lusT, wRath, contrOl, insanitY
( read to find out why those letters are captilized))
Patton was wasnt acting right and no one knew. Cause as long as he cooked, cleaned, Put in his cents and smiled, they would never know what happened behind closed doors, To be more precise, behind His room door and the dark side of the imagination. He never told Remus, Or anyone for that matter. Everyone knew he went on daily walks, but lately, they didnt know he snuck to the dark side of the imagination. Today, pat was feeling really well as he snuck over to the dark part of the imagination again. He kept walking as he started to hum a small song Thomas had recently heard. He kept walking now walking into the dark town. He was always careful. Not showing he was one of Prince Roman's friends to anyone. He also now hides the fact he is at least on good terms with The duke. This may have been remus's domain but the people that live in his domain may not actually like the duke. Patton kept walking in town having a cloak on. Roman and Remus was confused on why pat had started to where that on his walks or have it near when he told them that after they went back on good terms that their realms in the imagination had started to blend. Meaning that some of remus's people and some of roman's people could travel in between each side. Remus then got the idea and told roman while Patton was out that day. Now, Unless they were in a group they had to have cloaks when out on a walk in the imagination. Pat talked with a few of the people there like usual and eventually went on his way. Or at least tried. As he was exitting the village he was grabbed from behind and taken to a small clearing.
"Finally. We've been watching you- Taking walks and being all nice and kind to everyone you talk to- Well, Hopefully both the duke and Prince will Pay up for you to be back." The leader growls softly placing his knife to pat's throat. Pat was just frozen.
"Make a scream or anything for help and we wont hesitate to bring you harm-" One of the bandits said. It was a small gang of bandits but it was still a lot more people that pat couldn't fight by himself. So he complied and was silent for them. They tied him up and shoved him into the back of one of the vans, Modern day fantasy- Pat just thought that was interesting. The bandits had gagged pat as well just in case as they finished packing up their mini camp. There was about 7 maybe 8 people in the bandit gang. When they were done the Leader climbed into the back of the van while two others climbed into the front.
"Now usually, I would like to send the ransom before messing with my victims, But you are a special case. As such- Lets get this started~" The leader says climbing on top of the Moral side. Patton tried to fight back but was unsuccessful.
-------Warning, Rape--------
The leader pulled off the Smallest side's clothes and his own. Pat wimpered and tried to beg him not to. The leader took off the gag and forcefully kissed Patton and slowly entered him as well. Pat was in tears with all the pain he was feeling now. The leader ignored Pattons small pleads and begs to stop. And attempted cries for help which was pretty much useless. He continued with what he was doing, Mercilessly pounding into the moral side until he came. When he finished he went back to roughly kissing him as they started to get closer to their destination.
The leader redressed them both after putting something in the moral said. He picked Patton up and basically dragged him into the building. Patton just hoped they would realise soon that pat wasn't there and they would come and rescue him.
-5 hours later-
Janus' p.o.v:
OK, this was odd. Pat was usually back by now and having been making dinner by now, But there was no sight of Pat. Roman had went to see where he was and wondering why he couldnt just sink to him easily. We all were warned, Especially our youngest, that going to Remus's part of the imagination was too dangerous and that we wouldnt know if anyone would be in trouble, So hopefully he didnt go there. If he did then that would mean a lot of things. Soon Roman brusted in panicked.
"Guys! One of the villagers in the town near the border said that Patton had been going to remus's part of the land for a while now, and today they saw him go in but didnt see him come out and they were just about to come and tell us- Which means pat had been sneaking over to the bad area on his walks but at least we know which halve of the imagination he is in-" Roman said in basically one breath. Oh god. Remus's people may usually be nice and all that but the bandits are nothing to mess around with.
" Oh god- I hope the bandits didnt get Him- especially Troy and his bandits-" Remus said. I shivered and so did virgil. Troy had once took both me and Ve while we were in a market with remus. He had gave the ransome and kinda tortured both of us. Remus Had found us and beat most of his minoins to death as he and a few others ran. He did try to make sexual advances to us too.
"Troy-?" Logan asked.
"Hes one of the big bandit leaders. He took me and Janus once for a ransom from remus. He most likely now knows that we all live together and all that so if he found Pat out and knows that Patton is close to both Remus and roman- I mean he is close to all of us but still-" Virgil said. I remembered that well and hoped Pat would never go through it. We all sighed and got up to look for Patton in remus's part of the imagination. We did get some food for dinner as well. Luckily for us a few of the people who pat interacted with had sometimes followed him or walked with him to make sure nothing happened to the puffball. After we left the last town we then see a light blue hair pin. Patton's Light blue Heart hair pin. I guess Patton was right when he said that wearing hair pins can be useful if you don't put them in all the way. I then noticed footsteps heading into the woods, we followed them and came across a small clearing. I was obvious that the people here before was a gang. Not just any gang. Troy's gang-
"Shit- this aint good-" Virgil said. I noticed a note left by them and read the note.
