Screaming in the Lower Case
"You said they were parked around here?"
"Y-yeah... wait no. This... this doesn't look right."
Techno's panic! At the disco levels have risen to an all time high. Nothing looked familiar, his friends were no where to be seen and the darkness keep creeping in. What if they let me?
"Shut up."
"Oh s-sorry. I wasn't talking to you."
Jason, his stranger's name, just nodded taking the comment graciously as he surveyed the parking lot he lead Techno to. "Are you sure you guys didn't park here? Because I know of at least one more place."
"Yeah, I think there were more trees lining the lot."
Once again, Jason nods. Grabbing Techno's sleeve, he guides him in the opposite direction.
Techno quietly allows himself to be drag to where ever the other is taking him. He is honestly surprised he hasn't been murder yet. Jason could probably snap his neck easily... maybe that's why no one approached them? His companion did cut a pretty intimidating silhouette.
"There are people sprinting at us, are they the ones you were looking for?"
Low and behold, Tommy and Wilbur were sprinting towards him with Philza jogging behind then. Then thing he knows is a giant is crashing in to him and folding his arms around him. He could see Tommy bouncing up and down in his peripheral vision. He heard someone saying something, but he was to busy hugging Wilbur back to care.
Phil, the magic man he is, managed to convince Jason to join them on their search for lunch. Which just ended up as Wilbur leading the group, Philza and Tommy chatting, and Jason and Techno just kinda existing.
Techno nervously cleared his throat, "Soooo, thank you for saving from my own stupidity." Jason snorts and gives him a kind smile.
"Dude, ever since I offered to help you, you've either been apologizing or thanking me. Just relax, we've found your friends, they are happy to see you, and they don't hold you getting distracted against you."
Jason pauses, "Plus, I didn't kill you, so there is that." Techno laughs. A bit of silence, and then, "Do you want your jacket back?"
"Naw, you can keep it for now, you still look a little cold."
"... thank you"
The next stretch of silence was a lot more comfortable.
Techno was then hit, not literally, with the best idea ever. Turning to Jason, his voice lit up with excitement, "Do you want to see pictures of my dog?" Jason whirled to face him.
"Oh, h*** yes!"
He quickly asked to borrow Philza's phone because his was still in Wilbur's car. Scrolling though their dms, Techno soon found pictures of Floof. He really missed him. When he turned to show Jason, the other man made a little noise in the back of his throat.
"Why is your dog so cute?!? I really what to pet him."
"I know! He's so soft!" Techno said proudly.
For the next five minutes, they were gushing over Floof before, they realized the group had stopped a just second early trying to decide between a Taco Bell or a McDonald's.
Wilbur advocating for McDonald's, Tommy screaming at how much superior Taco Bell was, and Phil watching in mild amusement and the weary of a parent.
The pair regards the others for a few moments. "We would definitely go to Taco Bell."
Techno gasps, "You said you would take me to McDonald's!"
"That was only if we didn't find your friends, and we found them." Jason rolled his eyes.
He opens his mouth, realized Jason was right, closed it again, then crosses his arms like a child who didn't get what he wants. Both Phil and Jason laugh at him, Tommy and Wilbur still wrapped up in their own little world.
"In all seriousness, Phil, what is your vote?"
"Hmmmmmmmm, I think we should go with the choice of our guess of honor."
Everyone, including Tommy and Wilbur, turn to stare at Jason. Wilbur stares in to the man's soul, "Please tell me you were joking about choosing Taco Bell."
Jason just gives them a mystery and slightly terrifying smile.
"If you don't mind, I have a place in mind."
The rest of the group just shrugged.
"Sound good enough for me."
I honestly forgot about this fic...
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