Longest chapter I have ever written-
Gaudria cried in the light blue room that was filled with stuffies. He wasnt gone. But he wasnt there either. It started when grey had found a spell and used it on Patton. Patton’s friends didnt know, They where hurt too. So they ignored him and pushed him away. They didnt know it was hurting him on the inside. That He wasn’t taking care of himself. They finally realised what they did a bit too late as well. When grey decided to do the same to Virgil. To control him and get Patton. In a fit of blinded fury that the young hybrid rarely ever goes through. Grey was temerairily killed and Virgil gained back control. However, The fit of magic combined with the fact that Patton wasnt doing well in the first place did leave a small opportunity for grey which he took. He tried to kill Virgil but ended up hitting Patton before being ‘killed’. Lets start at the beginning to get a better understanding.
Patton was laying on the bed. Just hours before he woke up remembering what had happened a few hours before. He was on a walk when someone had grabbed him from behind and telaported into a clearing in the forest. Patton looked at the person to see it was grey. Grey’s shadows quickly grabbed him and held him down ina circle he was in. Grey then said a few things and Patton felt himself loose control. Patton then watched as his body went back home and being ever so quiet, Had Ve and Roman help him with lunch. Thats when Patton watched as his body had stabbed them both. Blood was everywhere and he was acting like he didnt care. Logan came in after hearing both Ve and Roman scream bloody murder. Pat’s body then tried to stab logan but Remus appeared and went behind Patton and held him back as Janus and logan helped Roman and Ve and called an ambulance. Patton managed to get out of remus’ hold and tried to stab Logan. However, Roman managed to get in front of Logan and got stabbed more. Thats about when Patton managed to barely take control and tped away to stop himself from harming them more. He ended up tping to the girls and they immediately broke the spell which made him Pass out.
“ Patton, They are at the hospital rn- Im sure they will understand if you just talk to them.” Elisabeth had said. They had drove to the hospital because- 1. Virgil was a shadow Halveblood and 2. Roman was in a bit of a bad condition that they needed nightlara to stabilize him for now.
“I dont know-” Patton said softly. They stayed in the vehicle for a few more minutes until the girls managed to get Patton to get out. The police where already told what happened so they knew Patton wasnt trying to actually kill anyone and that someone was controlling him to do it. They had to split up for now first so Patton decided to head to Roman’s room. That didnt work out well. Everyone but Janus was in Roman’s room and Remus was the first to see Patton.
“What the hell are you doing here?!” Remus yelled at Patton. The others looked at patton and gave him a glare meaning that they hated Patton.
“I- It wasnt what it seem-” Patton said softly.
“Damn right it wasnt what it seemed- YOU TRIED TO KILL US- WHAT ELSE IS THERE TO SAY!?” Remus yelled. Patton flinched back. Roman was still awake and he wasnt even looking at Patton at all.
“Look- Im-”
“No. DONT even say it- GET OUT-” Remus said harshly.
“YOu heard him Patton- Get out- You arent welcomed here now- and DONT go to Virgil’s room either- You arent welcome there either-” Logan said coldly. Patton felt his heart break at that. He was quiet as he left the room and once he left the room and Past Virgil’s He ran off back to the car. He ended up staying in there for about an hour before the girls came back out.
“Pat- What happened?” Gaurdia asked her cousin.
“They dont want to see me-” Pat said silently crying. They still made patton come with them to the hospital but they let him stay out of the rooms so the others were not able to see him. 5 days later and Ve was freed. However Roman was slowly getting worse. Patton knew that and it made him blame himself more. 2 weeks after the control situation and the girl were called to the hospital immediately. Once they got there Patton felt it. Roman slipped into a coma. Patton listened to what they said.
“Its patton’s fault-”
“I can believe he tried to kill us.”
“I cant believe he had the gull to show up mere hours after he tried to kill us too.”
“I never what to see him again.”
“Agreed. This isnt something to just take back. It cant be fixed with im sorry and just some time alone.” Logan had said. Patton knew the girls where in there. And he knew that they were playing it safe to stay in there without being kicked out by them. But, It still Hurt patton. To hear all that they were saying which was filled with Hate towards Patton and no one was saying anything.
“P-patton-?” Patton heard. He had zoned out that he didnt hear Virgil tell the others that he will get fresh air. So Patton hadnt moved from he spot just a bit away from the door. Luckily Virgil had closed the door so the others didnt hear Virgil say Patton’s name. Patton looked at Ve with wide eyes for a split second before looking away quickly and starts to walk away.
