Chapter 8
"Get back here!" They all scream, as I tower as fast as I possibly can. Obviously, I don't listen to them. They never listened to me when I said those words, so why should I?
'Cause they're gonna kill me, that's why.
"Leave me alone!" I shout down, building sideways one block so I don't hit my head. I manage to make it to the top of the ravine, and I don't hesitate to run.
Noticing a small pond, I grab the bucket, filling it with water and stuffing it back into my inventory. Thank god for Minecraft physics.
I dodge a few zombis, as I notice the light from a lava pool about twenty blocks away. I have the water, and the lava. Do I do it? I glance behind me, not seeing the hunters building from the ravine. Wherever they are, I have time.
I pull my pickaxe and a block of cobble out, getting to work quickly. Place a block, and the water creates obsidian next to it. Build a small pillar with one block hanging, grab the water and let it run down. Swipe up some lava-
"Ah, fuck!"
Slow down, that hurts, don't drop the bucket in the lava. More carefully, I create the rest of the portal, doing so a lot slower than I normally would.
I manage to finish the frame and pick up the water, before I realise; I don't have a flint and steel. Nor the iron to make one.
"Oh, you've gotta be shitting me. Of course I don't have extra iron! Why would my life be that easy?"
I let more foul language slip out as a spit of lava touches my leg, and I scramble to the safety of the grass. Surely the hunters wouldn't still be at the cave, I could go back and search for one for piece of iron. No, they'd see the portal and destroy it.
Ahah! Planks! They can light the portal! I place a block directly next to the portal and the lava, and another behind the portal, once more stepping back so I don't catch aflame.
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