Crazy for you (Flangst)
This is entirely based on a roleplay that i did with @ProobablyMe, it wasn't supposed to be a roleplay but I went full yandere on em so I'm gonna change the ship slightly from our irl names to our Roleplay names so Enjoy UwU
TW: Um, Etho is almost killed by X, not quite. And they kiss to. If there is anything else then say
X had Etho up against a tree with a knife to his neck, the smile on X's face was creepy... and unsettling, but if you looked close enough it would seem rather cute as he giggled. Etho gulped and shook lightly, not too much as to not get himself hurt.
"What do you want from me?" Etho looked at X with pure fear in his eyes as he looked right at him. X let out an evilly cute laugh before smiling sweetly at him. "Your love, dumbass. I thought we have been over this"
"But do we have to do it- like this?" He gulped and attempted to push X's arm away from his neck, in result him pushing it back and the knife biting his skin lightly causing Etho to gasp and whimper in pain trying to make as little noise as possible and avoid moving.
X just giggled again and placed a kiss on Etho's forehead. "Now don't worry, i don't want to have to do this the hard way" Etho gulped and looked up a bit at X and spoke some inaudible words before fear struck in his eyes, leaving X to let out a rather crazy sounding chuckle. Then going serious again. Before he pulled the knife from his neck again, only to place it over the vain that goes to Etho's lungs.
Etho could feel tears forming in his eyes as he couldn't do anything, at the risk of his literal life. X smiled, it being a uncomfortably sweet one as he looked Etho right in the eyes. His teary, red, fearful eyes.
X couldn't help himself, he was crazy. In a very, very bad way. He moved the knife slightly so Etho could breathe before pushing onto him and closing his eyes. Straight away he felt his lips connect with Ethos, smiling into it as he felt Etho start shaking slightly.
He whimpered and tried to pull away, only to be stopped by the tree he was pinned against. X smirked and pushed onto him further and harshly bit his lip, a makeshift way of asking for entrance just less gentle.
Etho kept his mouth firmly shut, but opening it a fraction as he felt the knife against his skin again. As he realised he wasn't gonna get out of this easily he let out a faint sob, followed by X running his tongue around the inside of Ethos mouth and not letting any part of it be left untouched.
He let out another choked sob as he felt the knife slice a small line in his skin, before it slowly got overtaken by red and a small cry from him. X pulled away for air and smiled at his fear struck face.
"Pl-Please just le-let me go" Etho let out another sob and cried out as he tried to move and the knife was placed further into his neck. "Please X... i will do an-anything"
X thought for a second before leaning to his ear and whispering, slowly dragging the knife away, cutting further into his skin with a cry.
"If i can't have you, noone can"
That was fun weeeee what do i even put here anymore its 8am i have been wai- 8am shit i was supposed to be in bed like, 9 hours ago hahA bye peeps
Word count- 630 omfg ok
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