“Patton wait- Please. I- I wanna talk with you-” Virgil said. Patton said nothing. He hadnt been talking lately nor had he been eating or sleeping and he had been avoiding being touched. Virgil grabbed his arm gently which sent Patton a hot sebastian. He knew his skin was ice cold by now and he knew that any touch he got would feel like it was burning but that didnt stop him from letting out a small gasp and whimper.
“Pat-?” Virgil asked softly. Pat didnt look at virgil still but had stopped and turned to Ve.
“Do you- Do you hate us-?” Virgil asked softly.
“NO- I could never hate you-” Patton said quiet quickly. He voice was soft and quiet and kinda horse from not being used a lot for a bit.
“Then why did you tried to kill us-? Why wont you come into the room-? Both me and Janus can feel you outside- Janus is a bit mad at you but wants to hear your reasoning before deciding anything.” Virgil said.
“The others dont seem to think so- They kicked me out and roman wouldnt even talk to me the first time-” Patton said. They had moved to the outside a bit by that time.
“But why-? Why did you try to kill me and roman-?”
“It wasnt ME, I wasnt in control-” Patton said finally letting the tears roll down his face as they sat on a bench.
“What do you-” Virgil started.
“Hey ve- Whats- Patton-?” Janus asked as he approached the two outside.
“Hey janus- I manged to catch Patton-” Virgil said softly.
“I can see that-” Janus said looking at a Patton with a look that normally ment to explain stuff but to Patton it was like that hate the others showen. He did know that both Virgil and Janus was quiet when the others talked about him. He never knew why until Virgil explained to him that Janus and him felt Patton and wanted an explanation first.
“ Pat. What do you mean it wasn't you-?” Virgil asked looking at Patton. Pat didnt want to talk about it. It meant talking about grey, About magic and spells. And How he saw everything and how he tped away. Lucky for him. The girls had came ou and was walking to the car.
“Im sorry- I have to go- see ya- maybe-” Patton said softly before running over to the girls. The two saw who he went to and did notice how worried they were. Virgil understood why to. Janus barely heard how patton sounded but Ve was the one to noticed how Patton acted. He acted a bit secretive and a bit uneasy. The two soon went back inside and they lied to the others saying that they just met someone who was a unittien.
Ve and Janus conintued to secretly talk with patton. They couldnt talk long and Logan was getting quiet suspicious of the two when they went on a walk together when the girls had came. So one day he decided to follow them.
“Im sure we can figure out how to tell them pat-”
“Im not worried about that right now tho. Roman, He’s been in a coma for a week now and he isnt showing signs of waking up-” Logan heard. The voice was soft and barely audible but he remembered who it belonged to. It belonged to someone who pretended to be their friend. Who tried to kill them and had a gull to come back hours later to someone who he put into a coma now. Logan looked around the corner and saw Virgil, Janus and Patton. Granted Patton did stay a bit away from Virgil and Janus.
“The doctors and the girls are doing what they can, You know that.” Virgil said
“I know but still. I KNOW i can help, Just enough to wake him up and get him back but-”
“You cant be in there- The others wont let you in. Not only that pat, But you know the results for yourself if you do-”
“So-? I dont care about myself- I dont deserve it-”
“Patton, you know that isnt true- You are NOT at fault here and you know that-”
“Am i-? I could have fought it better- I could have been more careful on that walk- I could have done SOMETHING-” Logan heard pat say. He was confused. What where they talking about-?
“Patton- You cant blame yourself for being controlled- It wasnt your fault- Did you really want to hurt us-?”
“So you aren't to blame. Even the girls say so-” Virgil said. The girls where with Patton-? Logan thought about this. It was confusing. The girls where so nice and Logan could tell after the first day the cyan light blue girl, aka Gaurdia, Had been more tensed. Like she didnt like them ish for some reason. Logan continued to watch them. He noticed How Patton kept flinching and quickly moved away from any touch. He also Noticed how tired Patton looked and How His cat hoodie that he was wearing looked bigger on him. Logan followed them outside quietly. The three kept talking and walking with each other. After a bit it got dark quickly outside. Logan then got a text.
Logan took a moment to actually get that though his head. A shadow corruption wasn't good news at all. So he looked back at the three he had been watching. He then noticed Janus and Virgil trying to calm Patton who was now panicking down. He ran over to them.
“What is going on-?”
“L-logan- Patton just started to have a panic attack when it turned dark. I know you arent on the best terms with Patton but, You have to help-” Virgil said still by Patton. Logan nodded and switched spots with Virgil which wasnt the best idea considering who the cruption was after. Mere seconds later something attacked them and it was a person. The person looked at Janus, Logan and Patton then at Virgil who he went to and grabbed before tping away.
