taken and returned with a price(part 2)
Roman’s p.o.v:
We dragged Wrath down into the dungeon and put him in one of the small cells. He couldn't get out of it mainly because if we wanted to, we could keep someone in our room or in our Area. Once we leave remus to talk to wrath until he decided to talk remy pulled me aside with Emile.
“What is it remy?”
“Patton saw him- He looked terrified when me and Janus saw him. Janus Is coming back.” Remy said. We nodded and heard the main door open. We go to see who it was and see Virgil, Logan, Janus and Patton who was staying quite close to Janus. Virgil was Keeping a closer eye on Patton and Logan was the main one leading.
“Im glad you can make it- Anything we can get for you? Especially you patton.” I said softly. He was delicate right now- Granted he was always delicate to handle- but more so now. It hurt to know that Patton was afraid to tell us something.
“We also have to talk about what just happened and what happened over the three weeks-” Logan said.
“I do advise that Thomas mighty wanna know about these new found sides- Even if they dont play much of a role with thomas’ life- They are a part of Thomas.” Logan said.
“ They BARELY even play any sort of role with thomas- I mean like- They only have a once a year role with what Thomas does- maybe not even that-” Remy says in a scuff.
“Wait are we talking about more then just Wrath?” I ask. I noticed Patton flinch at the name and get closer to Janus.
“W-wrath, l-lust and M-malince-” Patton said softly now shaking.
“H-how did you-?” Remy starts to ask surprised when Janus cut him off
“We will get and explanation in a bit- But first we need Thomas and Remus with us-” Janus said.
“I’ll go get remus-” Emile said before heading back to the dungeon.
“ We can just simply summon here- Roman, This is your terrain along with remus, but You will have to Summon Thomas.” Logan said. I nodded and summoned Thomas.
“Whats up- What Happened?!” Thomas asked as he appeared and looked at everyone.
“Stuff-? It’ll be explained better in just a minute. Lets just say a few sides that Dont come out that often nor do they really part take in stuff like we do just became a bit of a problem and show themselves to those who didn't know they exited-” Remy said.
“ Who?”
“ Thor names are-” The was a pause from remy as he looked at Patton. Pat was looking at the floor and Janus covered his ears so he wouldn’t hear.
“Well I should say that they go by, Malince, Lust and Wrath.” Remy said.
“I already don't like them-”
“ We dont either. Again they are luckily barely even considered sides and really shouldn’t be since they aren’t really- you know.” Virgil said. Remus and Emile soon comes back.
“Ok, whenever your ready Pat-” Janus said softly. Pat nodded a bit and took a shaky breath.
“T-two weeks ago I-i heard something just as I was falling asleep. W-when I woke up I-i was i-in a celler s-shackled.” Pat Started Starting to shake a lot. I did notice How Thomas was more scare a few things then normal about a week and a halve ago. He was also extremely emotional two weeks ago. After 3 days of it logan had decided to go around asking us about it. After a couple days he just assumed Patton was having a hard time while being locked in his room. Pat was indeed having a hard time but he wasn’t in his room. He was someplace unknown and being hurt.
“Its ok pat- We are here now. We WILL protect you.” Janus said holding the now sobbing Patton as close as possible. Pat had just finished telling us what basically happened and I think that everyone would have gone on a killing spree for those three now. Patton nodded a bit still quietly sobbing. They touched OUR Patton. They HURT Patton. That wasn’t going to pass at all.
“Thomas, can you, Virgil, Emile, and Logan go with Padre? You can summoned and make things in here all you want.” I say. He nods and they go to the room Patton loves the most other then the kitchen here. The rest of us go down to where wrath is.
“Well hi again! Where did light pink go?” Wrath asked smirking.
“Shut the hell up- why dont you just tell us where to find Lust and Malice-” I saw in a growl.
“He told us Wrath. No fucking point in hiding it now.” Janus said in a hiss. Wrath looked at us before laughing.
“Oh- It only took less then 24 hours for him to spill- huh. Oh well. Im sure Lust would love to know it-” Wrath says looking at us.
“We are NOT leaving Patton alone now- You do realise that. Right?” Remy asked. Wrath smirked still.
“What ever- Lust would still love to know he can get our play thing back.” Warth said. I could feel the anger boil in my blood. I noticed how much Janus wanted to kill him.
“Janus- Why dont you take care of him?” I say.
“Gladly-” Janus said in a hiss. I saw wrath’s eyes widen a bit since Janus used a tone in his voice that meant you messed up badly and now you are going to pay for it. We left Janus with Wrath but only went so far that we could quickly get there if needed.
