Taken and Returned with a price (Sander sides)
Patton’s p.o.v:
My body shook. How could it not? It hurt and was cold. I feel a warm hand touch my face and I weakly look at who it was. Lust- He Smirked as I whimpered softly and tried to move away. It all hurt. It also Didn't help if I was shackled and hanging by my arms.
“Aw~ What a shame that the others dont want to look for you~ it would have been so much more fun to see them watch you be so broken~” He said As he forcefully made me look at him. His hand On my chin and his thumb rubs small gentle circles on my cheek. I whimpered out a small cry. They told me, Heck i knew that there was a small chance, that the others wouldn't come looking for me. Heck they might not even realise I'm gone. There was Lust, Wrath and someone else- The main mastermind. At first I thought maybe Janus or Remus had turned evil and decided to kidnap me with the help of these newly known sides. But I quickly learned that wasn’t the case-
*Flash back*
“What does Jan and or Remus want from me?” I asked a bit in the third day. It was only Wrath coming in, but he did talk about Lust and the boss.
“What? Oh- wait… You think- You think That Snake and or That Dukey Rat is behind this?!” Wrath asked before he started to laugh a bit. I stayed quiet now realising that everyone I knew wasn’t at all apart of this. Everyone involved with my kidnapping and Imprisonment / ransom for complete control, was people I didnt know.
“Oh, Morality, you can be such a laugh sometimes. Let me tell you this again, NO one is coming for you- They didn’t even notice you missing. Heck- Even if Janus or Remus noticed and cared enough to come looking, They wont find you. They dont even know about us. Just like you didn’t know until now- So give up on any hope that you will be saved- Because Unless they offer complete control, We aren’t letting you go.
*End of flash back*
“ Welp- Lets get the boring part over with before getting to the fun part~” Lust says. A shiver went up my spine a bit. Lust’s Fun wasn’t actually Fun. Then again, If I at all had to choose between only Lust or Wrath’s Fun- I honestly dont know which One I would pick-
“You almost done Lust-?” I hear wrath from outside the celler they kept me in. I fell as Lust let the shackles free fron the chains hanging me. They kept the shackles on me but I was free to walk- If I could. Lust then made me stand up and forced me to walk Between Him and Warth. After a bit we soon get to another room that had the boss of this,
“Hello morality- You can call me Malince-” The leader said as he approached us. My body started to shake as he came closer.
“ I have a small deal with you- And it’ll be different then the last one- unless you changed your mind on those deals. But this deal is- You give us permission to enter your room and lock everyone else out and dont say anything about us, And we will let you go back to everyone else. Back to your nice soft bed- And we can come and go into only your room as we please and no one will know but us-” Malince said. It sounded nice but-
“What do you want access to my room?” I asked softly and weakly-
“Well- you still are our little hostage- we do need to keep you in check and all that-” Wrath said. I shivered some more as I nodded a bit agreeing to this deal.
“O-ok. Ill make this deal-” I said softly. I could just hide in the living room most of the time. The three smirks while they looked watched me.
“ Good. Remember, No telling the others- Lust, You can go and have your fun- He’ll be back there tomorrow morning.” Malince said. I gulped softly as lust nods and bit and takes me by the arm to another room. One that I never was in- But I already wanted out-
------------------- Warning- Sexual things happen----- Read if ya want------------------------
“ Time for some fun~” Lust said as he took my shackles and dragged me over to the bed in the room. I whimpered softly as he forced me onto the bed. He then made me sit on my knees and took the shackles so my hands were above my head. Lust had then snapped my cloths off leaving me vulnerable to him. To do whatever he wanted. And thats what he was going to do.
“ We are going to have so much fun Pat-” Lust said. My blood ran cold. They never called me by my name before- The 2 weeks that I have been here- they never called me by my name. Just by morality. I hear Lust giggle as he blindfolds me before going to get some stuff. My body was shaking a lot. I whimpered softly scared.
