Technoblade Origin Story
On the way back to Wilbur's house, Techno predictably fell asleep. In doing so, he missed saying good night to Tommy, which was only a mild disappointment. Phil, Will and Techno Why does Techno not vibe with the rest of the names as well :( ate some of the left overs in Wilbur's fridge before Techno just had to be asleep in that's instant. After tripping several times on the stairs, almost during in the shower, and barely managing to not miss the bed when getting under the covers, Techno was finally able to sleep.
Techno prods at the dry soil. What was he doing wrong?!? The book says he was doing everything right! Well almost everything... water evaporates instantly in the Nether, which is foiling his plan to be the best farmer who ever lived. This attempt was incredibly pathetic. Why does he even try?
Even I know potatoes don't grow in the Nether.
Just live in the Overworld, forehead
Just craft water
You missed netherrack!!!
Eat Gold!
The voices are kinda weird, sometimes helpful but mostly weird.
They do make a valid point, and he is referring to one of them not all of them. The Overworld...
The word just... sounds like a tangible dream. A place full of beautiful dangers, wondrous variety, incredible possibilities, with tales of fortune and rarity. To say the least, Techno was excited at the prospect of even being able to meet someone who had been there, even just for a second.
There were rumors, like always when someone is different, of his parents. Now here in the Bastions no one cares much about parents, you're born and taken care of by whoever give a crap about the next generation in that specific moment. He has heard, and read, stories of different social structures, but here it works, and that's all that matter to the Piglins.
Anyways, back to the rumors. His skin is a lot paler then most of the other children of the Nether. Which of course caused a lot of ... discussion amongst the elders of the this dimension. His features are a lot sharper then most, he is told, but the only glimpse he's ever had of himself is in the reflection of a polished gold bock.
The voices tell him he's an abomination.
Some days he believes them, the days when others refuse to look at him and even Hoglins run in fear. The days he cannot feed himself, the days lava looks inviting. They tell him his eyes glow red on these days. He is far to afraid to check if they are right.
Silky strands of... something grow on the top of his head. Even the way he walks defines him from the rest of his "brethren". He share just enough quality with them not to be punted off a cliff. Which is just fine with him. He would like to visit the Overworld before he dies, thank you very much.
And yes, the voices have brought up the Overworld before and then immediately laughed at him for attempting to figure out how to get there. But he has a fool proof plan, and by fool proof he means a plan only a fool could prove to be possible. He was definitely the right fool for the job.
He's seen structures rumored to have been portals to the other dimension. He has attempted to take one apart but when he finally broke one of the block, it had disappeared before he could pick it up. The voices mocked him with such ferocity that he had all most given up entirely. But one voice had suggested another ruin, one far more rare. One thought to hold grand treasure from the Overworld. He had actually found one not too long ago, and not to far away from the bastion that he lived at. The building was high up off the ground, unreachable by any normal means. But before he could figure out just how he was to get inside, strange flying fire fire creatures started shooting at him, scaring him off.
He would be going back tomorrow, armed with wooden ladders and a dream.
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