I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream Because We are Traped. PLEASE HELP!
Turns out Tommy and Wilbur were fighting about the Vlog Gun. No surprise really. Will decides to "repent" and takes them all to a gelato shop. Not like Techno's body needs sugar, so this will be interesting.
"JoJo's Gelato? I like."
"Techno-blade, you are odd."
"Thank you, Tommy."
Wilbur sighs, "We should've got the car first." Phil laughs and replies with, "Come on Will! Walking is good for you," In that sort of patronizing way that only parents and older siblings could pull off.
Just had an inspirational "dream" with like IRL Techno in a skirt, and I- i don't know how to process. ~ morning of Dec. 15th, 2020 Anywaaayyyyyssss, back to your regularly scheduled program.
"After this we are going back for the car."
In unison Tommy and Techno say, "Agreed", Phil just laughs at them, and Jason just looks happy to be there.
Once all of them are satisfied with their gelato, they begin their trek back to the park.
Tommy's phone rings, he pauses, confused. His face lights up when he sees the caller id, "Guys, it's Tubbo!" Jason whispers to Techno as Tommy answers the call. "The f*ck is a Tubbo?" "It's a bee-loving child." Jason nods with a slightly confused look still on his face, "But I thought that was you."
Techno playful scowls at him, making Jason burst in to quiet giggles. Having friends is pretty nice. He should try to see them more often.
Tommy bounces up and down excitedly, "Tubbo and his father will be here tomorrow." Sighing, Techno says, "Great, now I have to meet two people tomorrow. Smh."
"First off, please never say 'smh' out loud ever again, it creeps me out. And secondly, Kristin and Tubbo are nice people, why are you so worried. You and Jason seem to get along just fine?"
"Well Phil, I'm glad you asked. I'm sure your wife is a lovely person, but if she is crazy enough to marry you, she is likely to threaten me with a knife. And Tubbo has in fact, threatened to stab me before. Jason has yet to pull a knife on me, so he is immediately better."
Wilbur giggles, "Yet, he says yet." While Jason gasps in mock horror, "I could never!" Tommy looks as if he had heard a word they said, still excited that he was to meet his best friend tomorrow. Phil, he just laughs like he always does.
When they finally arrive back at the car, all chatter stops. None of them want for this day to ever end. Jason reluctantly breaks the silence. "Well, I should probably get back to my hotel..." The second the silence was broken Tommy and Techno shared a look, lunged forwards, grabbed Jason's sleeves. Jason tenses, Techno barely even notices before he opens his mouth.
"Nononononononono, you cannot leave yet."
"Yeah! You are too fun!"
"Jesus Christ, guys let go of him."
"Yeah, can't you see you are scaring him?"
Techno ignores the advice of Philza and Wilbur and he desperately starts digging though Wilbur's glove box. Just a measly couple of seconds later, he turns around with a note pad and pen. Wordlessly, he starts scribbling down phone numbers, discord things, teamspeak things, many other things, basically any platform that had a communication aspect that any of the SBI reliably checked. This took a mildly awkward five minutes. But if Techno managed to make a friend out of this stranger, he would be incredibly happy.
Frantically ripping the page from the pad and shoving it at Jason, Techno nervously shifted his feet.
The longer Jason looked at the page, the bigger his eyes got, "I didn't even know some of these still or even ever existed." Tommy grins, still hovering around Jason. "The internet truly is an amazingly horrifying place," Wilbur says, finally relaxing a little. A small pause as they stare at Jason who is trapped in the wonders of Techno's writing.
"Soooooooo, what do you plan on doing tomorrow," Tommy is rocking back on his heals, with a happy smile plastered on his face.
Jason looks up from the page and studies them. Slowly, he starts to grin as well, "I was thinking about going to visit, Veinna, Austria again, but hanging out with you guys sound so much more fun."
Will fist-bumps Tommy, Phil giggles a little, and Techno's happy to have a new sort-a friend.
I did it :)
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