Ein vs Aaron
Aphron saw Ein, a werewolf spying on the house after a year of calm and she recognized her mate making her to warn Mistress Lucinda about Ein spying on them only as it's both her and Amau's birthday coming up really making everyone to figure out what to do or what to get them really.
Once it hit July thirty-first, the party went off and the twins had fun as Amau got to know both Blaze and Daniel to make it fair as they got him a stuffy of themselves with their wolf fur in their stuffy-selves to let him know if he need help, squeeze the doll as Lucinda helped them make it really.
Amau kissed both on the cheeks making them to blush, but they smiled as Amau loved their very thoughtful presents as Aaron had noticed and can't wait for Amau to be with his mates as Aphron keeps looking out the window to her mate who's near, but isn't coming to the house really.
Derek got Aaron a job in the lodge in a forest making him to accept as Aphmau knows he'll be fine as Blaze will go keep an eye on him for Aphmau since she's their Luna and Alpha's mate/wife which has her blushing really which Aaron thought was cute making her to blush even more.
Aphron kept seeing Ein and she knows something isn't going to be right as he looks determined to have their mother making her to hope she can do the potion. Even if it took an hour to make, she was willing to get her mate if it's the last thing really.
Ein kidnapped Aphmau as Derek allowed Aaron and Blazed to look for her while Aphron was fully making the potion in secret as she needs to make it in time to have her mate now really. Aphron looks at the potion and made sure to have everything she needs.
'O.K, now to do the potion.' Aphron knows Amau is making his own to have both Blaze and Daniel to be with him as he is going to make sure their parents were hit with it to make a potion accident and that's why their younger really which will save their careers fully.
Aphron adds 1 gallon of goat's milk, then adds crushed Yellow Moonstone, stirring the goats milk while doing this before adding 2 lacewig flies and then stirring twice clockwise and five times counter clockwise. Both Aphron and Amau noticed it's been ten minutes since they started.
Sliced the knotgrass from top to bottom being careful not to slice the same spot twice then set aside to let the juices from the cutting come to the surface, then she added shrivelfigs by squishing them in gloved hands which she knows that this will be messy really.
"Let's just get this over with." Both squished the shrivelfigs in their hands making it to be very messy really. Rolling the knotgrass in gloved hands will help to get the remaining shrivelfigs off and to coat the knotgrass, so it won't wilt in the cauldron.
She added the knotgrass, then added leech juice and pomegranate juice as the steam should be purple after that one really. She crushed bicorn horn before she added 1 phoenix tear to crushed bicorn horn, then add to cauldron and stirred 15 times.
She added 1 Daisy root, finely chopped before adding 2 Sprigs of Fluxweed, stir once counter clockwise, 2 times clockwise before adding 2 Peppermint toads and 1 Chocolate frog using licorice wand to stir as it too will melt into the potion.
They lowered the flames and funneled the potion into a bottle and corked it making them to noticed that the hour was up about two minutes ago. Aphron was going to sneaked out since they have a lot of the potion secretly in a crate to keep them all safe.
She saw her mother as she noticed the clothing and that her eyes were different cause of a potion making her to hate this as both Aaron and Blaze were there making them to flinch at Aphmau's hashed words as only Aphron noticed it's because of the potion she's like this really.
Aphmau wore a blue tube top with blue arm warmers, a blue skirt with layers of frills, blue tights and white boots with blue ties while her hair is in a braided half ponytail. Aphron wasn't going to be liking this as her father can't fight her really and he got badly injuried from her.
When Aphron saw her mother's eyes, her mother's eyes are noticeably sharper than the usual eyes, a common trait in hero-turned-villain. This is due to her undying hatred towards Aaron under the potion. Aphron wasn't pleased and will punish her mate for this as she's not going to be letting this go by really.
Aphron gave Blaze healing potions to help her father as Aaron was shocked she would be here until he realized who her mate is and got the de-ageing potion already making him to sigh as he's going to be having a hard time accepting this until he heard how Aphron is going to make him suffer for his actions.
