troy pt 2
Pat hiccuped again. He was scared, terrified even. He knew That Troy did something. The first day, Before anything else, Troy Did something. He shook some more just thinking of it. Something kept pulling him back into focus whenever he zoned out and when it didnt, Pat heard something he didnt really like.
Patton's p.o.v:
" Run away. Your just useful for cleaning and all that. They dont really care about you- They are just keeping you around because your a main important side and your useful." The voice said. I shivered slightly and went back to watching the movie trying to tune out the voice. That was until Virgil got my attention.
"You ok Patty-cake?" Ve asked softly. I nodded. Something told me to nod- to wait- wait- wait for what-?
"Ok- just tell us if anything is up- ok-?" Ve asked softly looking at me then glancing at janus with a look that said something. I nodded tiredly, I soon closed my eyes for a bit. Im assuming it had been atleast an hour because I woke up still in the living room with everyone else asleep, I didnt really realise it but soon my body move on its own. Being super quiet as it moved silently through the house, to the front door. I wanted to freeze, Do anything but keep going- Please- Make it stop- My body didnt listen to what I wanted it to do. It walked right outside. Bare feet on the grass. Kept walking until something grabbed me.
"Patton-?" I hear the soft voice of roman. Something snapped and i gasp clinging onto him. He rumbed my back and lowered me onto the ground. He whispered sweet nothings to me as I broke shaking. Fear, I was fearful. Not wait- I was terrified. I was moving against my own will.
"Wanna go back in and tell me why your out here little dove-?" Roman asked softly. I nodded a bit and we headed inside. Turns out roman wasnt the only one awake as Ve, Jan and Logan was wide awake in the house, Jan and virgil looking upstairs and Logan downstairs. ME an roman come in and logan calls the two downstairs and we all sit in the kitchen. Logan gave me some tea as well as everyone else.
"What happen cookie-?" Janus asked softly.
" i-i dont really know- All I know i-is that i-i w-woke u-up and m-my body j-just started t-to mive on its o-own-" I said softly looking at the tea.
" Control-" Virgil said softly. I looked at ve a bit.
" When Me and remus had taken care of troy- he said- and I quote- ' We will be back before you know it'- I didnt understand what that ment and nor did Remus but- I think I know now- Little dove- Troy is a fusion of Control, Insanity, Lust, and Wrath-" Roman said. I felt my blood run cold. I bare even remember them but I do remember that they were bad sides worse then what we called the darksides. They were banished away a while ago- we all were there- I remembered that they cursed us and said they would get their revenge. Lust and control mostly looked at me but only when the others didnt realise. I didnt get why they did that and I thought it wasnt anything to worry about since They were banished and we all thought that they made an empty threat. But I guess it turns out, that wasnt true- I felt a pit in my stomache. They were coming after me- They wanted to come after me. They were after me- I started to shake a bit as the realisation hit me.
"Pat- oh little dove- It ok-" Roman said softly as he gently pulls me into a hug.
"We wont let them take you again heart. I will research a way to make sure you arent in their control- I promise." Logan said softly coming over to rub my back a little bit. I lean into the touch calming down. It was going to be ok- we can work through this- right-? Roman ended up making some food. I curled up to janus who had picked me up and carried me back into the living room with ve following and logan going to help roman with the food. I soon fell asleep a bit and janus soon shook me awake to eat the food. I knew I fell asleep cuz what logan and roman were making was something that takes a while to make. Not only that but remus was wide awake now as well.
"Hey little cookie! How was your nap?" Remus asked once he saw I was awake.
"It was - it was good-" I said softly having to think of a word for how I slept. I noticed remus looked at janus just to make sure I wasnt lying but I asume janus gave him the 'not lying look' because he smiled back at me as ve, ro, and lo entered the room with the food. We all ate and soon decided to go on a walk outside. We all get ready and then head outside where we just walked. Remus and Roman was mostly infront, Janus by my side along with virgil and ogan was reading a book but also paying close attention in the back.
"Come into the trees" I hear a voise say. I kinda move closer to janus and cling onto him trying to ignore the voice. Janus noticed and held me close and I saw ve give us a look mostly to janus.