“Aw~ Already wanting to be fucked up~?” Lust asked as he went behind me. I went to shake my head before feeling something enter me and vibrate. I let out a small sound as I turn off my mind- Ive learned to do it when Lust decided to have his fun with me. This time however- I can feel everything and heard everything he said as I let out more whimpered out sounds. He kept going with his toy’s on me for hours before-
“I think im getting bored. But before we leave- Im going to fill you up~” Lust purrs in my ear. I whimper softly exhausted. Everything hurt already. I hear lust snap his fingers and then I feel the touch of warm skin before feeling him Enter me. I let out a small sob. It hurt- It all hurt. He soon trusts hard and deep into me. More small sobs escape. I wanted positive touch. Hugs or something. It had only been 2 weeks here but It has felt like forever. It didnt help that any touch I had gotten after Being avoided for 1 week, granted im not the only who was avoided. Everyone had avoided each other. We had a huge argument and everyone was mad at each other so- I was sorta touch starved by now and the negative touches didnt help- They made it worse. After a minute I feel something fill me and Lust giggles a bit.
“ Aww look at you- So broken and all that- anyways see you some point later-” Lust said before I passed out. I soon wake up in my own room- I was back in my dirty clothes but any scares and burses that would have been visible was hidden. They however stuff Hurt or stung. I change into my cat onesie and I put the dirty cloths at the bottom of my needed to be done laundry. After that I heard a knock which caused me to flinch back a lot.
“Hey patton- I was wondering If you wanted to have a movie night- Logan, Virgil, Janus and Remus may or may not join us- But Its been a while and… Ya-” I hear roman say. I wanted to go- No, I will go. I could tell them- somehow- Or maybe I could give an excuse to stay out of my own room for a while- Hopefully. I had already given them permission so they could do it now- But it was only my room-
“Ya- Ill go- what time kiddo?” I ask doing my best to keep from studdering or anything. It surprisingly worked.
“ Are you ok pat? You sound… Tired-?” Roman asked
“Ya- J-just woke up-” I said. It was true but it wasnt the full truth. Roman Bought it and walked away telling me it was starting in 10 minutes. I finish making sure that I don't give away anything that tells the others that Im not fine. I CANT tell them. These Three might hurt them, or take me and hurt me more or They might hate me or- Wait. Hate me? These three-? No…. The others- Logan, Virgil, Janus, Roman, Even Remus might hate me. They might hate the fact that in order to keep the beatings and all that minimum I would give in to their orders except for the trade- They might hate the fact that Lust had touched me. No- they wouldn't hate me for it- Would they? I shoke that thought out of my head before finishing getting ready. I soon exit the room and I quietly go downstairs. Roman and Logan was already in the kitchen making food. I was wearing my cat onesie as I made sure nothing went wrong-
“Patton- so good to see you! You can go have a seat. The snacks are almost done-” Roman said. I flinched back a bit but it was barely noticeable
“Okie dokie-” I said pretending to be my happy papp non broken self- I go and sit In a spot that would be away from everyone else- Soon enough Virgil, Janus and Remus came down and Roman and Logan Brought out the food- Sweets and popcorn- I couldn’t eat- I looked at the tv as roman puts on the nightmare before christmas. It was nice. The small chatter and the watching.
“What is everyone’s favorite holiday- I know me, Pat, logan and Virgil know but- I just wanna do this again so I know EVERYONE’s!” Roman exclaims. I keep myself from flinching away again.
“ Mine is Fall-” Virgil.
“I suppose I do Enjoy Summer- Logan.
“Mine is also Summer” roman.
“Mine is winter” Remus.
“Mine Wouldnt be Spring” Janus
“Spring” I said. I notice Janus Looking at me with an expression i couldnt tell.
“What about everyone’s favorite fact-?” Logan asked
“ That Snakes have two dicks of course!” Remus said. I think i curled in on myself a bit when he said that.
“Remus- What the heck?!”
“Pat, Can you help me get something from my room?” Janus asked me as everyone started to agree now. I nod a bit staying quiet and we got up. Janus told Logan who was nodded before we went upstairs to janus’s room. It was warm in here. Janus closed the door behind us and I felt something. I think fear. I was in a warm room- Alone with one other person and the door was closed. This room was also soundproof-
Janus’s p.o.v:
Something was up with Patton- Then again yesterday at dinner we never heard from pat. Yesterday was when we finally decided to stop avoiding each other. We all ate together except for pat. Roman had planned for the movie day today. However pat seemed uneasy throughout the first movie and they way he answered the question from Roman sounded off- Then remus had answered logan’s question and I saw pat flinch and curl up. I sighed as I closed my door behind me then I look at Patton.
