TapL observed the community, a stern look on his face as he barked a command. "Stand up straight!" The people were startled but gladly obeyed. Wisp had already stood up straight and was glaring at Billy, who stared back with wide eyes until he realized his mistake.
"Oh!" He gasped, suddenly standing up straight. He smiled apprehensively at TapL, who just rolled his eyes.
TapL had tried to make sure he got the best of the best for his group of advisers, and he had to scout out Wisp before someone else picked him up. Billy was just a hassle; he was clumsy, didn't show any signs of being that bright, and was overall just irritating to be around in his eyes. TapL directed the community to their jobs, giving an annoyed look to Billy.
"You," he said, pointing to him, not even bothering to use his name. "Go help in the mines." TapL tossed a pickaxe to the other adviser. Billy caught it with almost no fumbling, then grinned, pleased with himself. heading to the mines and making conversation with a community member who was surprised but glad that they were being spoken to. TapL glared in his direction. He didn't know why, but he wanted Billy to not enjoy his experience as an adviser and resign.
A huff behind him caused TapL to turn around, meeting Wisp's face. "What a pain." TapL nodded, agreeing with the statement, then led Wisp to the advisers' house to discuss plans for the community.
At the end of the day, TapL and Wisp had created a very long list of tasks and goals to accomplish, though they would take some time. Billy walked through the door, smiling wildly. "Good evening!" He greeted them. TapL rolled his eyes, Wisp shushed him loudly. Billy wiped the smile off his face and nodded, glancing at the floor. He started towards the two hoping to help. As soon as he sat down in the chair, he received glares from them both. Wisp raised his eyebrow, shaking his head slightly, seemingly asking him what the heck he was doing. It became clear that they didn't plan to have him be an integral part of their community.
Billy just smiled, heading to his room on the second floor. When he got there, he went to sit on the edge of the bed. He didn't care if they told him to leave; he would still have to be a member of the community. But what if they don't allow that? Billy quickly stood from the bed, going over to the window to collect his thoughts. He tried to look at the stars, but he couldn't see them from where he was at. It turned out that the window could be opened, so he slid it up and climbed up out on the roof. The decline on the roof wasn't too steep, making it less likely that he would slide down (the coarse tiles helped, too- friction and all that jazz). He pondered if he was really a good fit for an adviser and even tossed his question to the stars, who just twinkled back in response. Billy sighed, sliding back into his bedroom and shutting the window.
Billy was the first awake, and he was determined to get his fellow advisers to like him. He made eggs with kale, onion, cheese, sausage, and some spices that would go well with it. As soon as he finished, he heard footsteps from his adviser friends coming down the stairs. He smiled, turning around to face them. "Good-morning!" The advisers' groggy faces scowled at him, and they pushed past Billy, grabbing a plate. Billy's happiness dropped, and he was very tempted to snatch the plates of their hands and snarkily say, "You're welcome," but he held back, taking in a deep breath. His smile slightly waned, and he headed towards the door.
Wisp looked up at him through a mouthful of eggs. "You're not going to eat?" He didn't mean to sound concerned.
Billy just turned swiftly, lying to then comfortably. "I already ate." With that, he shut the door, leaving TapL and Wisp staring at each other. TapL just mumbled something, continuing to eat the food.
Billy dropped his cheerful composure as soon as he was out of the house, trudging along the path down past the houses. He knocked on the doors of homes, waking them up for a new day. They had forgotten to tell them all to wake up at a certain time, so he took a walk to each of the one-hundred houses. Some greeted him, asking him if he ate and handing him a biscuit. He took them gratefully, eating them as he walked. As he finished knocking on the remaining houses, he wondered if the other advisers would really miss him. He inhaled deeply, enjoying the fresh, non-polluted air. Mother Hen hadn't left yet because the communities still needed to unload the livestock that was aboard. Billy decided he would wait there for the rest of the advisers to collect their animals, boarding Mother Hen to talk with Captain Socks for the last time before the ship's departure.
A voice welcomed Billy from the speakers, and a moment later, Socks came down to welcome him. "Hello, my friend!" Billy shook his hand, grinning, returning the greeting. They walked around the ship, and Socks talked about the different things happening on the Mother Hen. He explained the various systems on the vessel to Billy for probably the billionth time, but Billy didn't mind, enjoying the review. Socks turned his attention back to his friend as the advisers started to arrive. "Anyways, you are enjoying being an adviser, right?"
Billy flinched. He hesitated before he hastily spoke. "Could I possibly join a different community, and maybe as a citizen? I don't think I'm fit for the position." Socks paused, about to speak.
"Hey!" A harsh voice cut through the air and stabbed into Socks and Billy's conversation. TapL fumed up to Billy, grabbing onto his shoulder. "Why didn't you tell us you were coming here? Wisp and I were searching everywhere!" TapL continued to reprimand him, and Billy just gave Socks an unamused look.
Captain Socks just laughed. "Hi! TapL, right?" He cut him off in the middle of his blathering. TapL just stood, embarrassed that he had just had an outburst in front of the Captain of Mother Hen.
He straightened up, clearing his throat. "Yes, sir. It's a pleasure meeting you. I wasn't aware you and him knew each other." TapL nodded Billy's way when he mentioned him, still not bothering to use his name.
Captain Socks grimaced at that. "Yes, his name is Billy. I thought it was your responsibility to have learned that by now." Wisp had walked up to hear that sentence and widened his eyes as Socks said his last words. "I'll let my right-hand man leave now to help you with everything. You could sure use the help."
Billy smirked, somehow humbly, and saluted the captain. Socks saluted back and turned away, saying farewell to the advisers. "See you never again!"
The advisers of c-5 watched as Socks departed, Billy waving meekly. TapL was filled with envy, snapping another command. "Just come help us get the animals if you can even do that."
Billy brushed past Wisp and TapL to lead their livestock back to their community, annoyed. "Yeah, yeah, sure."
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