"Come come morality- come come- you know you want to." The voice said we kept walking. Logan noticed as well and came closer a bit and also was on high alert now even though it didnt look like much. Just looked liked he walked closer continuing to read and walk.
" You dont want the others to be hurt- do you?" The voice said. I kept walking but my mind was racing- Im surprised I didnt freeze in place. Either way- what did the voice mean-?
"FU- RUN!" I hear roman yell out Janus picked me up quickly and ran with virgil following close behind. I felt my body lose control again as I looked at what was going on. Roman, Remus and logan was fighting three other sides that I bare even reconized. Lust, Wrath and Insanity- I felt my body move a bit quickly to my liking. Next thing I know Jan was injured and ve was just in shock- And I ran- was it me-? No- MY body ran- To the forest, out of sight. Quickly as well. Nonononononono- please- I dont wanna go back- please- I quietly beg as my body runs deeper and deeper into the forest. After a bit my body stops close to a clearing and I gained back control. I fell onto my knees again shaking. Everything caught up to me. Something happened and I somehow made a knife appear and my body stabbed janus. All in one quick motion. I took the deep breaths to calm down. I was lost, and the i think only ve and jan knew I ran into the forest- Where the other ok-? I wondered just before I heard a noise. I snapped my head towards the noise and see four figures. I then see some of the Hot pink that Lust usually has and my eye widen. Then quickly I go to stand and run. I didnt get to far since I was quickly grabbed by two different hands.
"Awe- is morality trying to get away-?" I hear one of them say. I shivered again as tears started to spring into my eyes. I then noticed someone in White coming around and looking at me.
"Morality- So nice of you to finally come back to us-" he said in a sickening smile. I soon felt a poke to my skin and I started to feel off and drowsy. I whimpered softly as I loose my balance and one of the others catch me and picks me up. Everything felt like a blur but I did remember hearing roman and remus yelling my name and the four swearing before sinking away with me-
Roman's p.o.v:
After we got attacked and the three finally left for somer eason I look back and see Virgil panicking trying to help Janus but also looking at the forest constantly-
"Virgil! Janus! What happened-? Where padre?" I asked as we came closer.
" Pat got controlled and summoned a knife stabbing janus then ran off into the forest-" Virgil said
" Remus, Control is able to control patton right now. We found this out this morning mainly because pat was control then too and he ended up walking outside- Logan- stay here and help ve please- Remus, come on- we're going to go and find Pat." I said. Logan nodded and went over to janus and ve and began to bandage Janus up with help from ve. Me and remus then proceeded into the forest. After a few minutes we heard talking. Barely audible- we quietly went closer and We could hear dark chuckles and a small whimper. We soon get close that was could see what was happening just as control stepping infront of Patton who was being help by Wrath and lust.
" Morality- So nice of you to finally come back to us-" Control said. I then see insanity inject something into Patton. Patton suddenly started to get drowsy and he fell but wrath caught him and picked him up as he whimpered softly some more.
"PATTON!" Both me and remus yelled out as we finally was able to move and draw our weapons. Remus goes to attack insanity and I attack lust. But just as we where about to hit they sunk out. With Pat- After a bit more of looking around we give up and head back. The others had gotten back home so we headed there too. Once back home we told everyone what happened and asked logan if he knew what they injected pat with.
"Until I see all the side effects I can be certain- there are many things that they could have given pat that would make him drowsy and basically pass out like what you said- and a lot of them are the same color you said too- But for now I can start coming up with some antidotes for the ones that need it- we should also get thomas to help- If it can narrow things down more- He is our best bet-" Logan said we nodded and called for thomas who sank in.
"Whats up- What happened?! Why is janus bandaged up and where is Patton-?" Thomas asked once taking in the scene.
" Patton was controlled, hurt jan, ran into the forest where- Four other, Banished, Sides took him-" Virgil said simply. We all nodded in responce and thomas stood there in shock. Complete and utter shock. After a bit we have thomas go and try to feel patton. After a bit more we tried having him feel for all us and then pat again. Nothing for pat. That was weird- Thomas and Virgil started to panic a bit at this fact that patton wasnt able to be feeled. Logan started research as we helped the two. This wasnt a good thing at all.
