Day 2 -- Multiplayer
Day 2: 6/6/19.
Multiplayer worked. I switched my block 2.2 from physical activity to computer games. John and a couple of friends had computer games for block 2.1 as well, so when I got there, the server was up and running. I went to get a computer but they were all dead. John cleared off a space in the table and let me use his other computer, so I didn't have to use one of his usb roms.
I think he got the school computers to work by using the usbs with unblocked Minecraft on them. The people there today were Alex, me, John, Max, Thomas, Bradyn, Tyler and Andy. Andy was playing on a different server and Tyler was watching over my shoulder for the majority of the time because he and Max both needed a usb and there was only one left and Tyler lost to Max in rock-paper-scissors.
I logged on and spawned underwater. I swam a little ways over to a swamp and am in the process of building a base. I haven't found coal or any ores yet, and I need to soon. The username I chose was SCREEEEEEEEE. Idk why. John is the only one with admin status and he coded in a kitten bomb (tag: KITTENBOMB) that launches cats that explode upon impact. He's also selling nukes from his treehouse for one diamond per nuke. John was also playing Minecraft songs/covers the entire time, starting with the entire fallen kingdom series.
The only downside to the server is that it's really laggy, but that might just be the surface I was using Landon's (one of my other friends) mouse on. Everyone's kinda in their own place and doing their own thing. Max and Bradyn are living together and Bradyn keeps dying in the Nether. John is in his treehouse, I'm in the swamp and I have no idea about anyone else.
Tomorrow, we're going to do all this again, but we won't need all the Ethernet cables and hardware because John has the usbs. He's going to make more Minecraft usbs tonight so more people can play.
This is working better than I imagined, and I can't wait for tomorrow!
^^Clockwise from left: Peter, Thomas, Bradyn, Alex's arm and John's arm
Left to right: Tyler in the back, Andy, Peter, Thomas and John's fingers
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