Skeppy stood with Mega, Zelk, and Spifey, facing their community. He thought of Bad and how much he missed his friend. He regretted treating him the way he had, bullying him, and plastering on the title "trolling'" instead of naming it what it really was. Skeppy wished that he had let him win more and done what he would have liked, but he hadn't. Dream had stolen him away, but it wasn't really a bad thing, was it? At least he and the others were nicer to BBH than he was. Guilt and shame tugged at his heart, overwhelming him.
Mega noticed Skeppy feeling distressed and patted his back, tilting his head in a way to ask what was wrong. The mute could always tell when something was up with his friend; he was very perceptive. Skeppy gave him a small smile. "I'm just thinking about things." Mega nodded. He knew what he was thinking about.
They both turned their attention to Zelk and Spifey, who were talking to each other excitedly. Their minds were brilliant, though they acted like fools most of the time. Zelk was considered the smartest out of the four of them; Spifey was next. Skeppy smiled before he spoke. "You guys have any ideas or suggestions for things we should do?"
"Figuring out a name would be nice," Spifey suggested, looking at Zelk to see if he agreed.
"We're all just a bunch of idiots, wandering through space," Zelk said, smirking. "I think 'The Idiots' would be an appropriate name."
Skeppy chuckled. "Yeah, but it should be spelled wrong, and we should drop the 'the' part," he said, pondering the different ideas. Mega tugged on Skeppy's sleeve, picked up a space stick, and wrote in a dirt patch next to them, "iDots."
"Perfection," Zelk said, snickering delightedly. Skeppy and Spifey nodded their heads, also smiling. Mega clearly beamed, his smile clear though his smile was covered by his green scarf.
Skeppy led them all into the middle of the territory, where there was a common. Everyone gathered around them, waiting for them to speak.
"Hey, guys-" Skeppy started. Before he could continue, the crowd (full of mostly females) started screaming and cheering. Zelk and Mega rolled their eyes. Mega looked to Zelk, who sighed and took over for Skeppy.
"We have an announcement," he stepped in front of his friend vigilantly as the crowd quieted down. "We picked a name for our community- Mega came up with it for the most part- but I think you'll all enjoy it. We decided on the iDots."
Skeppy smiled brightly, and on seeing his face, everyone started cheering again out of their supposed love for him. A girl screamed, "I love the name almost as much as I love you, Skeppy!" He smiled awkwardly and glanced at Zelk. Zelk shrugged, holding back laughter. Spifey, also chuckling, thanked everyone for coming when a thought popped up in his head.
"Oh! And before you go, we need to set up a traveling group." No one was excited, so Spifey reluctantly added another bit of information. "Skeppy will be leading-"
Everyone immediately raised their hands, making Mega sigh, annoyed.
Zelk took over, again. "There will also be many circumstances that could cause you to die." Most people's hands went down, murmuring amongst themselves. A few hands remained, the brave and the obsessed, but they'd do an interview later to see who was best qualified.
Skeppy pondered about his lead in the Adventurers' Group. He'd bring Zelk with them occasionally to help him out, but most of the time, he'd just be helping the others in the community.
Skeppy hadn't realized he had zoned out until Mega smacked him upside the head. He pointed to a sign with the word "mines" and ushered him to follow him. He groaned but followed the mute, grabbing a pickaxe from a crate when they arrived at the entrance. Spifey and Zelk helped the other part of people unpack supplies.
When work was finished for the day, everyone headed to the common for house placements. All the advisers were very tired, but one of the reasons they were recommended to become advisers was their great perseverance. They arranged everyone in their houses to everyone's satisfaction, then headed to their own.
"Great work today, guys," Skeppy said brightly, earning grins from the others. They headed off to bed, restoring strength for themselves for the next day.
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