Wrath's P.O.V:
"That was a close one- if they had been quiet longer and closer then we would have been back here empty handed again- then again- even if we didnt get Morality we would have been closer- we could have him be controlled again and sneak out again and lock the others inside the house- or just kill them so we could have at least a 3 day window to get Morality-" Insanity said. We walked through the dark dark forest that lead to our shack house that was extremely hidden. We also had a secret hiding place close to it as well that was really well hidden. We were now well out of both Remus' and Roman's lands so it could take them a long while to find us this time. We eventually walked into said shack and into a small spare, semi empty room that we made just to keep morality in. I set him down on the simple bed and put the collar on him making sure the chain was connected to it as well as to the floor. I also made sure the shackles were on him as well. The other three soon also came in and control leans closer to Morality smirking. Said side soon woke up a be and spotted us and tried to scoot away but control grabbed the chain and yanked it to make him be pull towards us.
"P-please- l-let me go-" the youngest begged quietly trying to get away. Insanity laughed a bit and at control's signal came close to Morality and gave him a few hullutions. Me and lust pinned him down as well and he yells thrashing around crying. Something he did first when terrified we learned. After a bit more hullutions, Morality was whimpering soft and begging us to stop still crying.
"Please stop- i-ill do a-any- j-just please-" The smaller begged before insanity started another round- we looked at control who smirked a bit.
" Prove it then~" He said in a low growl. That only ment one thing. And god- was morality in for a surprise- Pat whimpered and asked how. Control then gave him the steps in which he followed them shakily.
----------------------------------- Warning- no no content---------------------------------------------
Control then snapped away morality's top part of his clothing as he grabs the chain to make sure morality couldnt curl away. We also made him manage to make his shackled hands behind his back which lust came behind him and held him there. Making sure that he didnt move away insanity had ended up putting up a camera. Control then goes and strips down from anything-. He then proceeded to make him suck his cock off as lust held him there- Eventually Control came into Morality's mouth and made him swallow. Lust then proceeded to strip down as control grabbed a few things. More like a gag, blindfold, silk rope and a few toys like vibrators and what not.
"P-please- n-no m-more-" Morality beg crying. Me and insanity began to strip down as well turning off the camera.
"Quiet morality~ now- Beg for it~" Lust said pulling on his hair as he started to tease him. Having his cock just at the smaller's hole. Morality wimpers softly now having the blindfold on.
"Beg~" control said. Morality gasps softly before.
"P-please- please- g-give it t-to me~ p-please~" He said softly and so controly. Lust laughed a bit and smirked.
" Hmm- I think he might want a dildo in his little sentive hold~" He said looking at control who smirked a bit giving lust the vibrating dildo. Lust then proceeded to shove the dildo into morality's hole just before control let go of his control which ment we heard him softly moan before he gasped and wimpered. Me and insanity already know what we plan on happening next grabs little one and tie him to the poles so he was on his knees off the bed. We laugh as lust turns on the vibrating dildo making morality moan rather loudly and lustly.
"P-please~" morality tried to beg. Insanity laughed as he came over and whispered something to Patton, mortality moaned a bit more as he felt the vibrating toy turn up higher. We soon get the go ahead sign from control. insanity went infront of Morality and I went behind.
" Beg for it~" Insanity said. I could feel myself get harder at the look of little one. Morality wimpered softly before doing what he was told.
" P-please~ i-i n-need it~ m-mark me and u-use me~ p-please~" He said moaning still I started to tease him some more making him wimper from the dildo in him moving as I grinded on him. Eventually Insanity quiets his begs making him suck him off as well and I slowly move the dildo out enjoying each muffled moan and wimper from little one. Once it was out of his hole I move so I could hold it right next to his cock. A small wimper is heard again before a small scream when I slammed into him. No mercy- Insanity laughs makeing it so little one wasnt able to lift his head. Full cock in his mouth and mercly being pounded into by another. We keeped playing around with him each making sure to get both ends.
