tell emile- But then he would try and get me to say something wasnt right and that I should be watched for the next few days. I didnt want that. So instead I just shake my head and respond.
"I dont know what you all are talking about. im fine. I promise- " I said smiling softly. I have practiced my fake smile so it didnt look fake or forced. They believed it thankfully but kept bugging me on how I would tell them if something was wrong or if Something happens or whatever. I tell them 'Yes' and 'I will dont worry-'. I was thankful that Janus was still out and not here to tell me to stop lying. It tell them that I wasnt saying the truth. But I was fine. At least as fine as a hybrid in hiding can be when thier magic is about to burst and they still have some shadow posion in them. Thankfully it's not enough to kill me or janus for that matter, However, It was still slowing me down and weaking me a bit. The first week I asked my boss to do quiet a bit of assignments and had explained what had happen. He allowed that one week for work only. I Had told him that he told the girls but in reality. I really didnt want them to get worked up and worry about me. So I stayed quiet about it to them and boss that I did tell them. It hurt a lot, but I didnt care-
“I dont believe him-” I heard as I was suppose to be out of ear shot. They dont believe me-? Oh no- That isnt good. I go to check in one janus. I was just shaking a lot. It was cold. I walked over to Janus and looked at him. I sighed softly and sat in the chair by the bed. Something was off though. I checked and as soon as I did. I panicked. Nononononononono!
“J-Janus! NO! Please! Stay with me!” I yelled. I cant loose him. The others soon comes into the room and they had to drag me away. No NO nO PLease!
“Pat- Patton calm down-” How can I calm down-? Something was wrong with Janus- He might be in a coma-
“Pat- do you know what day it it-?”
“Of course I know what day it is! Its the 24th of June!” Silence then ensured. I was shaking a lot.
“Pat, Why where you in that room-?” Roman asked.
“I was checking on jan- why-?” I asked.
“ Pat- Janus is gone- He died three weeks ago from the shadow wounds-” Logan said. What-?
“No- He was in there! I saw him!” I said. Then it hit me- I was the only one to go in there the last three weeks. The others were quietly going through their own grief. I was going to ask about that. Why I occasionally heard them cry these last three weeks. No. nonononono He wasnt dead. Janny wasnt 6 feet under. Janus would NEVER leave us. My janus was. . . was. . . . Was dead- I tried. I managed to take some of the poison out but It wasnt enough and it was in time to save him. Janus was bite 3 times, Stabbed 2 and was drugged. We where at a party that night. Janus only had one drink but he acted like he had a lot more. As we walked home, Grey attacked us and held everyone else back as he fought Janus who was the one to fight them off. Roman and remus managed to get out of the grip and helped us get out before helping janus. Because we didnt see him get hurt. We didnt see it until after we got grey to go away. Janus fell down going unconscious. We took him to the hospital and when he woke up he was told he wouldnt survive with alll of us. So he wanted to go home and died there. I looked back into the room. I was like before but it was different. There was a picture of janus above the nice and neat bed. No janus, Nobody on the bed. There was a few letters around the picture and the picture it self was surrounded by yellow and black ribbons. The picture had two dates. Janus’ birth date and death date. From 3 weeks ago.
“ Come on pat- Lets go get you some food. Mkay-?” Virgil asked, I felt a wetness on my cheek. Janus was gone. He was gone and never coming back. He was gone and and and- I just broke down as if finally caught up to me. The world seemed to shatter around me as I finally broke. And now they knew. They knew of my magic, They knew of me being a unittien, They knew I wasnt ok. They knew. But I didnt care. Because A huge part of me just broke after that piece left. I looked at the picture again and took in the death date. June 3rd, 2019. Everything seemed so distant- ANd everything hurt. It all hurt. Nothing was there to cause the pain other then the fact that Janus, MY Janus was gone. Never coming back- the world soon started to spin and then black. Just blank and black and empty.
Remus’s p.o.v:
It had been three weeks without Janus. Three weeks of patton being distant but also trying to be all happy and bubbly. Some times I thought that he forgot Janus was dead. Forgot WHO janus was. We were finally done focusing on our grief so we all decided to help Patton with his. We hid in roman’s room while roman went to get patton. We also had Emile and Remy here just in case. When we confronted him Patton just shrugged it off and eventually left the room.
“I dont believe him-” Remy said softly. We all nodded in agreement.
“ Do you think he is going back into Janus’ room again?” Virgil asked. He had been going in there a lot to be honest. Ever since Janus left for the hospital for the seconded time after dying. We dont know anything else after that though. They haven’t said anything which Logan said was odd. Usually they would call telling us what they were doing with the body and when they plan of having a funeral and all that. Not even Jan’s mother has heard anything. We soon hear a small
“J-Janus! NO! Please! Stay with me!” We looked at eachother then ran to janus’s room. Pat was on the brink of tears looking at the spot where he found out Janus died. His body was shaking and his face was really pale. Im starting to think he forgot Janus Died and thought he was still here. We dragged him out of the room quickly
“Pat- Patton calm down-” Virgil said softly. Pat was on the edge of a panic attack.
“Pat- do you know what day it it-?” I asked softly.
“Of course I know what day it is! Its the 24th of June!” Silence then ensured. Pat knew what today was, but he didnt know janus was dead. Did he? No wonder he was completely off. His mind was tricking him in his grief making him believe and see that janus was alive. But I wanted to make sure. I gave everyone else a glance and we all decided that it was the best.
“Pat, Why where you in that room-?” Roman asked.
“I was checking on jan- why-?” Patton asked.
“ Pat- Janus is gone- He died three weeks ago from the shadow wounds-” Logan said. I saw his face pale again and he had a look of disbelief.
“No- He was in there! I saw him!” Patton said. Then the realiszation finally hit him. We all saw it. After a good minute Pat quietly looked at janus’ room looking at the wall above janus’ bed. Tears where falling down his cheeks quietly.
“ Come on pat- Lets go get you some food. Mkay-?” Virgil asked, He slowly helped Pat stand up. Patton was completely still and quiet as everything actually hit him all at once. Then Pat broke down. Ears and tail appear as pat just broke down crying. Water and crystals semi surround Pat Everything was just hitting him and apparently his magic wasnt strong enough to hide it with that break. Next thing we knew Pat passed out suddenly and the magic stopped. Logan called someone and roman carried pat downstairs onto the couch. He was cold from what roman said. After a bit of us trying to warm Patton up, which we dont really know if its because of the blankets or because we were just holding him close. But after an hour or two, Three girls knock on our door and logan lets them in. They come over and mostly check patton out out ask different questions and answers some of our own. Then a hiccup.
“Pat-?” Virgil asked Patton. He was now awake and sitting up right. Tears streaming down his face, But they were different.
“Call. In 3 2 1-” Pat said and just as he finished having a small hopeful smile on his face, We got a call. I answered it.
“Hello, This is Remus of the rainbow house-” I said. Yes, We were called the rainbow house.
“Yes, this is Galaxy Hospital- We wanted to let you all know, and we just told his mother, that Janus Glover is alive and now awake-”
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