Wrath’s p.o.v:
SHit shit shit shit- I messed up big time- Malnice had told me if anything happens- even if Patton told them, to never taunt Janus about the time we had Patton. Apparently Janus and Patton was really close now and Janus is very protective of him. More so then roman- Janus Came into the cell. Roman gave him permission to use his powers here- I dont have that permission- Lust Hurry the fuck up with your plan! I think as I back away from the Snake.
“What? Are you scared wrath?” Janus Asked as he hissed. He then summoned a couple of snakes. He came closer and the snakes slither to me. He was now between me and the door. He then makes the snakes attack me. Pointed fangs bite and let go then bite again.
“ You Hurt Patton. You FUCKING told him shit that either wasnt true or wasnt completely true.” Janus said with venom in his voice.
“Im not the one who fucking shattered him tho-” I say through the pain.
“No, But you LET it happen. Just after 4 fucking days and you just stood there. And then you had the nerve to fucking abuse him more before feeding him after fucking 2 days-” Janus says. We soon hear shouting and after a minute I sigh.
“Well fuck-” I mumbled. Just before Roman and remus follow Logan who was draging lust.
“Hey janus- I think someone had came up with a plan while we were gone- Failed though.” Remus said smiling.
“ How is Patton-?” Janus asked as he exited the cell.
“He did hide quickly when he noticed lust trying to break in- but im sure he is fine- If you wnat, you can go up and see him. We can take care of these two. Well fuck you all too-
“ Hey wrathy~ long time no see~”
“Im sure they already know lust-” I said.
“ Everything?” Lust asked
“Yes- we know everything now-” Roman said with anger in his voice that he was barely controlling. It was fun with patton but I guess we never really considered the possibility that maybe- We might go too far and end up getting ourselves in the deepest hole ever.
“ Oh so little-”
“We are screwed-” I say intrupting Lust. Lust looked at me and sees the many bites and he finally understood
“Oh fuck-”
Virgil’s p.o.v:
I held Patton close while Thomas and emile came up with things that might help Patton. Logan had quickly grabbed Lust and dragged him out once lust got into the place which thomas did fix. After a minute Janus soon came inside the room after Knocking softly. Patton looked at janus and kinda made grabby hands at him. Janus came over to him and gently hugged him. Patton snuggled close and buried his face into Janus’s chest becoming peaceful. His small frame was still curled up a lot. But I did notice that his skin was warmer now and he wasn’t as skinny as he was before. Granted I guess it didnt help if he was starved but not wanting to eat.
“Patton- Can you please eat a bit?” Thomas asked now having Apple sauce for Patton. Patton nodded a bit and Janus sat him on a bench Patton usually had in this room. Patton was holding onto Janus still and Janus was holding him and the apple sauce. After a minute Janus started to spoon feed Patton and patton ate it. He seemed like a little kid getting a toy a bit. I honestly would have been the same if I was in his position. The last time he ate was apparently 3 days ago. It hurt to see him like that. After a minute I hear running up the stairs outside before roman bursts in and Quickly takes me, Thomas, and Emile over to the corner while Remus, Remy and Logan went over to Janus and Patton.
“We have a problem-” Roman said in a whisper.
“ What do you mean-?” Emile asked.
“Malince came and broke the two out- He is kinda scarey and we defiantly cant fight him by ourselves. Me and Remus might beagle to fight him for a bit while we are king- But Im scare what they might do now that they know Patton told us what happened-” Roman said in a whisper. I looked to Patton and Janus and Patton was eating another apple Sauce.
“ What do you mean-?” Thomas asked.
“ I mean that When they broke out Wraath told Malince that- And I quote- ‘ our deal was broken- We will have to wait though-’” Roman said. That wasnt good-
“Wait what?!”
“What are we going to do?”
“Not leave his side obviously- not until those three are taken care off or until logan can find a way to make them stay away and keep Patton safe.” I say. I could tell patton didnt hear me because he was still focused on his food. I was happy that he was eating. After about the third apple sauce, Patton had fallen asleep curled up to Janus. Im honestly not complaining though. He was sleeping and Eating so that was a plus.
“So- Until we take care of all three of them. Someone is going to have to be with Patton almost 24/7?” Janus asked softly as he ran his hands through Patton’s hair for the thousanth time in less then 30 minutes.
“Unfortunately, Yes. All though we can’t just tell Patton this yet. For now, We will go with the excuse that we are making sure he is ok. We also can’t let him be in his room alone and not for very long. They do have access to Patton’s room But I know how we can lock it from the outside so no one inside can open the door or sink out onto the other side-.” Logan said. We all Nodded a bit understanding the many precautions we will have to take just to keep Patton safe.
Around lunchtime we had gone back and were in the common area as Logan made some mashed potatoes with Blue food dye and some corn on the cob and there was also cheese in the mashed potatoes. We decided on this cuz Patton loves Mashed potatoes and corn and Cheesey Mash potatoes is his favorite kind of potatoes. He was still sleeping when logan started the corn on the cob meaning it was almost done.