Eventually Morality was finally let go and he fell to the floor in tears while shaking.
" you did such a good job kitten~" Lust said leaning down to Morality again. We all got dressed and let lust do Whatever as we took the camera we ended up turning off about halfway through. We leave the room and just barely hearing Lust chuckle darkly and pat started to scream and beg for a bit more which was barely audible- Insanity soon grabs the tape out and goes to make the video. Yes we were planing on sending Morality's friends a video a week. Control went and started to figure out the different things that would be able to make it so that Morality would appear here if he died- something that you should know- All of us sides cant really die pre say- We more ike disappear for a while, depends on which side and how they died, and they usually reappears in their room. But we can also manage to somehow make it so that morality would appear back here instead. We already gave him the stuff to make it so He and Thomas wasnt connected. Basically Thomas still had the moral thoughts and the emotions but they arent from Morality. Nor will thomas be able to feel him. Patton was under our control with this. As long as we keep him from being around everyone else for longer then a month and away from Thomas for at least 2 weeks, That function wont be his problem. Lust soon came back out from the room locking it behind him leaving the moral side in the mostly dark room that only had a small nightlight. We could also turn on the light which was bright as heck on in there so Kitten couldn't sleep.
" Welp- I got Morality to talk a bit-" Lust said smirking.
"You also put him in that revealing outfit too- didnt you-?" I asked.
" Of course I did- its much more fun that way~ any ways- apparently He is willing to stay as long as we leave the others alone- He also barely remembers The twins yelling but believed me when i said that they were yelling for him cuz they were mad." Lust said. Right- Mor- Patton was barely conscious during that- I smirked a bit.
" Do you think he'll believe they arent looking for him now then-?" Insanity asked. Lust nodded smiling.
" Yep- I told him that they stopped looking for him shortly after that and just went back home and aren't comeing for him- I also told him Deciet died-" Lust said. After a bit more we soon got dinner and I went in and force fed Patton. He refused to get up and uncurls so I made him and straddle him pinning his hands up too and force fed him. When he didnt open his mouth I forced it open and stuff the food in then covered his mouth and nose till his swollowed the soup like stuff. He did struggle a lot in the beginning but eventually gave in accepting that I would make him eat or else. After that I unplugged the light and closed and locked the door behind me. Control wanted me to do this to let Patton know that we wont just let him be in a boring one tiny lit room. We soon go to bed for the night. The net few days went by with us force feeding Morality and doing whatever with him. Lust even left him with a few toys for a few hours. We kept the room pitch black for those days. Soon We went ahead and turned on the bright af light in the room making Patton hiss and whimper at the sudden light. We were recording him when we did this and all he did was back away a little after the hissing and curls up shaking whimpering out apologies on hissing at us- Insanity turned the video off and left to finish editing the first of many video's we'll be sending/ hiding to the others. It would be fun to watch that. The realisation that each clip was 1 day and that is stopped however long it takes for them to see. Control mutters something and soon the smallest comes over to us shakily. Lust smirked and we then grab the smaller and walked after control down to the basement. Lust grabbed the toys and I grabbed a few thing to make this more fun. Control made sure Patton stayed still as he tied him up and made it so he couldnt escape. He then let pat go from his control as he was now done. A small whimper comes from him as we come back over with insanity joining us. We soon get started on making him scream and beg and cry. After a while we soon leave him alone for a while and we go and spy on the other sides. Janus was now up and moving staying with virgil and emile. OH ya- they got the help of remy and emile the day after. We then nositced Remus and roman was separate and logan and remy was looking around together.
"Remus is close to the edge which also means he is close to discovering where We are and were Morality is-" Control said in a soft whisper.
" Do we knock him out and take him then-?"
"No- we wait- Until he gets past the edge- then we do it." Control said calmly. After a bit of watching we see them sending up different campsites. We then head back and control feeds Patton this time. By now we have broken him enough to start the second part of this plan. Control led Morality back to the room and we decided to see if he would try and escape. No chains. No locked doors. We soon went to bed for the night.
