Chapter 4
The four skeletons were still walking through the forest until their leader held up a hand to stop them. They were right in front of a pile of debris.
"I think this is where the skirmish was," SU-9224 stated. "Unfortunately, we do not have conformation of where the attacker went."
"Isn't there a village right next to this forest?" Asked SJ-3183.
Their leader stopped. "Huh. I never thought of that. Bones pull out the map-"
"I'm already holding that."
"....OK do you see a village right next to this forest?" SU-9224 inquired.
"Yep, east of this forest, in fact, were really close to it." Came the reply.
"Perfect. Maybe we can spy on them."
Brandon and the other two exited the library. They turned left. Then right. They passed houses until they were at the edge of the village. The three were silent the whole time. In front of them was just plain flat grass. No hills. Not one single living thing in front of the trio for a few hundred blocks. A lamp post was right next to them. Alex just noticed a wooden button on the pole. It was blending in with the rest of the pole.
"What does this do?" Alex asked pointing to the button.
"You'll find out." Came the reply Alex wasn't expecting.
Brandon pressed the button and 2 seconds later a 6 by 12 array of grass moved to the sides into other blocks of grass. (I know it doesn't make a lot of sense but it is not important.)
Under the space where the grass have been in was a staircase of stone bricks leading into a hallway.
Brandon started walking, then the other two followed.
"This must be the entrance to the lair." Steve whispered to Alex.
"Well what else will it be?" Alex replied.
When they were at the bottom of the stairs, there was an opening 25 blocks in front of them. When they were in front of that, Brandon turned to them and said "Welcome to the Guardians' lair."
The Guardians' lair was huge. It kinda looked like the inside of a factory. The ground was 78 blocks below them. And the ceiling was 38 blocks above the opening. And the opening was 4 blocks tall. In it was two conveyer belts carrying weapons and armor from the side that the Steve was on to the opposite side. Men in all sorts of armor were placing and removing the supplies on the ends of the belts. There was also a training section that took up almost half of the lair. There were anvils, crafting tables, and furnaces in various parts of the place. A few enchantment tables with bookshelves around them were on the sides. There were also brewing stands and cauldrons on the sides too. The left side had places where men mine.
In the center of the lair was a long table. Steve knew that there wasn't enough seats for every single Guardian. It must be for the important people.
Brandon turned to the left and went down a ladder that was right next to the opening.
"There's another ladder in the middle and on the right side" Brandon told them as he was climbing down.
Steve and Alex went down. The first person to meet them looked young. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. He was wearing iron pants and boots. His shirt was also blue and had random pixels of different colors in the middle of it. He looked like he was guarding, with his arms crossed.
He looked at the two and looked at Brandon.
"New villagers". Was all Brandon said.
The guy pressed a button right next to him and an alarm sounded once.
Alex saw a sign about the siren.
Any time the alarm sounds ALWAYS stop what you are doing.
When the alarm sounds once it means new people.
Twice means bad weather.
Three times mean meeting.
Four times mean village under attack.
So everyone stopped what they're doing and looked at them. There was silence. Then a lot of them started talking and saying things like "New ones? Cool!" And "One of them is a girl!" And other stuff too.
"Stop, stop, stop, shut up!" Came one voice. Everyone quieted down.
One guardian in full enchanted diamond armor came up to them. He had a brown mustache and fair skin.
"Hi, I'm General Johnathan Parker. I like being called Parker because it is a cool name. Kinda. I am the Grand Leader of the Guardians. If you haven't heard of me, I am a legend at sword fighting. And I'm not bragging. Right guys?" He looked at the others and they nodded. "Anyway I have 416 followers on Twitter.......wait that's not important. I have 7,396 men in the army. A few of them are girls. There is only 386 here because others are protecting villages. If we are going to have a huge battle with Herobrine, then we need all of the guardians. The last battle we had was two years ago.
Me, Notch, and Jeb fought Herobrine. The army of Notch and Jeb fought with us."
"Notch and Jeb are on your side!?" Steve asked in amazement.
"Yeah, but that very battle we lost a lot of Guardians. Herobrine's army was almost completely destroyed. Herobrine got really hurt and had to retreat, but he managed to kill Jeb. Now Herobrine is healing and Notch is still mourning the loss of Jeb. We haven't heard from him in awhile...........So you ready to join?"
"Woah, who said we are going to join?" Alex asked.
"You're minecraftians in Dullsville. You have to join."
"Why can't we live in peace?"
"But you guys can protect us."
"So you rely on us to keep you safe?"
"Yeah, you're the Guardians."
"Alright we need to do something about this." Parker said in a slight frustrated tone. Brandon whispered something in Parker's ear.
"Oh yeah. Alright. Watson. Joey."
"Huh?" One of them said.
"Take 'em out."
All Steve saw was Alex fall to the ground and then blackness
What do you think happened?
I don't care if there are grammatical errors, I need to publish more often.
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