We have your little friend,
Pay up as much as he's worth or else
If you dare, you can try to find us but do know we are far away by now
so you might wanna hurry up-
"We need to find Pat. and as quickly as possible-" I say. If Troy had pat then, there was a huge possibility that He would try the same thing he tried on me and ve to pat. Our small innocent little bean can not be hurt and get assaulted by that monster. That could really break him down. Like really broken down. That little puff ball had been working a lot recently and he had just been tyring to keep everyone together since a little accident that happned a while ago and we are still technically on edge. But with the fact patton was kidnapped and needed our help, We will do whatever we can to get him back. We can count on that. We all nodded and went back home. Roman sent his Guards/ cops out along with remus's Guards/ cops looking for patton as we rested for the night. We may be worried for pat, but we aren't going to destroy our sleep schedule. At least not yet.
------ 1 month later-----------
Pat's p.o.v:
Everything hurt. Its been a month now and still nothing. Troy, as I've learned now, Kept having his way with me each day. Sometimes he would try to drown me but not kill drown me. My legs hurt and im pretty sure one of my arms are broken. Even when i'm hanging from my arms kinda like how jesus was on the cross. It still hurt a lot- I whimpered softly as I saw Troy Stroll into the room.
"My My My, Maybe they really dont care about you. They havent even payed up money- And they definitely found that one note-" Troy says. Every word hit deeper and deeper into me. He loved to tell me this. No money paid for me to be freed, No sight of them looking, and a month now since I was taken and the ransom note was found.
" Now what should we do today, hmm?" Troy said as he started to walk slowly around me.
"A-anything- o-other t-then 'p-playtime' p-please." I begged quietly. He stopped right in front of me glaring down at me.
" b-but i-it is y-your c-choise-" I said softly realising he heard me. Im not suppose to talk without permission. It meant punishment. Troy smirks a bit and lets me down making me limply fall to the ground. He barely picked me up and dragged me to a new room.
" Hope you can swim" He says. I look at the pool just before he threw me in. I panicked as I tried to grip onto him to not go in, pain shot through me as I yelled before water surrouned me. I tried to stay above the water but I was thrashing around so I couldn't stay a float and It didnt help that I was in pain. After a bit I was about to pass out from lack of oxygen and all that when I saw Purple, Yellow, red and green. Then black.
Virgil's p.o.v:
We found were they were finally- We had snuck up with a few of the cops and guards who took care of most of the minions as we went looking for pat. I felt a bunch of fear coming from the pool room and The twins quickly broke the door down cuz it was locked. Standing by the pool with wide eyes looking at us was troy and then Patton who was weakly slashing around trying to stay afloat. He soon passed out and me and Janus quickly went after him and Remus and Roman took care of Troy.We pulled Patton out of the freezing water and I put my jacket that I threw off right before jumping in after him. He was bruised and had a lot of scars on his body. Some obviously old and others were really recent. Pat soon came back to consciousness and couched a lot and dry heaving a bit. Pat was shaking a lot. I rubbed his back and Janus calmingly runs his hands through Pats hair. After a bit more Pat finally realises we were there and he was safe now and he just cries now. Trembling and crying and holding on to us, we just stayed like that for a bit until he was ready to move again. We all climbed into the car with patton being next to me a Janus and Logan driving with remus next to him and roman sitting infront of us making sure we are ok and if we need any help. We didn end up getting Noodles and company for everyone and luckily for us pat was feed everyday three times a day. However He was forced most of the time so that didn't help us a lot. We eventually get back home after like 7 hours. Most of which Patton had slept. When we got back home Janus carefully picked Up patton.
" We should sleep in the living room for a bit or you two can create a room for all of us to be in so Patton isnt alone for the first few nights-" Logan said as we walked in.
" Ok, Come on re-" Roman said and they go up and create a room for all of us to sleep in. Patton soon stirred awake again and weakly looked around.
"Hey cookie- We're back home." Janus said softly, HIm and remus loaved to use cookie for patton, Roman did either Padre or little Dove, Logan used love, and Heart while also using the others once in a while, and I use Patty- cake more often then not. I noticed a small smile form on pats tired face as he curls up to us. Roman and Remus soon came down and logan was making food for everyone.
" You safe-?" Pat asked softly. It was like broken english- Oh- right. I almost forgot. When ever Patton goes through something tramatizing, He kinda sometimes regresses, but before he does His speaks goes to broken english. It can happen from around 4 hours to 2 days before he regresses.