3rd person p.o.v:
Patton stayed were he was. In the same room. He did look around and move around but not to much. It was still extremely bright so he couldnt sleep. Not that he felt safe to sleep either- He took the advantage to sneak out of the room and looked around. He saw the kitchen and almost went to raid it but thought against it. He was scared to do anything out of the room that he doesnt know if the other four would agree with. He quietly walked around. He even found a window that had the screen in the opening side. That was the one he opened- not to wide. Just for some fresh air. Air that he needed. Unknown to him control was secretly watching him. Judging each careful action Patton was taking. He hasnt tried to escape so there was that. After a bit, an hour before the sun would rise, Control went to sneak to patton. He saw him close the window and slowly and quiet head back to his room.
" Didn't try to escape- huh?" Control asked smirking at the smaller quickly turned around and eyes widen.
"I-im s-so s-sorry- i-i just wanted t-to walk a-around a-and s-sretch a-and g-get some fresh a-air- j-just a l-little bit- I-I didnt m-mean t-to m-make a mistake- i-i didnt-" Patton said softly shaking.
" It was a test little one- and you passed-" Control simply said. Patton just stood there dumbfounded.
"You didnt try to escape- nor send for help or try and kill us- so you passed the test- you have free roam of the house- Free access to anything- Food, toys, any toy- wraths weapons- free access to all of it- Just tell us what your eating when you eat it- or leave a note- and continue to obey- ok?" Control asked comeing closer to patton who still looked shocked.
"I- o-ok-" Patton said softly agreeing to these terms. Control smirked and pulled him by the collar and pulled him in closer. To which patton complied to. Control smirked as he started to give soft gentle touched. Something Patton was in need of for a few days now. The youngest caved in. giving in and letting himself give up to them. Unknowingly giving into lust, wrath and insanity too. Meanwhile, Remus had been the first of each group to wake up and get onto his mission. Find patton and alert roman atleast. Make sure he wasnt spotted by the others. He walked quietly after about an hour he crossed the edge where the four where alerted to it. Control was now having Patton dully sit in his room and watch something. They then went and confronted remus. Their plan was to sneak up on him but lust had messed that up by falling right infront of remus who pulled out his mace and demanded where Patton was. The others came out and attacked quickly, insanity being the one who managed to knock out the intrusive side. They sunk down appearing in a cellar down in the basement away from the room they took Patton in just the day before. They took the chains from the wall and shakled his wrists to said wall before he woke up.
Remus' p.o.v:
My head hurt when I woke up- I noticed the four banished sides looking at me as I awoke and once I figured what happened and all that my emediant thought went to-
" Where the fuck is patton?" I said in a low growl. These sides have already harmed to poor cinnimon roll one to many times the first DAY that first time as troy. There was no way in Heck that I would allow them to continue on with this.
" Calm calm calm. Hes nice and safe- dont worry-" Insanity said.
" yes- speaking of which- Insanity, Wrath, you two can have fun with the duke- lust- today is your errand day- ill go make sure- Morality- is - behaving-" Control said as he and lust left Insanity and Wrath here with me.
-------------------------Time skip cuz im lazy and this is already long af----------------------------------
I could tell- 14 days- I could once in a while hear quiet barely audible sobs and mumbled words from pat. Just on how small and fragile the voice was, I could tell it was Pat. I was fed at least once a day so I knew how many days its been. I usually had 2 meals but If I lash out to them they fed me once. Surprisingly, even through all the hallucinations and the beatings and details of what they would, could or did do to Pat, I was staying strong. I was trying to contact roman when I was alone too. I would only becable to use our twins connection we have for a few seconds each time. I knew it wasnt because we were too far away from eachother- I know cuz whenever roro did it I could hear him plain and clear. But he doesnt hear me loud and clear-
" Hey Duke-" Lust said in a bored but chilled way. I looked up and see something behind him as well.