"Alright, just be careful. Think you can keep up with me?" Aphron smirks.
"I managed to keep myself hidden until now. What did you think my answer is going to be?" Which was enough to answer his question when she said it that way. Even Blaze agrees with her as he couldn't even smell her at all really.
Aphron follows her father and they had found Aphmau finally. She has a her knife hiding in a pocket that was given by Ein when he found out about him being healed and ready for round two making him to hit Aphmau in the face cause of this failure had made him pissed off.
Aaron's furies and his eyes glowed red under his bandana which shocked Aphmau, Blaze and Ein as Aaron let out a sound that was inhumanly really. Aaron went after Ein who was running away and Aphron was following them as Blaze is to keep Aphmau safe.
(AN: The fight is as the video, but Aaron throws him to the ground as Ein still has his wolf ears and tail)
Aphron shows herself and Ein saw her with a bottle making him to take it. Ein thought it would help him fight Aaron, but he was in pain before Aphron kissed his right cheek making him to be passed out as his wolf ears were flat against his head and tail was in between his legs.
The reason? There was a chocolate frog in the potion. Aphron's kiss had her magic flowing into it to counteract the chocolate poison as she didn't want him to be in pain since both of her and Amau's magic was very powerful and they can do about really anything with it.
'But we are responsible with it since we both know that 'with great power, comes great responsibility'. Ein was out cold and Blaze picked him up as Aphmau was shocked once she woke up and she wasn't going to allow it.
Until she saw how Ein was badly freaking out until he saw Aphron and hugs her, ears down and tail in between his leg. Aaron went into a coma and he hasn't woken up yet really making Aphmau to freak. Both Blaze and Daniel was going to stay with him and Amau might not see them for who knows how long.
It's making poor Amau to understand as he hopes his papa is alright. Aphron kept Ein close by to keep an eye on him as he seems to be looking for her as he can't fully understand why he's the same age as her; six-years-old.
Ein was fully scared and he wants this whole damn nightmare to end really. Aphron helped her mate and she dominates him making him to submit to her which works as he's a male Luna to her pack once she finds others to join which might be very hard to do really.
Amau is a Luna male more himself, so he joins his sister's pack as Beta to her really. Ein had Aphron know about Tatiana and Omega making her to give them the same potion and a Reversal spell on Tatiana making her a werewolf once more.
It's making them to thank her as they love their new Alpha which she doesn't mind really. Lucinda saw the de-ageing potions and she was surprised her two students had managed to follow the intrusions soo well making her to be happy, but she did have to punish them.
"We understand as we accept our punishment." Both Aphron and Amau said to Lucinda.
"But I had my reason really."
"I wanted to gift it to my mates when ready, teacher Lucinda." Lucinda can't fault him for that reason really.
"Can't blame Aphron to wanting to have her mate and you wanting to gift it to your mates, but you could have done it wrong and killed them instead really. Seems I would have to teach you potions now as there is some healing potions in those books and Aphmau will learn it, too.
Just don't mention your father. She's having a hard time right now." Both agreed, but Aphron will have to do some ground control and keep Ein away from her, but she saw him approached her two weeks later and Aphmau saw him. He did get over the issue of his age by then.
"Aphmau... I'm... I'm sorry for everything that I have done. I... I just can't figure out why father picked you over me to be Alpha. Why he picked you to care about more when I never got any? I was soo confused and furies really about it all. I just wanted to apologies to you." Ein left and cries in Aphron's arms that night.
"Shh, it's going to be alright now." Aphmau was shocked by Ein's apology, but she hugged him the next morning and thanked him making him to cry and hug Aphmau back making many to be happy as Aphmau is going to be alright now as Ein learns how to be a proper man from Eric which was fine.
Aphmau was sick and what no one knows is Aphmau was pregnant and soon, a new member of the Lycan family is going to be born really in eight months and two weeks from now making both Aphron and Amau to get the room ready as Aphron is a Seer really.
'Can't wait for the twins to be born really.'
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