You can't be gone (Angst)
My procrastination excuse: A pineapple flew into my house, somehow weaved into the computer room and hit me in the head, knocking me unconscious and before the police could catch it, it had already flown away
This is also my first time writing actual angst so don't be mean ;-;
"We found him"
Ex sat down at Xisuma's side, talking to him but replaying those words in his head over and over. He only heard them about half an hour but they were the only words he could seem to think about.
X spoke weakly, he had been missing for weeks and Ex had been going insane. Without his brother at his side, he was nothing. He couldn't lose him, and at the time that was all he seemed to be able to think about.
No matter how much X told his brother not to blame himself, that's all he was able to do. His fault, his fault played over and over in his head. Couldn't Ex have done something? Surely, at least that's what he made himself believe.
They sat in silence a lot of the time, the only thing that Ex was thinking about was how slow X's heartbeat was, and how it kept getting slower, and slower, and slower, until at one point- it all just stopped. The room falling into a deadly silence.
"No- nonono I won't- you can't- X answer me, please-" Ex sat up and looked at X, his now pale but bruised face, half-lidded eyes, the raising of his chest gone and the small breaths now having disappeared.
He looked around, before back at X, placing a hand onto his chest to check. He refused to believe it, he didn't want to believe it. He sat there for about a minute, hoping to find something to indicate some sort of home but, nothing.
Hesitantly, he moved his hand, sitting back down in his chair and burying his face into his arms and giving up on trying to hold back his tears. He sat there and sobbed, he didn't care for who might hear him, he just didn't want to accept the truth. He wasn't going to accept that X was gone, and there isn't a way to get him back.
Repeatedly he said through his sobs, over and over again "It should have been me" as if he said it enough and something would change. But nothing, the previous silence of the room filled with Ex's sobs and statements.
He stayed like this for about an hour, occasionally looking up to see if he was just overreacting, but every time he was just more disappointed than the last.
If he hadn't had been interrupted by a hand on his shoulder then he would have stayed there but he looked up to the hermit who seemed to look really annoyed in his eyes. The blonde-haired hermit pointed at the door and Ex got up, looking back at X before leaving the room for False to do what she needed to do.
Ex sat outside, he waited and waited, he didn't want to go. No matter how many people told him X was gone, no one would tell him enough for him to believe it. He sat there all night, talking to himself as if he was talking to X.
He had gone insane.
Hours and hours went by, he had been told to go hundreds and hundreds of times but he refused to leave. He had to leave at some point, and so he did. He left, he sat outside and stared at the floor.
He had run out of tears to cry, things to say so he just sat there. Occasionally he would say something in hope of his brother replying to him telling him that, everything was alright and he was alive.
Ex sat there for a few more hours, waiting and hoping for X to come out of the door, or come up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder, anything to give him hope but nothing.
This time skip was brought to you by my lazy non-angst-writing ass
About a month after X had gone, things were... different. Not a good difference but different.
People ignored Ex, he would sit in the shopping district just to be ignored or ridiculed. People blamed Ex cause they had no one else to blame. One person would stay by his side however, one person who knew that he had no play in X's death, Stress.
She would come by and make sure he wasn't entirely lonely. Every day they would have their little conversation on some small things, occasionally they would talk about what they've been up to, sometimes it would be about how lonely he felt, sometimes they would sit in silence and soak up the day.
This particular time, Ex was murmuring to himself when he heard footsteps. He looked up, expecting to see Stress but in reality, it was a lot, lot worse for him.
Doc stood there and with his arms crossed and looking down on Ex with a glare that could kill if that was possible. Ex looked back up at him and leaned back slightly, clearly aware of him and scared but in a way he couldn't show as to keep himself safer.
The two stood in silence until Ex decided to brave up and say something."Uhm, hi? Is there something you need or are you here to stare at me like everyone else.." As he looked at the floor Doc came over and pulled him up by his shoulder causing Ex to whimper slightly as Doc's hand created a light bruise under his shirt.
This next bit wasn't my idea, it was doggo on one of the discords I'm on ;-;
Doc reached into his pocket with his organic hand and pulled out a small, iron dagger to press against Ex's neck. When he pulled it away he watched as the sticky, red liquid dripped down from the blossoming cut, also causing Ex to whimper again and clutch his fists in an attempt to lower the amount of pain that he felt from the action.
He was then thrown down onto the grass, then faltering and trying to getaway. When doc noticed he grabbed Ex's wrists and pinned him down to not escape. He placed the tip of the dagger against the chest of the other, Doc chuckling as Ex swallowed a lump in his throat.
"I won't let you hurt anyone else, Ex. I'm putting an end to it right. Now."
Before Ex had any time to protest he felt the dagger push through the sensitive skin, causing him to gasp and some tears to drip from his eyes. A choked sob came from him as Doc twisted the dagger in a circle and pulled it out, letting the blood drip down Ex's top.
It took a couple of minutes until the sobs slowly dimmed, and Ex slowly losing consciousness. Doc got up, wiping the blood-soaked dagger on his trousers as he walked away, leaving Ex alone until he ran out of blood to keep him alive.
happy endings for us all ammirite *distant sobs*
Word count : 1183 omg- i wrote a lot-
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