" What do you want lust-?" I asked coldly. Lust just smiled
" Well we have to go do something today and little one has been misbehaving a lot so control wanted him to be down here-" Lust say pulling patton out from behind him roughly and shovers him to the floor. Lust then said something and left closing and locking the cell door behind him. I didnt hear mainly because my first thought was to make sure Pat was ok- Which I did quickly but gently. He was in cloths that I do think was really- Hot on him, but wasnt good for him especially in this situation. He also had a bunch of bruises, marks and all that along with a collar on his neck. That was mainly from just looking at him I gently barely touch him as he was curled up a lot and he jumps back on high shaky alert.
"Wow- its ok cookie- Its just me-" I said softly. He looked at me for a few seconds.
"R-re-?" Patton asked softly. His voice sounded so broken. It hurt so much-
"Y-ya cookie- i-its me-" I said softly. I had my arms kinda spread open for a hug if he wanted one. He tears but and crawls to me rather quickly willingly leaning into my arms. I Hugged him gently and let him break down in my arms. His small fragile frame shook with each small quiet sob and hiccup. I just let him cry and rub his back gently. After an hour or two he was peacefully asleep. I close my eyes and try again to contact Roman.
Remus: Roman- Please Say you can hear me-
Roman: Remus! I can hear you lound and clear- whats going on-? Why couldnt I contact you for the past 2 weeks?
Long story short- I think I got to close to them and the four knocked me out and took me. But- They arent in the house anymore- They went to do something which will take about 4 hours at least- you have 3 hours left-
Is patton with you or-?
If we talked yesterday- I would have told you Idk how patton is and that I barely knew he was here- But rn- they locked him down here with me saying he was misbehaving- you might wanna grab him some appropriate cloths too-
Oh gosh- its honestly weird hearing you say that but im more focused on the fact you said that about whatever patton is wearing- What else is there- Both for you and patton-
Other then having a bunch of cuts and bruises from being beat up and a bit of hallucinations from insanity- im fine- Patton however- Lets just say i think they had- done- stuff- more then beat him. There are bruises and markings from beating but there is other markings- they also have a special collar on him too-
Shit- how bad-?
Really bad- i think they didnt let his arm heal either- he does have a bruise that tells that he was slapped-
God- just told everyone else and Virgil and janus is just pissed-
I would assume so- they are the extremely over protective of Patton- remember? They break before Cookie even takes out the puppy eyes too-
True- Shit- remy just spotted the four sink up nearby-
Ok- dont let them know you know they have me though- they could take us someplace where I cant communicate at all or just take Patton away- And by the looks of it- it could shatter him.
We said bye and promised to content every few minutes- I looked at patton who was just sound asleep. He was clinging onto my outfit tightly- I remember the frist time we cuddled in this outfit- He needed attention and everyone else was being stressed to no end about something- Even janus was really stressed and they were trying- It just wasnt enough for Patton and he didnt really say that- Both me and pat were the onlyone's not extremely busy- Me cuz I really didnt have a lot to do and Patton because he hadnt had a lot and got it all done fast- so when I found him in his room cuddling a few of his many stuffies. It gave him some comfort but not a lot. I went over and pulled him into a cuddle suddenly surprising him. We talked just cuddling. He even commented how my outfit was like silk. It really surprised him. I wasnt paying attention till
They going back- Control made a twisted face saying that he'll just love hearing you beg- Remus! Lease say they arent there yet-
No- and im not giving them that fucking satisfaction. Shit- i hear them-
We're coming- Please stay safe and make sure they dont get Patton either-
Copy that-
I hold Patton closer to me as footsteps quickly came down the basement stairs. Patton was also barely waking up clinging onto me more. I curl my body around Patton's small curled up shaking form. I was making sure patton was safer then I was. I heard the jiggle and clink of the unlocked cell door.
" Come on you two- we have something planned." Wrath said. Patton whimpered softly and I glared at him.
" Fuck off-" I said in a low growl. Wrath growls and takes a knife out and starts to stab and slice at me making sure it wont kill me- I refrained from screaming in pain but dang- that hurts a lot. After a bit insanity and control came in to try and help him but I was refusing. Patton was whimpering and trying to get them to stop while not moving from my arms. Eventually I could hear roman trying to communicate with me through our bond but I was being more focused on keeping Patton away from these monsters. Eventually Two of them grabbed me and prayed Patton and me apart. I thrashed around trying to get to Patton who was just crying in fear.