“NO, NONONONONONONONONONO!” Patton said after a monment of quiet. The others, soon manages to come out with the girls and most of them stop having seen Patton. They were conflicted on what to do. Logan was the same. They hated what Patton had did but seeing him in that state was a bit heart breaking- The three girl however rushed over to Patton and Gaurdia tries to calm him down.
“Pat, Patton, Look at me- Purple, Red and Green?” Gaurdia asked. They had made a calming exercise for Patton. Basically They name a few colors from the themed colors of Patton’s friends/Housemates and Patton would spell the name and then say it. Patton would also have nice moments of said person when doing so.
“ V I R G I L, Virgil, R O M A N, Roman, R E M U S Remus,” Patton said starting to calm down a bit.
“Ok, Dark Blue, Yellow, And Megenta pink?” Elisabeth asked.
“L O G A N, Logan, J A N U S, Janus, T H O M A S, Thomas.”
“Ok, Brown, Powder Pink and Light blue.”
“R E M Y, Remy, E M I L E, Emile, and Me.” Patton said.
“Good enough. Are you ok?” Gaurdia said.
“I-I… No-” Patton said and he curled up.
“It was Grey, Wasnt it-?” Elisabeth asked. Pat whimpered softly and shook giving the three an answer.
“Well fuck, He took Virgil, Didint he?”
“Ya, He did- PAT!” Janus said and looked at Patton who now had gotten up suddenly and turnde into a wolf and ran off.
“Wait why-?”
“Long story short, Pat is a hybrid and lately He has been balming himself for this even though he wasnt actually responsible because He was control by dick head aka the person who took Vrgil aka Greyson-” Gaurdia said. Her voice had an angry hint to it.
“Wait, Is that what happened?”
“Yes actually, Dont worry though. We dont exactly blame you for how you reacted the first day. But right now we need to go after him- Now-” Nightlara said . She gave every one but Janus a crystal They turned into wolfs and followed the young Hybrid. Meanwhile Virgil looked at the person infront of him. He was in a similar position as Patton was a few weeks before hand. Grey looked at ve finally finding the spell again.
“Now, this looks really familiar. However there wont be much breaking trust and more getting something of mine back-” Grey said. Ve understood very well what he ment. Grey went through the spell after a few minutes but it never got fully done. Seceonds before it was done, Patton had intervened. Attacking Grey in a blind fury. Grey fought patton back a lot and gave patton may scratches and bites. Grey then decided to kill Virgil so he aimed his magic to Ve and fireed. However Pat tped front and got hit with it. Gaurdia was luckily closer enough to attack and kill grey. Patton quickly let Virgil go from the spell barely able to do anything from how much blood he was losing.
“Patton!” Gaurdia yelped as she caught Patton who just collapsed.
“What happened?” Janus asked as he and the others arrived. Virgil explained what he saw as Nightlara started to do a small spell to help Patton.
“Wowowowo- Patton, Attacked grey-? Jesus- That just tells you how much y’all mean to him.” Elisabeth said.
“What do you mean-?” Remus asked.
“Patton usually doesnt attack anything- I wouldnt hurt a fly- Plus, Jackass had did some things to Patton that made Patton terrified of him. So in the event of PATTON attacking GREY is really surprising-.” NIghtlara said. Patton could feel himself fadeish. Even with the magic Nightlara was using on him. So he did the one thing He thought of that he felt like he needed to do. So he tped back to the hospital. Giving Gaurdia a Heart attack cuz he was really badly hurt. He looked and saw he was in roman’s room. Perfect.
“Patton-?” A weak voice asked. Patton looked at roman to see him awake but he was Slowly faded. Patton tears up a bit.
“H-hey r-ro.” Patton said trying not to cry.
“What do you whant?” Roman asked. Roman still didnt like patton. He does forgive him. Patton didnt blame him.
“T-to say im s-sorry, To h-help you, and t-to say… S-say goodbye-” Patton said softly as he silently cried. It hurt. Everything hurt. His body, His heart, Heck, Even seeing roman and feeling him near death Hurt Him.
“What do you mean-?” Roman asked. He looked at Patton. The room was extremly dark but Patton’s marking had showen and was glowing a light blue color. So Roman could barely see some of the scars and the bites and he could see how smaller, Pale and tired Patton looked. He could also see the blood. There was so much blood.