"We all are safe pat, dont worry." I said softly. Pat nodded a bit and yawned softly.
" m' sorry. Was not careful." Pat said softly. Curling up.
" Its ok little Dove, Your safe now and thats all that matters. " Roman said softly kneeling in front of the couch where we were. Pat teared up a bit and nodded. Roamn gently hugged Patton before Logan and Remus came over and handed us some mac and cheese. We put on a movie, We decided to watch zombies. Pat still commented softly on the movie and ate the mac and cheese. After a while longer Patton had fallen asleep and we went to the sleepover room as Patton had called it to sleep. After a good amount of sleep I woke up to quiet Babbling from Roman and Remus. I open my eyes and see a baby with the twins. I immediately look to were we put Patton and see he was gone.
"Im guessing pats a baby now-?" I asked quietly. Baby pat waddleed over to me and made a small babble noise and hugged me. I Hugged back and we went right back to roman and remus. We quietly played a few games and then went downstairs and made some food. Just as breakfast got done, Logan and Janus came down the stairs.
" So that's where heart went-" Logan said, coming over to Patton and me while Remus and Roman cooked. You would think they dont know how to cook but remus surprisingly knows a lot and has been teaching Roman, Thomas and myself. Janus played with me and Patton while Logan put something on. Emile and Remy soon appeared and played with Patton as well. Wasnt every day Patton became a little so we liked to play with him the best we could.
" How are we going to deal with everything-?" Janus asked softly. Pat was definitely in that monster's clutches for a month and there was a really high chance that He got sexually assaulted. Multiple times at that- The little continued to climb around on Janus's six arms and remus's tentacles that they now had out. I also had my spider legs out just in case. Its funny. Pat was terrified of spiders but Little pat adored them and both didnt mind my spider appearance. So I wasnt scared to scare the little guy.
" Move slowly I guess-? Make sure he knows we are here for him if he needs it-" Logan said. We all agreed and then ate breakfast. Once breakfast was over they all headed to the nearby park. Little patton ran around laughing and giggling and just being a free person. Just having fun. Eventually the little was tired out and when they walked back home, Janus was carrying him. We Layed him down in the living room as we all moved our own work to the living room as well. After about an hour into the nap thomas appeared
"Hey guys- I just wanna ask- Whats going on-? Everything is just going all over the place- Also is Pat now a litt-?" He asked in a whisper seeing the little under a soft blanket. We nodded and then we proceeded to tell thomas about our side of the story. With the month of patton gone, Us loosing a lot of sleep after the first week, The countless searching until we found an old complex like thing that had suspicious activity and we sent a spy in who found Patton and then how we were informed and then we came and burst down the door and how we kinda split up with Logan going with the guards and the rest of us moving to the other why then how we saw Troy sit the and watched patton almost drown. Then we saved pat and took care of troy and then the ride home and how Pat mostly slept. It was a lot to explain-
" Wow- poor pat tho- seems like he's been through a lot so far." Thomas said.
"Yessssssssss- You should probably also take a rest for a day or two. Just to help Patton a bit more- and It would also help you too-" Logan said. Thomas nodded a bit and went back to what he was doing before this. 3 hours later, little pat woke up and climbed on top of roman who is his favorite to climb up onto without the extra limbs of sorts. We all then got up and went to a Mcdonalds that had a play area. We ordered our food and little pat ran to the play area with Janus and the Twins. We smiled as we walked in seeing pat play with other young ones and we see the few that tried to help us the first day and all that. They knew of pat and that he can turn into a little kid once in a while. So trying to tell them pat was found and now here as a chils wasnt a convitaion that was needed- They could tell just by what the little looked like and what he loved to wear. They chatted and ate as the kids ran around, Climbed and did whatever they were doing while they slowly ate- Patton would occasionally screech but it was soon followed by laughter which ment no real danger. At least not yet. They were there for an hour when they noticed the sudden quiet from the kids.
"Lina, Patton, Will, Travis-? Kids-? You ok up there-? " Lisa asked. Then a little
" we dont know-" from a small high pitched voice which would belong to little lina.
"What happened-?" Tala asked. We then hear a small sniffle and then sudden climbing and moving that would mostly be from patton as it was upside down movement. Pat was the only one who could climb upside down.
"Pat and Travis accidentally scared eachother and ended up bumping eachother at the same time-" Will said as Travis and Him came down I noticed that Travis was kinda bleeding a bit but there was a bit of a bump on the other side of his head.