"Let us GO YOU HEATHENS!" I yell. After a minute I hear Patton's cries suddenly stop and they start to pull me somewhere. I still struggled and yelled at them until we came to a room and they forced me to kneel and look down as they tied my hands behind my back and my ankles and knees together. After a good moment I finally was able to look up and my eyes widen. On the floor was Patton gagged and shaking and tied up. They had two pegs in the floor on that held a chain that was connected to the collar and another that had rope tied to it that connected to the rope tying his ankles together. With how it was, it was making sure Patton coulding curl away from anything- It was also a room that had a one way glass. Which ment that I could hear them but they couldnt hear me- Lust stayed with me as the other two goes to the next room. I then took note that control was the one in with patton now and pat just looked like he knew he couldnt get away from them. Tears were already in his eyes but any small sound he made was silenced by the gag. Lust came behind me and forced me to watch as the three starts to harm patton more. Muffled screams and wimpers as they kicked, hit, cut, even gave illusions to him. And all I could do was watch- I knew they wanted me to beg- I wanted to tell them to stop- to harm me instead- but I cant give them that satisfaction-
Remus- whats going on-?
Ro-roman- I- were are you?
Inside the house- we snuck in- your in the basement- right?
Y-yes- god- Hurry- they're harming Patton bad- i-i cant really do anything-
Ok- We're on our way- Dont worry-
" are you enjoying watching this-? Hmm duke?"
"Fuck off- I-i hate watching t-this- but I aint giveing you the fucking satifaction-" I growled out- Lust rolled his eyes and said something into a walkie talkie. They stopped and nodded a bit. The three soon goes over to pat and starts to do something but I heard a door break down and lust gets knocked out. I think it picked up on the thing cuz Control stopped having taken the leadand looked at about where we were. Then the door in there bursted open and insanity and warth was quickly taken down by two snakes and Virgil in his spider form had attacked control and janus went to help Patton. Logan and roman where here with me. Roman quickly cut me free and we ran to the other three. Janus picked patton up who was now wrapped in his cape. Logan did something as roman and me took care of Control and all them. We soon meet up outside where emile and remy was. We quickly ran back to the edge and we crossed in and quickly sank back home. Patton was just clinging onto janus crying softly and shaking. Logan grabs pat's favorite soda and puts the stuff for whatever those sides gave patton, which so happened to be a temp break stuff. However- if they had decided to slowly give him it each day or even each week, it could slowly kill him and end up replacing him completely. Logan told patton what he was doing gently before giving pat the stuff. Pat was a bit on edge but once ve showed him it was ok and safe, he careful drank the soda. I think he was trying not to chug the whole thing down- I couldnt blame him. He didnt have any of the sweet sugar of the root beer since the day before he was taken that first time- After a while longer, we finally managed to get patton to change into different cloths. Logan was able to take the god forsaken collar off as well.
"Want to watch some movies little dove-?" Roman asked softly as logan and ve went to grab a few things including the first aid, emile and remy had went to update thomas now. I saw patton nod a little not letting go of janus. Roman nodded and put something on then came over to make sure I was ok.
" Remus you ok?" he asked concern.
"Meh- could be better but im doing pretty good considering what happened-" I said- sure i was stabbed a bunch of times and watched as three people harmed someone i really care for making me watch and by how Control was moving and about to do, They were going to rape Patton again right there too. I looked at the now halve sleep figure.
" More worried about pat- huh?" Roman asked softly having followed my gaze. Patton was just so damn small and the fact those four where just merciless to him made my blood just boil. I nodded a bit and soon ve and logan cae back down. Logan helped roman take care of me and Janus and ve gently helped Patton who kept flinching away and trying to hold backa pain full whimper. It hurt. Just seeing him like that. Everything hurt. He shouldn't have been going through anything like that. At all. Eventually patton was all bandaged up and we all were just now chilling watching movies and being close to one another. Patton had fallen asleep tho so we also kinda quietly chatted. Just relieved patton was alive and was going to get better.
At least- he should-
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