“I mean w-what I s-said-” Patton said softly and goes close to roman. He started to use his magic and do what he could to reverse Roman’s progress from Going negative to the positive area. Roman could feel his energy level rise and he felt a lot better. He was still slowish and sore. But he felt better. He looked at Patton once he was done. Patton was more paler in second.
“Pat-” Roman asked, getting up. Pat smiled a small weak smile at Roma.
“Im sorry-” Patton said softly as he yet again falls down. Roman caught him quickly and looked at him. Roman realised that not only was Patton bleeding a lot, Obviously tired, and was paler then normal, But he was extremely light. Skinney even.
“Oh god. Pat, Padre- What happened-!? Im calling the nurse-” Roman said. He hit the call nurse button as he tried to help patton.
“I-im s-s-so-so s-so-sor-sorry- I-i-I” Patton tried to say. He was sobbing now, Because in all the hurt he was feeling. He felt the warmth of Roman and in dying moments, It felt nice.
“Hanging in there Pat-” Roman said. A few nurses comes in and they emediantly try pulling Patton away. But Patton didnt want to let go. Eerie other touch he felt was Hot, To hot for him. That used to be with Virgil and Janus. But not as hot as these ones. He knew why too. He had a family bond with them. A Bond that would feel more nicer then any other touches while he was touch starved. He didnt want to let go.
“Pat- come on- You need to get taken care of. Now-” He heard roman said. If felt to distant. After a bit and after a nurse gave Patton a shot to help him get better they finally get him into a Insta care unit. The girls and everyone else did come back but they ended up splitting up. The girls had went to where Patton was first and told them to go to roman. Virgil was the first one in to see Roman sitting up right, awake, alive and was doing better then he was before. Virgil only had one thought. Especially with the blood in the room and how Roman was looking at his hands quietly crying.
“Pat- Pat was here. Wasnt he?” Virgil asked. Roman looked at him and nodded.
“Patton did something- I-it help me- B-but- He needed help first. And- And I didnt see it- HOw can I be so damn blind-?” Roman asked. He was defiantly scared by what happened moments before. Realizing Pat did something and it made himself worse. He may have been upset with Patton, But he still cared for him. It just seemed off. Patton was a wonderful and kind hearted person that used to be scared of holding a knife in the same room as another because he was scared that he would accidently stab them. Then one day He stabs and tries to kill them. The he came into his hospaital room and gets kicked out and so far that Roman knew. Suddenly comes back all bloodied, and pale and skinny just to say Goodbye and to Help him heal. Why goodbye tho?
“Is padre ok?” Roman asked. Everything was piercing together.
“We dont know- The girls just went to his room with his doctor.” Logan said. They sta there hoping Patton was ok. They joined roman in watching disney movies that the hospital had. A nurse remembered what Roman liked to watch from 3 weeks ago so they got him the disney movies after they managed to get Patton to let go and go with them. Meanwhile Gaurdia was holding Patton close to her body while he was now unconscious. The nurses tried but they soon relised that there was only one way they could keep Patton from dying and Only Night could do it. So The three sat there. Elisabeth had everything to help the best she could, Gaurdia sat there Holding Patton close and Nightlara was focusing on putting Patton’s soul into an amulet that his mother gave him. It wasnt really magic except it was an item that could have a soul put into it to heal that person. Eventually it was done and Patton’s body temporarily disappeared and was replaced with the heart amulet. Gaurdia broke down crying.
“ Its ok gaurdia. Hes not dead at least. This is just for a week. Then he would be able to heal back home. Not that close to death again. I promise.” Elisabeth said softly. Nightlara had been quiet but she pulled Gaurdia into a hug. Elisabeth joined them and they stayed like that for a good few minutes. They soon got up and went to roman’s room to tell the boys. That ended in tears and curses to selfs and all that. There was also a lot of hugs. That was 5 days ago.