"They then hit two different corners- Patty! Come down please!" Lina said from where she was. She must have been following pat. After a little bit more pat and lina soon came down and pat was hurt the same way as Travis but he was bleeding a bit more and had small tears in his eyes. I could tell he was mumbling somthing Most likely small apologies. Travis just hugged him and whispered softly and they both came to us. Travis went to his mom's with lina as they were siblings, Will to his dads and moms and pat came over to us. We all finished our food and headed back home. We continued on with the rest of the day with movies and coloring and naps. After a another night in the room a Wake up with patton back to normal size curled up in a tiny ball next to janus. His bruises and scars were now back and you could also see some other marks. I then noticed janus was awake stroking Patton's hairs gently and holding him tight. Like, if he let go, Patton would disappear. I move closer to them and kinda joined. Me and janus talked in hushed voices. Logan was the one who woke up after me and had went downstairs to start breakfast. Then was roman who came over and joined us, then remus who went down and helped logan and soon we gently woke pat up for breakfast.
"Cookie- time to get up- you need to eat breakfast" Janus said ever so softly. Pat made a small noise as he woke up a bit. His eyes tiredly open a bit and he looks at each of us a bit. He then kinda moves a bit and reached to touch us. Something to make sure it was actually us. Now just an illusion. He barely moved his left arm, I noticed. Keeping it were it was not moving it. I noticed that in the car and when we ate mac and cheese the other day. I thought about it some more and relised Pat was trying not to use the arm. When he was hugging, the arms tightness was far less then the other, when pat had been struggling to stay afloat the otherday, He wasnt using his left arm as much which didnt help him in the slightest. Even in as a little- patton had said a few times his left arm kinda hurt. Even though most of the time when pat turned into a little all the scar's bruises and all that disappears but something like a dislocated arm or broken bone still hurt him a little bit although it isnt there anymore.
"Pat, can i see your left arm really quick-?" I asked gently. He nods and gives me his arm. I noted how he kinda flinched a bit when I held it gently. I then noticed how it was a bit bent. Bent how it wasnt suppose to. Just bare but noticeable once you actually look at it.
" Roman, logan, remus, you three are more experience in banageing and first aid stuff then me and Janus-" I said. Roman looked at the arm to and i see his eyes widen a bit.
"Little dove, How long has your arm been broken-?" roman asked patton softly while conjuring something to take care of the broken arm. Remus and Logan came back out now with break fast and logan comes to inspect said arm as well.
" I-i dont know- I dont remember a lot from that time-" Pat said softly looking down as roman and logan takes care of his broken arm. We had already taken care of the cuts and bruises the other day. After they finished with his arm we all ate breakfast and turned on some movies. Eventually we had to do our work, so we just brought it down the stairs and worked with patton. The more and more i looked and watched him, the more i noticed his unease, the fact he kept looking around and having to touch something just to make sure it was there and that he was really there- like he had been shown illusions and he just wasnt really back home in safety-
"Heart- you ok-?" Logan finally asked also noting the behavoir from the youngest here-
"Y-ya- i t-think- I-its just- i-i cant really tell i-if this i-is really r-real or n-not-" Pat said softly curling up.
"What do you mean by that- there isnt any way you could be imagining things since you've slept form more then 12 hours the last two nights plus the naps-" Janus said confused. I admit i was pretty confused too- Last time I checked the only one's to be able to make illusions was Janus, Roman, remus, kinda me and Insanity who was banished from both the dark and light sides along with Wrath, Lust and one other- mostly because they were about to do anything to get control. And I mean anything- from giving illusions to just Murdering everyone and somehow locking them in their rooms with their worst nightmare. Basically everything that would hurt thomas.
" I-I dont know- T-troy d-did alot-" pat said softly.
" are we sure Troy is just like the other bandits around-?" Remus asked suddenly. We all gave him a weird look.
" Think about it- Try's victims usually are beaten really badly or assulted- somethimes they would even have halluinations because of it- and then troy would have really good plans on where to go or what to do with said victim like how control had when planning for control-" My eyes widen a bit-
" You're not saying-"
" It seems weird and troy did have four different colors- Hot pink, orange, grey and a lime green-" remus said.
" are we talking about the banished four-?" logan asked.
"Yep-" Remus said. Janus pulled patton into a hug a bit wanting to ask something but to scared to- Patton didnt have to tell us about the assault, we already knew of that the next day that he had been touched- troy didnt wait that long to do it with his victims. Pat snuggled closer to Janus as he ran his hands through pat's hair in a soothing way. I just hope that if troy is really those four fused, control didnt use his influence on pat- that would never be good. We continue to watch movies after working and we just chilled. Near bedtime though- I noticed something. Pat had zoned out a bit and when I got his attention I noticed his baby blue eyes, turn to a Powder almost whitish blue color for a second.
That isnt good-
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