“Pat- time to wake up a bit. You need to eat again.” Janus said softly as he softly shook Patton a bit. Patton opened his eyes a bit before snuggling closer to Janus mumbling that he was fine and didnt need to eat right now.
“Pat, That is certainly not true- you cant just eat a bit of apple sauce and then say you are good for the day on food. We are not letting you go hungry.” Roman said to Patton. Pat nodded a bit and moved so he was leaning on Janus while sitting up. Patton soon mumbled how hot it was now. Of course it was hot, He was still in his cat onesie and it was really warm in the house. Even with the AC on.
“Pat, If you want one of us can get you a pair of your cloths and you can change in the bathroom or something so you are not in the onesie over heating-” Remus said. Patton nodded a bit. Roman nodded and volunteered. Logan reminded him to lock the door once he was done and roman responded with an ok. After a minute Roman comes down with a bag clothes for Patton and Pat thanks roman before going into the bathroom and quickly getting dress. He did stumble quiet a bit though. After a few minute Patton comes out and was shaking a bit. I think I know why tho.
“Oh patton. Dear heart its ok.” Janus said having been next to the bathroom door now and he gently pull Patton into a hug. There were cuts a bruises all over his legs and arms Some old and some where fairly new. At least a day old. I also saw a few hickeys on Patton’s shoulder. Pat was wearing one of his oversized shirts that could show his shoulder if he wanted it to. He was also wearing some soft shorts the went just above his knees. I know I wasnt the only one who had their blood boil at the sight.
“I-im s-so s-sorry-” Patton softly said as He quietly cried.
“Nonono It wasnt your fault Patton- You have no blame in- in any of this.” Janus said hugging him a bit. We all get up and carefully and slowly join in a group hug. Patton looked at all of us once we backed away.
“Come on. Lets eat. We made blue cheese Potatos and corn.” Roman said softly but in a way that made patton smile and nod softly. Logan, Remus and Remy went to get every one’s food while me, Patton, janus, Roman and emile sat down at the table. Pat was still quiet but it was expected.
“ We are going to take care of those though. So you can get proper healing- All though- Where they hidden ealier? I know I didnt see a few of then ealier when you played with your sleeves” I said asking Patton softly. Patton nodded a bit.
“They hide the once that were visible in a lot of my clothing. I did have a black eye but I think that healed up cause it wasnt hurting or tingling and I didnt see it the few times I looked at myself in a mirror-” He said softly looking down.
“ here is lunch-” Logan said as he and the others help him bring the food in for everyone. Roman helped quickly and we eat. Patton does get all the way into his food and was done. Logan had given him a bit more of the food then what was equal to the apple sauce. Patton just sat in his spot and janus soon pulled patton into a small gentle hug now being done as well.
After lunch, we went to watching movies and Patton just stayed close to Janus. Not surprised as Janus and Patton where getting closer and closer with each other before the fight. We had fought over a bunch of things but one thing I do remember was that it had started over the fact of Patton.
-Flashback again-
“ Janus- I KNOW he is grown up- But I still cant have the thought of you two together- What if something goes wrong? What if one of you end up hurting eachother on accident and then Patton just goes into hideing. For like- I dont know!” Roman said. Janus had asked all of us except for patton to meet him in the living room. He had asked us what we thought of it and roman was being a bit protective of Patton.
“Roman, I promise you that I WILL make sure it happens. Heck if it does, I will let you all yell and ignore me for however you want.” Janus said. They were at this for forever now.
“Roman, I know that Patton feels like an innocent little brother to you mst of the time, YOu do not need to act like the protective older brother.” Logan said.
“You dont have the experience to tell me how to and how to not act. You barely even show any emotion to any of us!” Roman said.
“I have to step in here and say that Logan is getting better with his emotions!” Remus said. Eventually the whole thing turned into a huge argument that Patton had soom came down and split it up. We all had a silent agreement to keep away from each other and I heard Janus tell patton that.
“Pat, Dear heart. Dont worry. We just need some time alone for a bit. We wont stay like this for long. Ok?” Janus asked.
“Promise. I have to go and take care of my snakes and take a small nap. Dont be afraid to ask if you want to hang out with me. Ok?” Janus asked.
“I wont. Dont worry.” Patton said. The split their ways and Janus went into his room and Patton went into the kitchen to make food. Janus didnt notice my door was still slightly open.
-----End of Flashback-------
“Hey janus- I just remembered something that happened a few weeks ago- You told Patton something before you two went your separate ways. What did you mean by it?” I asked.
“A lot by it- I- Patton- Do you care If I tell them-?” Janus asked softly. Patton nodded a bit still curled up to Janus a lot. Janus nodded and Roman Put the show on pause.
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