Janus’ p.o.v:
Its been 5 days. I can see that Gaurdia and Pat have some things in common. We had been staying with the girls until Patton came back. Ever since that day Gaurdia had barely ate, Cuddled with her girlfriend, Slept or just sat in Pat's room here. Ve had been snuggling and staying close with Roman and Remus and Logan would help each other and Elisabeth make sure everyone was ok. Nightlara had been quiet. She was pretty natural. It was kinda scary. Knowing that she was in the past in her own mind with this but she was still here knowing it wasnt permanent. That pat would be back soon. That it wasnt anyone’s fault but Grey’s. I on the other hand. Ive been all over the place. Mostly in my room or in Patton’s room. I also would cook, clean or just walk as well. Roman had been released hours after learning about patton and we put on bed rest for the first 3 to 4 days. I caught him and Virgil sitting outside pat’s door as well. I dont blame them. Roman felt like he should have said something that first day and Ve thought they should have fought more and not freeze up. Remus and logan feels bad for kicking Patton out. Remy and Emile felt bad because they never got to talk to patton about it before Me and Ve and therefore never got to get Patton help with his touch starvation and his non-eating or sleeping lately. Well lately as in before this. I felt guilty because I should have known- It wasnt Patton. His eyes weren't the normally baby blue they were that day. I didnt feel him in the hospital the first day. I didnt realise he was lying when Logan asked him why he was doing it and he said because he didnt care about us. He was out of control of himself and that thing that controlled him, made himlie. And I said nothing about it. Didn't notice anything about it.
“Janus? What are you still doing up?” Virgils soft tired voice asks in the quiet mansion.
“I cant sleep-” I said softly. I was in Patton’s doorway looking at the amulet that had a soft light blue glow. In the dark of the room. In the dark of the house. It lets us keep hope. Reminds us that Patton was still here. Even if he physically here. He was here with us. He will be back. Virgil sat with me in the doorway of the room.
“I cant sleep either. I just helped Roman fall back asleep. I heard Remus humming a song to logan. The same one Pat used to hum when we cant fall asleep.” Virgil said. I smiled at that We looked at each other in the darkness and decided to do it. The two of us began to sing softly.
“So keep your head up princess before your crown falls. Now these voices in your head will be your downfall. I know it gets so hard but you don't got far to go And the path leads right to where they won't go.” We sang. We didnt notice the light blue light growing more bright.
“I know it hurts right now but I know you'll make it home. So keep your head up.” Me and virgil sang. Just as we where finishing with the last line-
“So keep your head up” We sang. There was a third, soft voice. A familiar one too.
“Patton?!” Virgil whispered, shouted. We looked into the room and see patton, Wearing the amulet smiling softly a bit sitting on the floor. He was still a bit bloody but he wasnt bleeding and was semi healed. He still had the scar on his side which is where he got hit by grey from what virgil said and from how much it was bleeding. He also still had a couple of scratches and bites. There wasnt any bruises tho nor was the nor was there any of the scars that wasnt deep in the skin. Ve got up and hugged Patton crying tears of relieve. I joined them and we stayed in the room for hours. We had fallen asleep after about an hour or two, Pat was on the left of ve, I was on the right and closest to the door. So if anyone was at the door way the first thing they would see was me and then ve and it would take a moment to see Patton. I only knew because Nightlara had woken me up while Elisabeth and Emile cooked and remy went to get the others. So I saw how we slept.
“When did he come back-?” Nightlara asked softly after a moment.
“Around midnight to 2 in the morning. You seem surprisingly calm about this-” I said.
“I know- Trust me, This will be the most, Non freaked out/ happy af reaction that is quiet from this-” Nightlara said softly. I nodded and we both woke up the other two. I gently woke Patton up and Night woke Virgil up.
“What time is it-?”
“7 almost 8 in the morning. Come one. Get up. We have a long day infront of us-.” Nightlara responded to Virgil’s question. Patton just basically clinged onto me and yawned as he slowly woke up. Nightlara took a picture and we headed out. Nightlara was infront of us as we came out.
“YO! What are you making-?”
“Well both me and gaurdia felt like chocolate chip pancakes for some reason so- We are making that” Elisabeth said.
“THERE IS LIKE 6 STACKS ALREADY!” Logan yelled from where he was in the kitchen.
“Good! We might need it-” Nightlara says looking at me and smiles again. I looked down and saw that Patton was asleep. Again.
“Hey- Come on time to be awake-” I said softly.
“Who are you-” Roman started to ask before.
“PAT’S BACK! OMG PATTON IS BACK!!!” Gaurdia screeched. She came over and hugged patton. Patton smiles softly.
“H-hey g-gar-” Pat said softly. We walked down the stairs and everyone hugged and welcomed Patton back. Nightlara was right though. It was the most calmed reaction. Pat Smiled softly happy to be with us all. We ate and I noticed Patton was still trying to eat more after 5 bite. I stopped him after a minute.
“Pat- I know its good, But you cant just up and go stuff your face- You’ll get refeeding syndrome.” I said. Patton nodded smiling softly. Everyone was smiling and happy and relieved. Patton was back, And sure he still needed to be taken care of, A lot. But he was here and Alive and Not dying. That was all that mattered. It was what they needed. And to think this whole accident had started after a spell was re-discovered.
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