Fusing Experiments Gone Wrong
Both Aphron and Amau was fully testing something after two years making them to be ten-years-old now with Ein, Tatiana and Omega, too as Lucinda was curious to this as well, too as they got it all set up with weapons to end anything if it goes wrong.
Aphmau and Zane shows up as they saw the experiment and they accidentally walks into the middle and Aphron pulls the lever fast making the two to be fused fully together as Lucinda was shocked and she took a picture as she fly needs to write this down.
"What happened?!"
"Zane?! You're in my mind?!"
"Wait a second! I got two eyes again!" Aphmau had to laugh at that as Zane is happy about that. Right eye is red and the left is blue with the clothing being a mix fully between their clothing making the children to laugh as this is super awesome.
"Good thing we got the water to change it really." Lucinda said as both saw it.
"Maybe later, Lucinda. What can we do?" They were outside the school in the backyard making this to be perfect as Garroth has it covered for a couple of hours now really. Six werewolf haters fully showed up and Aphmau wasn't pleased.
"Go!" Aphmau said as she raised her right arm to attack when ten wolves showed up and bite them making the haters started to float up into the sky making the five children to laugh even more at this as both Blaze and Daniel was laughing as well, too.
"Not going to ask when you two showed up." Lucinda said as she write down about wolves showing up and having potion effects from their bites making this to be super awesome, but scary at the same time really.
"Ein! No!"
"Ein, yes!" Ein had a wolf and a sheep in the middle and pulls the lever making a creature to show up and everyone was shocked as it looks like a mix of a wolf and a sheep really.
"Oh! EIN!" Aphmau said as Zane said the name part making Ein to laugh as this is awesome making Aphron to slap her forehead as this is not going to be a good thing as Kawaii-chan somehow made a thing from fusing a Kitty Cat with a cake of all things.
"KAWAII-CHAN!" Zane, Aphmau, Lucinda, Blaze and Daniel shouts as the ground changes into cake wherever the thing walks to fully making the children to have a hard time breathing from all of the laughter they did as this is being video recorded really.
"Whaaaaaaaaat? It's cute!"
"And you made more?!" Zane fully shouts as they saw eleven more of those things really making both of Katheryn and Travis to look fully outside the window and they saw the mess and knows they need to get out there.
"Come on!"
"Right behind you, babe!" Aaron was napping when he heard and had Rachel help him outside as it's Saturday today really. Aphmau sure hopes fully that this doesn't wake Aaron up making her to know it did and that Travis and Katheryn was here as well, too.
"What is going on?!"
"What is this?!"
"Amau! No!"
"Amau, yes!" He fused the two together and since Travis had a muscle shirt on with tight pants and Katheryn had a skirt with a sweater and a tube top on, the tube top fused with the shirt, the lower of it is gone, the skirt is over the pants.
Travis's front hair is over the right eye, Katheryn's hair is in a tight French lower braided hair style, the sweater is showing shoulders with the tube top being shown and ice was on the ground beneath the feet plus there was black wings out of the back with some black ice diamonds.
"Tell me about it, babe! This feels weird and annoying. I don't like it!"
"Later!" Aphmau and Zane was unfused at this point thanks to the water as Zane had Zianna help tell Kawaii-chan that this is bad really. Aphron and Amau had the cakes removed and no dirt was attached to them really. Ein was getting letchered by Aphmau.
"B-But... But mom!"
"No buts, young man."
"Oh, come ooooooooooon!" Aaron and Aphmau was in between and then Blaze accidentally fused the two together from kicking the lever while laughing making it to be super weird for everyone really as one eye is red and the other one is black.
Aaron can see again and saw the mess making him to flinch inside of Aphmau's mind as that is not a good thing really as this is getting ridiculous and Aphmau agrees with him as she saw a wolf that let's out fire as a cannon in her right hand.
She dealt with the wolf-sheep fused creature making Ein to be whining as Aphron comforts him making Aaron to to be shocked as both Aphron and Amau are bigger now, the twins are now four-years which was making him to be very shocked as his little son is now one really.
It was making him to be happy to see how they looked as they fully unfused and Aaron was happy to have seen how big they are which Aphmau can see why really which Rachel does as well, too as she's happy Aaron can see again really.
"Not again!" Both of Aphmau and Kawaii-chan got fused together making Zane to shiver as this is not something he had expected really.
"Aphron!" Ein shouts as he wanted to do it making her to stick her tongue out with a smile on her face as Zane was having a hard time with this really.
"Whoa!" Ein was pushed in and fused with a tree making him to complain as this is not right really.
"I hate this!" Ein complains as Aphron pushes him into the water to undo it as that's mean.
"Omega!" Omega paled as Aphron was pissed making her to whine as she's going to be getting a big fat punishment from her Alpha really. Aphmau and Kawaii-chan were unfused before Aphmau got fused with a fire something and looks like a fire goddess.
"Whoa, mom! You look like a fire goddess!" Aphron and Amau said making Aphmau to blush as a very good picture was taken by Rachel to keep this as Aphmau can shoot fire out at people making Lucinda to write it down to document it all down really.
"This is not a normal, but I like the clothing really. Rachel, can you get me a copy of this, please?"
"Sure, dear." Both Zane and Kawaii-chan got fused making Zane to hyperventilate from it as he's close to his wife really.
"OMG! Zane! Kawaii-chan! If you had another daughter, she would look just like this! So cute! I took a picture, so you can see what I fully mean!" Zianna said happy as this means she fully wants another grandchild to spoil from them really. They unfused and saw the picture.
"Awww! Zane! She's right!"
"I got to agree, but not right now." Zianna agrees.
"WHY IN THE NAME OF IRENE AM I FUSED WITH A FRAKING BLASTED CHICKEN, BLAZE?!" Aphmau shouts as everyone turns to see what she means as Aaron can't see, but Melissa allowed Aaron to be fused with her to see making him to see what Aphmau means.
"Chicken angel!" Blaze said as Aphmau had a lot of chickens leaving her which is not bad for the kitchen staff, but there is a lot of chickens and Lucinda figures some fresh laid eggs could work really for the school which the staff agrees with.
Zane and Ein got fused by accident and now are looking shocked making Aphron and Kawaii-chan to be mad at the person who did this as they both turned to Daniel who had both his hands in the air already meaning he didn't do it.
"This is weird."
"I don't like this! I want to unfuse right now!" They did unfused as it's a sword for Zane and TNT for Ein. He hated that one and cries in Aphron's arms shivering. Zane was please with being unfused as no one knows what Aphron and Amau looks like fused.
"We won't do ever unless it's a last resort really." Both said at the very same time together which is fully understandable really. Now poor Aphron had to calm Ein down about the wolf-sheep hybrid he created really.
"I loved that wolf-sheep hybrid! You could have rode it, Aphron!" Ein complains as Aphmau looks to both of Ein and Aphron as she comforts him over this lost. Ein made two more and somehow he had fully just tamed them as his two familiars really.
"Well, you got your wish. Let's go!"
"Yeah!" Both bolts making Rachel to laugh with Lucinda as this is too entertaining for them as Aphmau shouts for them to come back. It took eight hours for them to come back and had a lot of wounded people in wagons making many to leave it and let the police deal with this one.
"What's next for those two really?"
"No clue, Aphmau. No clue at all really." Everyone said as Aaron saw what Ein means and he unfused with Melissa making him happy to see a lot this thanks to her really which she was happy to help him out with.
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