Burning, Passionate Fear
Kind of a gross thing in this one, sorry if that's not your thing.
A theme park. A FREAKING THEME PARK! This would not be a good day. Techno wondered if it was too late to ship himself back to the U.S. of A. Probably.
The only one who seemed to pick up on his little crisis was Phil, who pulled him aside and asked him about.
"Phil, my stomach is practically empty. If I so much as LOOk at those stupid rides, all of my guts will be projectile vomited out of my mouth."
"It's that bad, mate?"
Techno nods in conformation and wonders if Jason still had the bottle of Ibuprofen and if you could over dose on them. His mental and physical state were regretting existence. His stomach seizes in pain.
"Phil, I'll be honest with you, I feel like I'm dying."
Phil's face morphs from concerned to an expression of panic and determination. "Over here, sit in the car, don't close the door. I'll tell the other to go on ahead. I will be back in a bit." Techno goes to protest but he's already gone, and the feeling of throwing up is getting worse.
He slides out of the car's seat, onto the ground, and just sits there wishes Phil will just go have fun and leave him.
(A selfish part of him wishes they would all come back and comfort him.)
Techno gets neither wish, but Philza does come back and Techno feels slightly less sh*ty now that Phil was there. The man could probably get him out of a coma if he tried.
"Will's given me permission to take you back to the house, do you need help getting back into the car?"
He panics, realizing he would be missing out on the limited time where his friends are forced to actually hang out with him.
You are the one who was avoiding them.
... shut up
"I'm going to take that as a yes."
Philza gently grabs his arm, helping him shift back in to the seat of the car. When Techno is back into the seat, Phil buckles him in like his a toddler, and in all honesty he doesn't mind. He's feeling terrible and toddlers are terrible so in a messed up way, they are fairly close in comparison. What.... What was that line of thought? D*mn, it must be worse then I thought if it's messing with me this bad.
"Come on Techno, let's get you in the house."
Techno looks at him, his vision blurry. Phil places the back of his hand on Techno's forehead, "Jesus! Your burning up!" That doesn't sound good.
Techno does not remember falling asleep, or even walking up to the room he's been staying in, yet here he is. Still in his clothes, the only thing miss was his shoes and socks.
Just realized that they are all two inches apart. Wilber 6'5", Techno 6'3", Tommy 6'1", and Philza 5'11". Man, that's weird - evening of July 15th, 2021
"Do you think you could sit up?"
He turns and sees the face of the one and only Philza Minecraft. Techno responds as fast a he could with out puking his guts out,"Maybe?"
Phil helps him sit up anyways and asks him if he could stomach any soup at the moment. And um, no he could not, still felt absolutely horrible. So he will just sit there and suffer, but oh well.
So anyways, Phil force soup down his throat and now he is throwing up in the toilet. :| Like jeez, Phil. Let a man not eat when he wants to, gawdam.
"I'm so sorry, Techno! I didn't mean for this to happen!"
Techno slaps his leg, because shut up, Phil I'm trying not to die.
"Phil? Is everything okay up there?"
Oh and Kristin is also there to witness his pain.
Actually, no it's fine, Kristin's nice. She was the one to actually make the soup. How unfortunate that it was just a mixture of stomach acid and toilet water now. And now his head hurts, yay :/
And his mouth feels gross and his neck hurts. His eyes hurt, he hate this. If he had just.... Actually, no. No this is fine. He could have never predicted this. Everything with be okay.
"Yes, everything will be okay. Kristin is pick up the others now and you'll have a bigger support group."
Phil gently rubs circles on his back.
"Everything thing will be alright."
Sorry this kinda took awhile, and if this one is kinda out of the norm for this fic. It's because I've been trying to get back in the writing style of the first few chapters :)
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