“Patton?” I asked rushing to his side. He looked pale and his body was trembling. I reached out to touch him but he saw and quickly scrambled back curling up in a tight ball. He was having a panic attack.
“Patton- Hey, look at me. Its me- Janus.” I say softly. Something was off and Pat’s Actions just proved it. Something happened to him during these 3 weeks. He shook his head violently. His body was trembling and he was breathing heavily. A panic attack. It was bad and I dont know what to do so I summon Virgil to my room.
“What do you- Pat!? What happened?!” He asked looking at me then at pat and then back at me repeatedly.
“ I dont know- I just brought him up here with me because I could tell something was off and I thought he might not want to talk infront of you all and after I closed the door I turn and see him shaking and he was pale-” I said obviously panicked a bit.
“Patton- Can you hear me?” A nod from Patton. Virgil sits in front of pat and gestures for me to do the same. I Sit down right next to Virgil.
“Ok Patton- What is 5 things you can see?” Virgil asks
“Y-you, J-Janus, Y-yellow S-sheets, B-Black walls w-with yellow snakes- T-the f-floor.” Patton said so softly it was like he didnt want to talk or he was afraid to talk.
“Ok. Your doing good Patton. Name 4 things you can feel?”
“F-floor, W-wall, S-shelves, p-pain.” Patton said saying the last one so quietly that we almost didnt hear him.
“O-ok 3 things you can hear?” Virgil asked worry showing on his face.
“Y-you- T-the heater- A-a-a S-s-small l-laugh t-t-” Pat started but didnt finish.
“Thats ok pat- now 2 things you can smell?”
“P-popcorn a-and Candy-” Pat said softly
“ Ok. Lastly, something you can taste?” Virgil asked. Patton focused his sight on the floor in thought for a minute. Me and Virgil look at each other a bit before looking back at Patton. Now that I thought about it- Pat didnt eat any of the candy or popcorn during the movie and he did look smaller.
“Saliva?” Pat said softly. Virgil just looked at Patton a bit in complete shock.
“Pat-can- can I hug you?” Virgil asked. Pat looked away a bit before nodding soft. Virgil carefully went over to him And wrapped his arms around Patton. I small sound escaped Pats Lips and I could see how much he shook, and how much smaller he was now. Virgil proceeds to comfort Patton softly as Patton breaks down in sobs. Pat was Small and Hurt and we didnt know.
“Pat, What happened?” Virgil asked softly. Pat broke down some more.
“I-I can- Cant s-say-” Patton says crying. He was telling the truth but something told me that Someone hurt him more than just beating him.
“ Pat-”
“He can't just straight up tell us.” I say to Virgil as I move to the other side of Patton.
“ What do you mean?” Virgil asked.
“He can't just tell us- Pat, Can I bring everyone else here? My room is soundproof as you know and we all need to know. You don't have to tell us directly- just say the opposite of it and all that. And I promise none of us will be mad at you in any way. Ok?” I asked softly. Pat Nodded a bit still sobbing a bit. I sighed and went over by the door and summoned everyone here. I made sure to be out of sight of pat and virgil so the others don't immediately see him breaking down.
“Janus? Why did you summoned us?” Logan asked and Roman butted in.
“AND WHY DID YOU SUMMON VIRGIL!?” Roman yelled. From where I stood, I could see pat and Virgil and I saw pat curl up and virgil looks at me while trying to keep Pat from having a panic attack.
“Shh- roman. Dont yell.” I say in a small hiss. The three of them looked at each other then at me confused.
“Janus what is going on?” Roman asked.
“We dont exactly know yet but- I summoned all of you cuz we decided it was better if everyone here knew at once.” I explained.
“What do you mean?” Logan asked as remus swiftly went around me and looked at what was happening.
