School Festival Night
Ein and Aphron had babies to look after because of poor Ein's two wolf-sheep hybrid familiars and they were placed inside of a pen for some riding class for the many students really making Lucinda to allow it for normal students as werewolves don't need the lessons at all really. It was very popular in the school really.
Amau has Blaze and Daniel his age now making them to be together as they are twelve-years-old again. Aphron had their Basilisk familiar from their old world here with a special blind fold to allow her to look at people, but not kill or turn them to stone really.
Saeki was very happy with her band-new home as a lot of marsh rats shaved were sent lose for her to chase and Aphron loves her really as a snow owl shows up and fully bonds to Aphron while a phoenix bonds to Amau fully making her to smile.
"Hey, Fawkes. Got tired of that old bastard?"
{Yes. He wanted me to find you two and I'm not going to help him anymore. Death would kill me.}
"Don't worry. You're safe here. Welcome to your new home, Fawkes." Lucinda smiles as Amau looks happy with his new bird as he cares for it greatly really. It was time for the schools Festival Night.
There was no mistaking which kanzashi that Aphron was fully referring to; held in the shop window the hair-pin was obviously a prized piece of craftsmanship that any woman would have been proud to call her own.
Tortoise-shell inlaid with gold leaf that spelt out almost-invisible kanji, the meaning of which Naruto couldn't read at the distance, it tapered to a point fine enough for a skilled kunoichi to perform a bloodless assassination.
Should she lance the correct pressure points and was topped off with a large pearl, a true tear of the ocean, set in gold at the large end of the pin. The store owner apparently gawked for a moment before, recovering his composure, he regarded the child before him contemptuously.
"Too much for you, kid."
"Then I'll buy it for my mate." Ein said as slaps ten percent more than what the Kanzashi was worth in the shop since it's worth more really making the shop owner to sell it to Ein who had Aphmau help him fix Aphron's long silken hair up into a high bun.
Aphron loves it and kissed Ein on the cheeks making him to blush as he left the room to have Zane help him out really. He can't figure it out and they had an expert help them out really with the kimonos as someone voted for a Japanese festival one at the school really.
Eventually, however, and quite a bit sooner than he was expecting, he became aware of a presence just off to the side of him and, after taking a second to wonder how exactly anyone could move noiselessly in zori sandals, he threw a glance to the side of him and was promptly struck mute.
On and off, Ein had known and been a sometime-acquaintance of Aphron Lycan for give or take a year and a bit; however in all that time he had only ever known her as his Alpha and teaser who was as bad if not worse than he was at causing mayhem, just better at getting away with it.
She was a caretaker, a harsh teacher to keep him from killing himself with magic and a hundred and one other words that could be used to describe both her and her personality, but never before had Ein even considered that 'tenshi' could be one of those words really.
Dressed in a kimono of the iromuji style, meaning it was a formal dress in a single colour, though as he looked some patterns were present in the very light cream ensemble and, was that...? Ein found himself squinting as he almost swore he could see very faint outlines against or, as he finally realised what he was seeing and started a little, through the outer kimono.
Aphron must have been wearing a patterned nagajuban under the kimono itself, the patterns of the under-garment bright enough to just peep through the cream of the outer uniform and add a little more depth to the otherwise plain dress.
It was a curious and entrancing effect, nothing overwhelming but enough to make a person look twice, a subtle tell to show that despite the serious atmosphere, the Alpha of her own small pack was playing a game with people who might have been tempted to let their eyes linger on her form.
Her obi, stark white and of the maru style to convey the importance of the occasion, was tied in a slightly less-formal taiko musubi to offset it's otherwise complete formality. Despite the obvious work that had gone into her quite beautiful ensemble, all that was as to nothing when it was compared to her face and hair.
As with her kimono understatement was the key to creating an almost hauntingly beautiful effect; like most females Aphron had relatively little to do with cosmetics unless they were required for a small date or she knew she was going to do a small outing for some time.
Aside from perhaps the merest tinge of colour on her cheeks and lips, she wore nothing on her face and very little in her hair, the focal point being the streak of gold and tortoise-shell that pinned it upwards in a traditional style.
A small seasonal garnish of trailing autumnal leaves, the traditional flowers of the month of November, the only other kanzashi the kunoichi had seen fit to employ and making her all the more striking for it's very elegant simplicity.
For a long, long moment they regarded each other, boy and vision, before at last the creation of beauty smiled, broke her effortless illusion and became Aphron Lycan once more. She loved that Ein was in a trance from her beauty really as it means she picked right.
"Like what you see?"
"Fuck liking it when I fucking love it! Aphmau, she's fully flirting and seducing me here!" Ein said with heat in his voice as Aphron giggles at her mate as Amau has the same clothing for both Blaze and Daniel really, but in his favorite colors: Blaze and Daniel's eye colors.
Aaron knows Aphmau is going to lead him through as everything is going to be loud really. They were enjoying their time and Aphron knows Ein is going to lose it if he keeps looking towards her really like Blaze and Daniel are with Amau fully.
"Claim me in my bedroom, my handsome mate. Tonight." Ein growls to her making her to fully chuckle as she loves doing this from time to time as she is going to let him claim her as his woman really as Amau is now Alpha of his own pack with Blaze, Daniel, Zane Jr and Nancy.
Aphron knows she'll get more pack mates as time goes on really and Ein was passionate in the bed as he claims her as his woman and bites her in the back of the neck to fully claim her as his making her to growl in acceptance of his claim to her making him to growl of happiness.
"Yours, my handsome mate." Ein curls into her as they stay in bed making Aphron to know fully well that something is going to happen to her and Amau when they fully turned fourteen as Death can't stop it and their packs are going to be pulled into it fully really.
'Fun for Ein then really.' Aphron thinks as she goes into sleep really as she knows physical training would help out really.
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