Day 1 -- Test drive
Wednesday, 6/5/19.
So today, my friends and I had this crazy and stupid idea to make a working LAN server for Minecraft using the school computers. The school computers actually suck, so I don't know how this is going to go. The current people in the LAN party are me, Henry (the sevvie), Max, Peter and John as the one who is setting everything up.
John brought a huge box of Ethernet cables, a tp-link and a bunch of other stuff. The link didn't have enough room to fit Ethernet cables for everyone, so we had to plug in an extension that had the sole purpose of connecting more Ethernet cables. Getting everyone on the Ethernet was a bit hard and I needed a bunch of help because I'm completely technology inept. John's abundance of cables are really old and may not work, as he found them in a recycling somewhere. There are like eight different cables and we took up two tables to get everyone on and to have room for the cables and hardware, and even then there wasn't enough room for everyone. Once everyone was on, John found a really sketchy and definitely illegal Minecraft launcher called SkaiaCraft_launcher and set up a link to it so we could all illegally download Minecraft. We all got it downloaded and then we had to extract the file and unzip it, but then the school's fortinet blocker kicked us and wouldn't let us run the suspicious pirated Minecraft and launcher.
So naturally, we're trying again tomorrow. John is going to bring a bunch of usb roms with Minecraft installed and unblocked so we should at least be able to play single player.
I really hope that we don't accidentally download a virus that makes all of the school's computer systems implode, because god help the tech guys.
From left to right: Henry, Peter, John, Max and I think Gus's arm
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