There wasn't much to see out the window of the spaceship except for the usual blackness of space and the sprinkles of stars scattered in organized randomness. Turning from the window, Dream looked at his crewmates. George stood awkwardly, holding his helmet in a blue space suit as he observed the ship for the millionth time. Sapnap stood next to him in his grey space suit, grinning like a madman. His helmet sat on the shelf they had that shelved various items. Bad (that's what they all called the guy who called himself "Bad Boy Halo," and sometimes addressed him as BBH) sat at a table in his black spacesuit with red accents, reading a book he had probably read many times. Dream's spacesuit was white with lime green accents that complimented his unnaturally colored lime eyes nicely.
"You guys ready?" He asked nervously, pushing his dirty blonde hair back out of his freckled face. They all nodded at him and grabbed their helmets, shoving them over their heads. It had been days since they had communicated to the other teams that traveled in front and behind them. They had almost reached Planet 454-1C; they could see it as a speck in the distance. Its sun was much more visible, shining brightly as they headed towards it. It would take a couple of days more to reach 454-1C and even more time to land. The planet's moon would pass in front of them, making them wait an extra day. But that was planned, so they all expected it. Everyone's anticipation would only grow as time passed. The three other planets that inhabited 454-1C's solar system were known as 454-2C, 454-3C, and- you guessed it- 454-4C. None of the planets in the solar system had any life, 454-1C was the only one that could've supported living things, and it didn't have any except for the humans that were coming to live on it.
All crews were getting ready to check the exterior of their spacecrafts for any damage there might be. They would see other teams out there, maybe exchange a couple of waves, then direct their ships into what they called the "Mother Hen." Mother Hen was a large vessel that had 5 ports for the different ships to dock at. Mother Hen also held various materials, animals, and other things that would be dropped off to 454-1C along with rations of food for the colonies as they built their communities. It also held a population of 1,400 people consisting of young men, women, children, and teenagers that would make up the five different starter communities. The elderly were left back on Earth with the power-hungry, criminals, and all the others who refused to leave left to perish along with the polluted, dying planet. It was agreed that certain groups of people would be advisers of different communities, looking after them and solving issues that might arise.
Dream's crew was referred to as c-1. Once they reached their territory, they would be able to choose a name for their community. People would choose which community they wanted to be part of. None of the few parents aboard could stop their children from going to a separate community. Everyone was provided with homes already, but there was only a limited amount, about 100 per community. The communities would not stretch all over 454-1C; they would do that as they settled into the world later on. There were only 5 starter communities, meaning there were only 500 houses. 500-600 of the people on Mother Hen would choose to live in different communities.
Five crew ships were holding the different advisers of each community. c-1 consisted of Dream, George, Sapnap, and Bad. c-2 included Philza (aka Phil), Techno (full name Techno S. Blade), Wilbur Soot, and Schlatt (aka Mr.J Schlatt). c-3 had Skeppy, Mega (Mega P. V. P.), Zelk, and Spifey. c-4's advisers were Sparklez (always referred to as "Captain Sparklez"), Fundy, and Tubbo. c-3 had a peculiar case where a teenager was part of the advisers, but, then again, the teenager was more intelligent and mature than average. The last set, c-5, had three members: Wisp, TapL, and Shadow Apples (aka Billy Apples). All of the advisers had been isolated with only their groups for months. It was a small price to pay for their privilege.
Crew c-1, along with all the other crews at that moment, were heading to the depressurizing room to strap themselves in the safety cables, triple-checking to make sure they were secure. After seeing that they were all secure, they pressed a button and pulled a lever, starting the process. They all winced in their spacesuits as the pressure decreased. Then the doors opened, revealing the void of space. They all looked at each other as the effect of zero gravity took them over. They all took deep breaths in as they swam through the void of space. The other crews had begun to look over their ships, careful not to miss a spot. There was no interaction with other squads. Even if they yelled, no sound could have traveled through space. Instead of yelling, Dream waved to the second-in-command of c-2, Techno. He then looked over to c-4 and waved at Tubbo. Techno nodded and continued with his inspection as Tubbo enthusiastically waved back.
About an hour into it, they had all thoroughly investigated their ships. They all started for their ships, taking their time so they wouldn't slip up. Once they were all safely inside, the doors to the crafts closed. They went through a repressurizing process, breathing the way they were taught. After the process was finished, they took their helmets off and went to sit in their seats.
"Nice job out there, everyone," Dream commended his team. Taking a seat in the captain's chair, he signaled for George to come over. "George, you're co-pilot. Sit upfront with me." George nodded as he took his seat next to him. They connected to the main channel, hearing the chatter of other teams almost instantly.
"c-1 is ready to dock." Dream said, flicking some levers above him, then steering towards Mother Hen.
"c-2 ready to dock," Philza announced.
"c-3 ready to dock," Skeppy said, overly excited.
"c-4 ready to dock," Captain Sparklez declared.
"c-5 ready to dock." TapL's voice.
"You all have my permission to dock." Said the captain of Mother Hen. They called the captain "Captain Socks," the one who had developed the program to preserve human life. At this time, all the ships headed towards their respective ports, slowly joining the main vessel. Dream's ship shook, like all the others, as it connected to Mother Hen. After a robotic voice had assured the team they were safe to leave their ships, the crews headed to the depressurizing room again. They were relieved when the process didn't start, and the doors just slid open. Dream took long strides down to meet with the other teams, ignoring the message that came as they boarded.