“It might make sense if you see-”
“Is Patton Ok?” Remus asked me cutting me off. I shook my head a bit.
“ Whatever happened during the 3 weeks we avoided each other- Something happened to pat and he cant exactly tell us what happened.” I say as I lead everyone over to Virgil and patton. I could see the worry appear In logan and Roman’s eyes as they carefully went over to the two along with me and Remus.
“Padre? Are you ok?” Roman asked. Patton shook his head not opening his eyes.
“What happened?” logan asked softly to patton.
“I-i c-cant.” Pat said so softy and broken that it hurt to hear. Next thing I hear is rapid knocking on my door.
“Who is that?” Remus asked.
“I dont know but imchecking it out.” I said getting up. I swiftly made my way over to the door and opened it slightly. I see emile who was looking down the hall towards Patton’s room door. I could barely hear shouting from down there.
“Emile?” I asked opening the door. He looked at me.
“Oh Janus- Do you know where Patton is-?”
“Ya actually. Hes in here with the others-”
“The others like Roman, Remus, Virgil and logan- Right?”
“Ya. Why?”
“I saw warth in patton’s room.” Emile said worried. How did-
“ Who the hell is Wrath?” Roman asked from where he was. They were far enough away so they couldnt hear the shouting. I then heard a whimper.
“ Pat,Hey hey. It's ok.No one is going to hurt you.” I hear virgil. My eyes widened. Pat knew that name and it was scarring him.
“ Roman, remus- Come on- We are going to have a little talk with someone. And you’ll meet him roman.” I said- Wrath was a side that visited the dark sides once in a while and Remy used to hang out with Wrath and two other sides we never met or heard what they are called. Roman and Remus nodded and got up and followed me out of my room and we followed emile.
“And why should I tell you? We were friends and you abandoned us.” Wrath said.
“ Just answer the damn question Wrath.” Remus said with venom in his voice.
“Oh! New people! Yay. Im so exited. I have a question. Who’s room is this? I dont exactly know and Sleep here wont answer me.” Wrath said. Lying bitch, He did know. And he wanted something that wasnt in here- Wait no- Someone.
“ You know perfectly well Wrath, Dont try that shit with me. What did you fucking do?”
“I dont know what you-” He began but I was past my limits
“YOU PERFECTLY FUCKING KNOW WHAT I MEAN WRATH! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO PATTON?!” I yelled at him. Roman, Emile, remy and Remus looked at me with wide eyes before glaring at wrath with dagger eyes- Wrath looked at us all and sighs and smirks
“Wouldn’t you like to know-” He says I make eye contact with Remus, Roman and Remy and we came to a quick silent agreement. Roman and remus quickly grabs Wrath and they drag him over to the imagination’s castle with the rest of us following. Wrath thrashed and yelled at us.
“YOU FUCKERS! LET ME THE FUCK GO!” Wrath said then looked behind us. I followed his gaze and saw Logan and virgil and barely Patton. I saw the terror in Patton’s eyes while he watched Roman and Remus drag Wrath away. I tell remy that I’ll meet up with them and to get as much as he could. Remy nodded a bit and I went towards the three.
“Janus- Who is that?” Logan asked. I looked at Patton a bit and keep my eyes on him.
“That wrath-” I say seeing Patton flinch away at the name shaking a bit.
“Wrath? How come Ive never heard of him-?” Logan asked.
“He always said he was in a part of the mind that wasn’t light or the dark sides. I think there is like two others with him- We dont know their-” Virgil said before patton said something.
“W-wrath, L-lust a-and M-malince” Pat said shakily almost in a terrified like tone.
“Patton- How do you-?” Logan asked and Patton started to break down in tears. I ran over to him and gently pull him into a hug. I noticed how chilly his skin was- it was cold but not like freezing.
“ Patton- I know how much your terrified of him but do you think you can come the castle with us? I can have roman and or remus make you anything you want-” I say softly like I was talking to a child. Patton nodded a bit. We then made our way to the imagination. I ended up carrying patton to the castle.
I just have to say that- You all can still request anything- Almost- There is danplan, Sander sides, Hamilton, and maybe some Voltron- You can even request from the Unittale characters-))
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