"Welcome aboard!"
"Welcome aboard!" Sang the cheery voice of a young woman who happened to be sitting with the microphone that day. Philza stepped out into Mother Hen with the rest of his crew. Schlatt stood in his spacesuit that strangely resembled a tuxedo next to Wilbur, who wore a yellowy/orange spacesuit. Wil looked around eagerly at Mother Hen's interior, admiring the patterns of the wallpaper and scent of the air. Being stuck in a shuttle with only three other people got stale, so being with others would be a relief. Techno stood in a light-pink spacesuit that matched his hair, staring cooly at the others that flooded in the hall.
Crews c-1 through c-5 all went to the Decision Room (quite an intimidating name), where the 560 people that were chosen to live on 454-1C would choose their communities. Dream stood on a small stage, looking over the sea of people and wondering what was going through everyone's minds. He stopped once he started to get a headache trying to comprehend each one's uniqueness of thoughts. Dream often thought too deeply, but that was one of the reasons he was chosen for his position. The room was filled with excited and anxious chatter.
Captain Socks came to stand on the stage. His feet wore no shoes, only rainbow-striped socks. He smiled widely as his eyes surfed the sea of people. His round glasses slipped down his perfect nose as he looked at the people in front of him. He pushed them back up and cleared his throat.
"Good people, please welcome teams c-1 through c-5!" He announced it with such bravado, clapping his hands loudly. The crowd erupted with applause, startling the advisers who had been living in the quiet for so long. Captain Socks held his hand up, signaling for the claps to cease.
"Now is the time that you will pick your advisers. I'm sure you've read the reports of each team of advisers. Choose wisely!"
With that, he left the teams to assemble themselves. Everyone flooded to c-1, wanting to meet the infamous Dream Team that they had all heard great things about. However, one boy, a blonde with light blue braces the same color as his eyes, walked over to c-2 to meet his heroes.
Seeing someone approach them, Techno elbowed Phil, nodding towards the boy. Phil got Wilbur's attention, and they went to inform Schlatt, but the kid was already there.
"I read a report on you guys," he said, trying to mask his excitement through coolness but failing miserably. "I loved your work on Schlatt coin, even if it didn't work out in the end," he said to Jschlatt, reaching out his hand. Schlatt took it, shaking it firmly and nodding his head in approval. The boy then looked to Techno. "I've read your book on battle strategies of ancient warriors, and I really enjoyed it!" He stuck out his hand to shake Techno's, but the pink-haired boy just looked at him in disgust.
"Nerd..." He grumbled.
Tommy looked to Wilbur, ignoring the other's moroseness. "I've heard a couple of your songs; they sound pretty good." Wilbur smiled sideways, acknowledging the boy's compliment.
Philza, who had given Techno a mean look, turned his head back to the boy.
"What did you say your name was?"
"Tommy Innit," he grinned, showing his braces.
In the end, 138 people were chosen and decided to go with c-1, 97 to c-2's community (one was a very good-spirited Tommy), 115 to c-3, 108 to c-4, and finally 102 to c-5. It would be a bit crowded in c-1's community, but they all felt it was worth the discomfort to be able to be in the Dream Team's care. They boasted to the others about being with the best group of advisers, vexing the others who sat trying to omit their audacious talk.
Mother Hen ambled towards 454-1C slower than a sloth sleepwalking (I don't know either). The next couple of days were excruciating. Everyone just stared out windows, watching 454-1C draw closer by the day.
Finally, the day came: landing day. Crews c-1 through c-5 stood with their communities, separated only by their minds. Mother Hen rumbled as it landed on 454-1C. The large mechanical doors opened, revealing the blinding light from 454-1C's sun.
"c-1, you have permission to depart from Mother Hen." Dream took a deep breath as he confidently led his community into their territory. Members of c-1 stepped off the ship, standing at a sign that showed the ways to different regions. They headed down the path where an arrow with "c-1" was marked, treading slowly, admiring the scenery around them.
"c-2, you have permission to depart from Mother Hen." Philza looked at Techno and then motioned for the others to follow. All the members of their community had chosen c-2 as a last resort, so they weren't too excited. The boy who had met them earlier, Tommy, was close behind the advisers as he chattered away with Schlatt. c-2 all stepped off onto the soil of 454-1C, enjoying the firmness of the ground underneath their feet.
"c-3, you have permission to depart from Mother Hen." Skeppy immediately ran out the doors before they even said "c-3," earning an annoyed sigh from Zelk and Spifey and making Mega, who was mute, roll his eyes. c-3's community all looked at each other in confusion at the scene but laughed it off, gladly following their advisers.
"c-4, you have permission to depart from Mother Hen." Eret stalked off the ship, flipping sunglasses over his eyes. Fundy, Tubbo, and the rest of the c-4 community followed.
"c-5, you have permission to depart from Mother Hen." TapL led, along with Wisp, their community. Billy trailed behind them, trying his best to make conversation. They just ignored him, seemingly unaware of his existence. They didn't even know why he was on their team; they just figured he was good enough to be an adviser but made a bad first impression, making him among the last to be picked- actually, he was the last to be chosen.
All the communities were headed down their respective paths to their territories where they would settle in and start their work or whatever else they would do.
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